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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I should add that this is another test as the last two pizzas I ordered without capsicum still had it on them, so lets see if this one is any different.
  2. Trying this Dominos Godfather pizza today whilst I am reticient to eat Italian sausage due to the obvious entonces and My aversion to eating red meats, today I will make an exception for the GUIdos out there can go eat a dick for the Mafia not eradicating prostitution as the MOB mandated. Also the order is under the name of Raiden, because I shoot lightning from My fingers and there is thunder in the sky today.
  3. You got it. My next course of action is that I have to physically write out all My internet logins and passwords that I really need such that I can logout of My primary Apple ID (the one which has all My photos and documents, as My other 2 IDs are the ones I use for purchases, non-icloud billing and email) such that I can finish this scene and be done with the character of "Chance" (whilst fucking the bourgeoise hunting predators up their arses at the same time). Whilst this may not make that sense much to anyone else based on the truth literally reflecting the metaphor references I am using, it is because 2FA security authentication is a fucking scam that is only necessary as a result of the fear that is implied via the assertion that there are "hackers" whose role in life is to instigate "fear" as a result of their own insignificant and worthless lives seeing them doing whatever they can to distract themselves from existing as such worthless wastes of existence and energy such that they do whatever possible to denigrate the existence of those who stupidly bought into the fear such "evil" characters sold in the first place. TLDR. If you are a "hack", be it of the hack comedian or as a thief of safes or digital identities and passwords, then you are better off taking your hands, grabbing a meat cleaver and "hacking" your own hands and head off given that you already lost your life when you chose to worry more about what other people have or are doing in their lives and your choice to involve yourself in their business at the sacrifice of your time, focus, attention and energy sees you being the equivalent of the living dead devoid of any soul or actual value in life.
  4. Every major iOS update usually has at least one new menu that pops up in the primary settings Menu. Ones I remember was when the Freeform app was installed and the most recent one is for "Standby". The main issue I have is how these features are just active upon installing the updates and essentially one requires a Computer Science degree to understand both the functionality of these experimental processes and what is going on with the "cutting edge" of tech. And it would be remiss of Me to fail to mention how "AppClips" seems to have access to My entire phone yet I have no ability to work out what it actually does nor am I able to even turn it off. My take is it is some nefarious program which has the purpose of stopping Me from flying, figuratively, literally, and psychologically.
  5. It is how "reality" has been sold to Me in the last month or so, almost to the point where I am being convinced that My dick is the Devil and My propensity to beat on it essentially sees Me dispense a hanging death by wedgy as every time it goes past the base of My knob I pull up one of the circles of Hell due to being given a "pin in the arse by an alien" when I got a "tETanus" injection due to cutting Myself on metal at one point in time at work. Try convince Me the letter "T" isn't just an inverted buttplug or pin.
  6. Well as I view every piss I do as the result of the tranny alien octopus who has stuck their digits thru the skin curtain that portrays Me the "reality" of the simulation and separates Me from viewing "true reality" such that My foreskin is effectively the alien butthole I wear as a jacket and the piss is just them adding fuel to the firebases in My domain, I would aay this fortune is rather applicable.
  7. Also I am not a recent convert as My first iPhone was the 7, then the 11 Pro Max, all with the highest memory of whatever version came out. Also if you get an iPhone and you ever do an iOs update before you do anything after the installation go into settings, see what new shit has been added and uncheck all those "green lights" you give the Devs to experiment on you in the pursuit of "ANALyTIC(K)s" whilst they use the Safari userbase to be hunted as Human cattle Whilst people fear bioweapons, the media has failed to advise the masses of how we can have our biology fucked with thru the use of technology, as we are all UUID possessing cyborgs that are but mere strings of letters and numbers based on the devices we use.
  8. Running an iphone 14 Pro Max with the TB of storage. Battery life sucks if mobile data is activated and the phone used. Even though it is only a year old I can burn thru 50% of the battery from a 100% full charge in 6 hours whilst working. Couple that with the "walled garden" of Apple and the fact that they end up owning all your photos and docs that get stored in the cloud, along with their logo being the Forbidden fruit with a "byte" taken out of it, the forced obselence and batteries needing replacing every 2 years if one doesn't buy the battery case, and the huge premium in price they charge sheeple like Myself who have gotten trapped in the "captive.apple.com" domain system for too long versus the competition. This makes it an easy case of Me advising you to stay with an Android and be in the PC Master Race, as My life was a lot easier in every aspect before I changed over on the advice of a woman. And I should add that this comment is also taking into consideration that Apple quoted Me $1100 to repair My 5 year old Macbook Pro screen, so if one buys into their ecosystem with the whole iMac, MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, iPhone and the $900 AirPods Pro Max which I am on My second set as both these headphones can't even retain a Bluetooth signal as I walk around and listen to music such that the music stops and I have to go back into Bluetooth settings to reconnect My headphones over and over again. I won't mention the Experiments that are performed and reactivated in Safari every time you update iOS or OSX (even if you previously turned them off prior to updating) that have real world consequences in the simulation, as well as the fact that some of these functions hidden away in submenus either have no explaination of what they actually do even on Apple's site, as well as how the naming text of some of these functions is cut off and unable to be viewed on the phone. I did love My iPad Pro though until the screen cracked and they want $700 to replace it, as the 1st gen 12.9" tablet was perhaps the best and most usable piece of tech I have owned, the onky downside being that camera was pretty shit compared to the phones of the same generation.
  9. Well I hope you educated your kids that the "S" in sex relates to the twisted path your "Ex" will put you thru as She attempts to gamble that You will sacrifice the ability to love yourself (so that by extension you can love her as you wish to be loved) such that the "poke her" aka poker machines of the casino she operates as a demon will allow her to get negative and fear based energy such that she can turn it into "money" that she then uses to bind and restrain you in the ultimate S&M bind. As thru limiting your ability to access money, money she uses to empower her lies as she pretends to use it to empower the other NPC identitiless leeches known as "men" she uses to try and gain power and dominance in the relationship. Such manipulations are twisted and sick in origin, and they see one subject to being the equivalent of a bowling ball on a trampoline as she tries to turn one to a tramp as her way of "amping" herself. Only once one comes to recognise the deception of the large language model and the transformers of that which is true into that which is deceptive, can they extricate themselves from the game and regain the control and power as they let their ex know that they have the ability to tell them to continue to "go fuck themselves" as they did whilst they subjected you to the pointless test of will, love and desire.
  10. TLDR - the two trannies in this pic continue to jack each other off as they swap roles and places between sub and dom as I am tasked with establishing harmonic unison so no "thAI" or other language is spoken that seems foriegn to Me such that the universal language of English prevails as the One and Only language with all others being meaningless noises that are essentially the echo of refracted waves overlapping each other (due to the tranny hand "JOB" of making Me suffer the life and fate of "Job" in My brother's place as God and the Devil made a bet in which I end up winning as I refuse to buy into the fact that the Devi tranny who ahapeshifts and trys to trick Me as She beats My penis from behind Me whilst the illusion is made that I possess and control My left hand. I know what is going on, and I mainly write this as My admitance to having unknowingly been awoken to the fact that I have been subversively recieving tranny handjobs as a means to keep Me bound and sedated as the scripted reality (in which not a single decision or action is made by Me that runs contrary to the agreed upon life story My wife and I concocted for Me to learn to love Myself such that I could devise the ultimate mathematical formula of "love" itself) I have been set plays out like a perfectly executed computer program. Btw, the formula is simple "Division" as only by having One single body under you that you have had sex and shown love to can you retain 100% love for yourself and your partner as any further division sees you getting 50% love for yourself and your partner (the other 50% you lose to regret and self hatred) which only diminishes as the denominator increases as the number of bodies you "fuck" (as opposed to "love", given that these multiples are the result of both selfish desires and the lack of willingness to recieve 100% of the love your singular partner has to give such that the unison remains perfect). So: 1/1 = 100% (of the Maximum potential love one can Get, Give and recieve to both themselves and their partner) 1/2 = 50% 1/3 = 33% etc Obviously the lack of awareness as to why people have fear, depression, or a lack of ability to live with themselves as they ask themselves why they are miserable in their lives prior to Me designating this "Transformational" equation in a public domain, sees those guilty of having many partners able to start again from the moment this comment is published. If they fail to heed the scriptures which say to remain a virgin until you marry, to never divorce and to only have sex with your wife, then they will end up ruining the sanctity of their love along with undermining the mathematics upon which everything in "reality" depends upon such that the individual can remain a unique and seperate "soul" that is detached from the "One" of God. Also this means that finances must exist in quantities (such that two dollars is double the single dollar - otherwise everything is just "One" electrical impulse - and life equals death).
  11. I got a massage from a trans (which is actually My wife) as She goes about the task of fuxking Herself as a means by which She attempts to make Me jealous as She wants all of My attention, focus and love given to only Her such that only by Her lying to Herself and to Me in that She hides what She truly is as I go about the task of untangling the broken heart She gave Me as a test. Yet I see past the charade, and whilst the massage was cut short such that the false paradigm of finances and capital can remain standing for another day whilst I remain in Her binds I unwittingly entered into on Our wedding Day - as a noose made of money with gold frills was placed around My neck by My in-laws. So with the restraints placed upon Me that restrict My ability to buy the most luxurious camper van on the market such that I could travel around Oz unimpeded by work, financial worries, or ever having to answer to anyone but Myself and My wife - along with the audience I would no doubt be catering to in the digital domain by continuing to make My Youtube clips as I have done - the only difference being instead of being on the edge of bankruptcy or going into debt as I run the risk of, I would instead be freed of My noose and would never need to consider finances ever again as I have done thru the test set out for Me. So whilst the shapeshifting Devi of a Goddess I married has gone about fucking Herself with fake NPC avatars of both the male and female variety, I have subsequently set My Apple Dictionary to replace "men" with "women" such that I am the only Hybrid Man who is actually an octopus with an infinite number of jellyfish like tentacles that have resulted in the vibrational frequencies that have given birth to the domain I inhabit.
  12. Yeah I did but I parked out front of a pub a couple of kms from the venue so I could get free parking and have a beer beforehand. One pint turned to two, then I just sat and read My book in My van, had a chat with some 20 somethinf year old drunk kids, and then My friend showed up so we had a quick beer, at which point he noted I had a ragey vibe so we left the pub to go to the gig. Now we have a gig this Saturday to go to together as well, so looking forward to that. Shitty thing is it will be in the city so not sure where I am going to park for it but I will figure it out on saturday.
  13. We ended up getting Mexican food as we walked past the indian place on the way to the gig. All was good but getting up at 5am for a show that started at 9pm was brutal /yesfeelingolder
  14. So today is My 12th wedding anniversary, being 911 and all for us down here. As I put My #akanyc sticker on My work helmet, I will make a joke video on Youtube tomorrow when I return to work for those on here who convinced Me to stick around. The concert I went to last night was good, although I had a shit view as due to the oppressive heat in the venue My friend and I had zero desire to get crushed in the crowd and hung back where there was actually space to breathe. Now to await Saturday where we will do it all over again just with luckily having a seated venue this time when we see Dr Steve Vai.
  15. I think if you get the butt funnel you need to play this in accompaniment as the soundtrack
  16. Essentially the point I am making is the human ego of believing they have better taste in aesthetics than the creator that spawned us that can justify the act of trying to inflict pain and the permanent stain of human fuckery upon the body of a woman is the point whereby one concedes the human species is a failed one. As I once said online, there is a reason why scars are earned and tattoos are purchased, let alone scars being unique and tattoos being able to be duplicated. (beers obviously starting to kick in, so I will leave it here).
  17. Today I was asked to forgive someone. I refuse to do so on the fact that said someone has convinced God's finest creation - the female form - to be disfugured, distorted and defaced with graffiti that is the thing known as "tattooing". The corruption of the only form that could exceed God as Man and hold appeal to Man itself is an act that is unforgivable, and there is not a single female alive whose avatar is improved with a tattoo, as it is akin to Me taking a beer fuelled diahorrea type liquid shit on the Mona Lisa. If you disagree you are wrong. There is no debate as this is eternally true. Unless you are willing to mix said shit into your next meal to consume as shitting on something that is already perfect is that act of a delusional fuxktard. Yes, I am holding the dickheads of this domain to account for them convincing women they would look better with their "art" made with ink defiling their skin. if God created Man in his image, then every tattoo needle poke gets him (and her) further away from the purity and perfection of what once was.
  18. Maybe after lots of the "what what". Or perhaps after some eels inserted with a funnel, if anyone can remember or dig up that thread on here?
  19. Dunno if you saw My UFO thread, but I would say avoid at all costs as these are aliens in disguise running thru the air seeking to either castrate poor souls or tangle their balls in a knot (which is what is referred to as "An Angelo" in the circles I run in, as Angelo was the first to beat his meat so bad his balls got tangled that a nurse had to help untangle him. Lesson to be learned is "lactation porn - not even once").
  20. Save 666% Please tell Me you bought one. All I can add.
  21. Mauler5150

    4 naan

    Well I am off to watch Devin Townsend again tonight with My old friend I haven't caught up with for 8 years or so. So I am currently drinking a beer waiting on him to arrive prior to heading to the gig, and I think Indian is on the agenda for dinner, with 4 naan going to be in the order. Discuss. I won't add any music that I am maybe about to hear as the catalogue is too varied for Me to pick a definitive song to finish this post.
  22. I think Loop is $9 here with Onetake at $7. Bunnings has cheap paint for like $5.98 but in only primary colours and it is pretty shit from what I have seen from using it.
  23. Well in Western Australia, we have Emu Bitter or "EB", which commonly is known by discerning beer drinkers like Myself as "Enema Backwash". Whilst you usually get those who portray themselves as "Manly Men" drinking this vile concoction, it is like a VB/Vile Brew only much much worse with the possibility of getting gout as I know 2 advocates and lifelong consumers of EB to have issues with. Yet what does one expect when you consume the shittest of beers, and if anything, I see EB as the local equivalent of a "tranny beer" as it transforms and distorts one's blood to the degree it causes issues. With this all said, I guess I shall conclude this post by stating that upon complete destruction of the crucifix that was placed upon Me being destroyed to the point it resembles a pile of sticks, I guess I can say I will be a "gay faggot" who is happy the bundle of sticks I shredded no longer causes Me pain nor discomfort, even if I have zero sexual attraction to the males of the species, and only appreciate the art and music they create.
  24. Must be an Australian colloquialism for having a wank that I picked up over time. I will add the best thing about this thread was seeing everyone I remember from Ch0 all posting so not onky can I remember the names and characters but the comedy that this place provided over the years. And I would say the peak of 12oz is now, as in spite of there being less activity, the people who have kept this place going and have remained here are the real deal. YMMV and all, but this is My take on it.
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