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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. had a female yesterday try to imply she was able to control me with voice commands. Said female also happens to share a name with one of my guitars that is stored at my mums and is currently in C# tuning with 10 gauge guitar strings. given her bitchy nature towards me should I go and purchase the heaviest gauge strings possible and tie that bitch the fuck up or should I get the lightest gauge strings possible so I let that bitch free to go bother someone the fuck else as I'm sick of a worthless Cunt like her telling me to shut the fuck up if that's the only value she indicates she has to me in this world? What would channel 0 do? oh sorry this song might help decide what I think of the trembling frightened girl telling Me to STFU.
  2. If there's one thing I hate in this life is the fact that the PCH is designated with my birthday is the 405 That was a recent connotation on discovery I made and I guess it's accomplishment to know that I bypass LA when I last wrote on it due to the douche bags that congregate there Along with those in my town to try to call me an arsehole failing to realise that they're the shit that I produced
  3. So I guess my litmus test now as to the value of a human is dependent upon their screen name on this message board along with associated post history or what they've come to gift to me as a means of reparations Less they prove totally worthless beyond being meaningless and arbitrarily worthless noise
  4. I also discovered The only thing that can defeat me is a steaming pipe And given that such a pipe must be self-administered (given I am a JOHN as I Jerk On Heaven’s Nutsack) I'm pretty much immortal now. If @Manute Bolwas still here, he too would laugh too at The pissant soldiers around me trying to talk tough. Because I don't need to cooperate with anyone as fuck them all with a steaming Brown rice filled pipe of heroin up their stupid arses if they are bitches who don't post on this board and own their statements in public along with the accountability that comes with such boldness and then they are a bitchass punk whose mother hates them as they are nothing & no-one to me.
  5. I finally signed my hidden name as revealed by God is chief of the tribe on my work documentation this morning so I said now that no one people know that I'm back there's no more fucking around less I cut the head off a bitch
  6. Actually had a really Pleasant day today even though I worked. If only because I was able to educate and show you a colleague of mine that was a female as to why there's no other man on earth I'd rather be other than me given I can provide physical evidence of heaven and hell in the form of two images while smoking those who are you flying to know one side or the other
  7. As Bruno would say a beer a day keeps old-age away Also helps if you throw alcohol in a fire it burns harder and brighter such there any cigarette smoke I think they can smoke me I'll burn the fuck out of them without remorse
  8. Also shout out to Rob Sindermann Who's name is featured on this pub for making some cool art on the ESC album
  9. I only learnt about this I would you to Mark Portnoy of Dream Theater recommending it I still yet to listen to it I just thought the album title was pretty funny Okay I'll check out the link that you posted
  10. Affectively the greatest gift I ever gave myself was the ability to tell the world I prefer for it to go back to a blank white construct as opposed to existing in its current form whereby all inhabitants are slaves
  11. I guess I learned the true definition of a bitch today is the person who dominates supplied to only for them to be so scared of relinquishing they can only ever know half the story because they're scared little bitch how do you say relinquished control it wouldn't be shared equally as a result of them abusing their position of dominance through the one who chose to meet first because they were fearless knowing their submission came at the Christ of testing whether the inferred dominant where's the scared little bitch who would abuse and Contravene the golden rule via the acts of abuse of the role of dominance
  12. you can't have someone there around their mouth tried to talk shit insinuate that they have control when the ultimate arbiter of judgement is me and has the one who was wrong I will never forgive ever and in rewriting the dictionary such that someone's name now MeMe is the ultimate derogatory term ever due to their heart being subzero frozen cold Such it will never beat again My work here is done
  13. I assume so based on my Limited sample data whereby the only cricketer I know actually had a decent sense of humour I guess you can extrapolate the fact I would usually avoid people who think either whacking balls with a bat or standing around in the sun for literal days on end waiting for a ball to fall your way so you actually have something to do in between watching some other man rub a rockhard cricketball on his balls tells you all you need to know in respect of answering your question. and if that didn't make it clear enough as to what I think of cricket just remember India and Pakistan love this shit and we see how their economies and societies have turned out
  14. It should be noted that dwellings being erected here are average hence why I price them accordingly and while I advocate Minimalism in respect of living quarters what I personally need for myself is an entirely different beast so anyone who chooses to raise a child and provide them a domain free of tamperers Or at the very least our yard is sufficiently sized fact that the kids could run around the backyard as opposed to running into a back fence and taking one or two steps in either direction Also are used to work for affinity windows putting together such frames as depicted here is my speciality being arches
  15. sorry for the text placed back on topic come to check out this new development whereby the next batch of 600 to 700 K dog kennels are being erected whereby children either sit inside and play video games or be fed to the wolves in the form of the child predators It look beyond protected walls as consumption of any social media stream on any major platform can verify
  16. To truly understand you have to visit this place and immerse yourself within the environment starting with going down to any license premises with a TAB attached to it to reek in the desperation of the type of hopeless individual that congregate tolerate and advocate memberships of such clubs as a result of a bunch of scared apparently grown men needing to ban together to postulate that they are to be feared for what they represent as opposed to what they are. Lonely are the brave motherfuckers and club members are bitches via association. Unless you have the balls to wear a patch signifying alignment with the dirty dozen that congregate on his website and you are nothing but a house cat and I am but a lion in comparison With this said I should add I buried my skull and bones patch ala the 12oz Momento Mori patch at pyramids beach I dare someone to find it
  17. i've never actually seen this movie yet only now after the decade and a half of seeing this image for 12 Oz memory see the guy resembles Angus from AC/DC and I can't unsee it.
  18. I try My best The funniest part about it is the very first time I was classified as technically homeless with nowhere else to go I parked up at Woodman point and stay there without issue boiling in the heat so it will always have a personal sentimental value that goes beyond those red and black VHS casting tapes owned around the turn of the millennium.
  19. I talk shit about my old man Yeah little Jesse is like this show Mr bAIN is watching out for me Good luck unravelling that riddle less you be peeping my posts of today.
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