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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I really need to start proofreading the process that I Dictate a little harder less I do sound like a generative AI
  2. Can I bring my box by any means mate I understand we're all in the cage it is the size And location of it the differs.
  3. Another day another beach for you this time north see you then. Reno surfing for me today though
  4. and congratulations on 17 years man that's a lifetime for some have you quit alcohol completely or do you have the occasional singular beer or something?
  5. and 2:37 am here as I write this because the beach I'm staying at had a house party across the road such that they woke me up at midnight after three hours sleep and I decided to move to another spot and can't get back to sleep so apologies if whatever I dictated above doesn't make sense
  6. it's funny you say that we were all pieces of shit and yet as I have temporarily increased my alcohol consumption not to excessive levels but to where I was having 2 to 3 pints a day due to venue hopping to show you all different areas of Perth and reconnect with my younger self and experiences I had as the locations bought them fresh to mind I noticed an increased in the intensity of my negative emotions and the venomous comments or critiques of this world I was making. Alcohol for me I could do without although I truly do like and appreciate the taste of beer. And I also like to magnify and intensify my emotions via the use of substances temporarily such that I can lower myself down to get closer to the experience and perception of the common man even though I fail to understand or rationalise why they are the way they are. I've gone years without drinking any alcohol with no issues so it's not as if I can't do it I just choose whenever I feel like it knowing that is not a problem for me as I've only drunk to excess to where I could feel it the next day once in the past eight years. looking back on my past post on here I'm still relatively the same in respect of my viewpoint on many things and yet with my emotions being so dynamic whatever environment I'm in at any given moment I adapt my perception to truthfully reflect whatever it is I perceive positive or negative and whilst I will use sweeping generalisations of things I critique it isn't based entirely on the actions of one individual but rather repeated exposure to the same character type such as the pattern recognition is formed and my judgement is decreed if that makes sense. What's the best way to go back and view the post I made and say 2007 to 2008 given last time I tried it in a search nothing came up for some strange reason?
  7. I also forgot to mention the toolbox the coolant another fluids needed in an emergency that also are something necessary. I mean if you just saw how much volume is in my rainproof coat you can get why there is no point spot cleaning unless I evacuate everything out and risk the public that lurk around helping themselves to it whilst I am inside the van cleaning. I could go bush which I tried once and you could not find an isolated spot devoid of any people to do this yet when I do that I risk ants bugs and spiders crawling into My clothes and such so it isnt worth the risk. Part of the reason I'm always travelling around alone and really share close company with other people because they are unable to handle and deal with the attention that accompanying me brings due to my level of infamy as “The Paradigm of Carefree Living“ as My Myspace name came true to life At the pub yesterday I had a funny conversation with a young guy who lied to Me initially boasting he had his own place and all this stuff etc yet I Found out you still live with his parents which is understandable at 23 yet when he told me he had his own house I said oh that's good so you go home each day into the same for wall of the bedroom Which remain static and in place almost like a prison where as I have the freedom to move around every single day due to the compromises I am willing to tolerate for such a luxury. if one saw my post in the shit I want thread as to where I would like to put down roots primarily a street bearing my surname I'm pretty sure it's understandable that that would serve as a central hub to store stuff whilst I could revert Revert the purpose of the van back to its original form yet finances and the slavery neccessary to obtain significant amounts of it as well as my desire to seek money as my priority at the sacrifice of my freedom to spend time at the beach doing what I want or travelling around showing his board how I see myself and my city at its peak preclude me from doing so.
  8. It also probably doesn’t help matters when I walk around town doing a combination of the Vince McMahon strut the Dune II style sand walking and krumping whilst playing Prince of Persia with 5 dimensional unseen traps and an army coming to dethrone the King as the only Man with the balls and style to have rocked 12oz hats and attire as well as paint their work helmet Gold with an AlsoKnownAs sticker front and center like a true King would.
  9. I I should add I do have all the products and everything sandbag my room wallpaper with vinyl as well as rustproofing coating using fish oil and sealant primer as well as floor coating and window coverings along with casual and HiVis work gear, boots, shoes, sandals and food, drinks and a fridge. When I bought it it was set up for a simple weekend getaway vehicle amd it was perfect for that function as opposed to a MOBile ApartMENt and art gallery with Zolo and other pleasure inducing and BDSM itemz on wheels as El has become.
  10. The primary function of it is the serve as a spot that I can adhere my van keys to so I am easily able know where they are always and it's a lot easier to find a key that attached to a big monstrosity of an item as it currently is as to find a tiny metal key amongst the thousands of individual things that can potentially bury them at any stage. Having to contain ones entire life so one is able to exist and experience all weather types, whilst having devices to watch things on, a 7 foot surfboard and a guitar with backpack case in a 2 x 1.7 x 1.5 meter container that also has a channel for the bed mattress makes it pretty easy to misplace keys especially if I ever have to park on any angled surface. The crazy thing is my brother has an electric scooter for me to use at yet I am already out of room as it is to store it & given the scum in this city I cant get a rack to attach it or a mountainbike to the outside until I move south and end up in a small town where everyone knows everyone. and the thing that I can't tangibly communicate to anyone is I'm affectively famous to a degree I cannot explain your arrangement anyone to be able to ascertain the ramifications of such that I'm really in a position where by I can extract my whole life back to the bear shell to sort it out and get the structure necessary to make the jigsaw puzzle fall into place Which would also allow me to renovate clean and do all the little things that become a meaningless to someone Who seeks to spend majority of the days at the beach getting sand on their feet and shoes such that cleaning My van OCD style like I did My Veloster and the BMW and Merc I had whilst married is mostly a futile exercise.
  11. No name for the Zolo beyond whomever has ran their mouth talking shit about Me fuelling the sentiment of getting them to STFU. I shall clean the van which was initially the plan today yet got put off due to experiencing life as opposed to caring about completing the one obstacle to My ultimate happiness I have domain and control over. Sometimes delayed gratification is more satisfying you know what I mean especially when it involves karmic retribution and you think Noah had time to fucking clean the Ark completely.? as for round one next year it's pretty much becoming equivalent of Mr Tis chain when it's finished I may go through each piece of it and describe what the requisite components consist of the meaning behind it yet you're doing so it would require fucking hours of exposition and Exclamation exclamation explanation to describe what the requisite component all total to Which is something that is 100% unique never able to be duplicated and the reason why the motel logo has a red multipoint star around it because no one else will ever really get it No matter how many increments of time I utilise towards trying to convey the forbidden knowledge of love of which only I possess As the final arbiter and judge of whether anyone else has ever experienced it based on their treatment of Me thru what they give through and say to meand provision of providing my freedom From financial obligations forever
  12. Fin. 75033551111__692EF822-535E-4FD0-9C2F-041FEE9A1824.MOV
  13. best $120 ever spent 75033422747__732B092D-7256-4BDB-90A1-B3ED18E3017E.MOV
  14. 75033295839__1A1432B7-EDBB-499D-A440-BE7D1126D9AC.MOV
  15. If it isn't obvious by now I don't live my life vicariously through other people as they're too busy enjoying my own Comedic existence to care about people that play with balls for a living so I'm not up to date on any current sports person's name in Australia beyond RAYGUN And he's only because of this forum. 75033226826__F40851BF-FC1F-44B9-8CB1-27E5F699FDE8.MOV
  16. Hope this is a jersey of Tiny Pinder’s kid given that the former Wildcat is a convicted rapist and probably isnt the best name one could choose to adorn their back, just sayin. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-05/former-wildcats-player-tiny-pinder-admits-assaulting-woman/102272312
  17. I shall just keep exposing the scum that make this place have the degnerate reputation amongst the local suburbs with impunity given I couldn’t care less if they died immediately as they truly offer no value beyond being a source of mockery now he is sad his boyfriend took off sucking a ciggie butt instead of this maggots cock
  18. The town bike was just bent over waiting on his boyfriend there to mount him
  19. Can someone on here remind me to go back to the cables where is he back at some point in time if they Sense me getting furious? 75033121314__D1379736-EECE-4706-A759-192C6F3EB91C.MOV
  20. Stopped off at the church to get directions to a beach I'm not sure if I've ever been to and gone in the water to try something new yeah it is also sharing a name with a famous Hawaiian beach so go figure
  21. When she got my facial hair removed and ask for a Hitler question is did she do a good job? Also headdress inspired by this image because men get no physical love or sexual or carnal satisfaction from me.
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