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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Someone needs to photoshop a forklift driver with oversize jeans and a bloodshot alcoholic red DAO face screaming as they scoot around a factory, perhaps with a legendary SIK K piece on a box being carried by the forklift just to make this thread complete. Those who use the AI image generators, go to work.
  2. Also, having worked some shitty gigs the past few years, peak posting TPWF era DAO was the online incarnation of some of the forklift drivers I worked with, only booze infused as opposed to the hungover variety I had to deal with as a shitkicker. Makes so much sense in retrospect.
  3. I thought you were gonna fullon be an onion fan, but glad to hear I am not alone on hating the taste of onions to the extent we both do. The reason I said "Fuckwit" was due to the double entendre of us in Oz calling people "Fuckwits" similar to how we call people "cunts" with either of the duplicitious love/hate implications and thought that if I was to order a cheesesteak and use "Fuck wit" as in "Fuck that, I don't want none of that gross onion shit on My food you fuckwit" I wonder how it would be interpreted. Thanks for clarifying though, at least I know if I ever go back to the US and end up in Philly for whatever reason, I no to tell them "Fuckwit" when I order a cheesesteak as I mean it with the interpretation above of only tasteless fuckwits having chessesteak (or other foods) "with wit".
  4. I am kind of glad you confirm this to be the case. I view those who speak "retard" as being those who are unable to pronounce words correctly and this seems to be the case here as it is with those who verbalise "ight" instead of "right" or "lil" instead of "little". Speaking or spelling in "retard" isn't to be commended on any level, as it just reflects a lack of intelligence, effort, and respect for the purity of a language that was developed by generations of people much smarter than any of the retardspeakers who only do nothing but denigrate all the effort that gas gone into our universal language of English that I feel reached a zenith with the American spelling version of words. And given I exist and come from a country whereby an O is added to people's names that we shorten and butcher, I still feel there exists a difference between how we Aussies augment language and call people names like Shaneo when they are just Shane is different to the retardspeak I refer to above. While many may debate this fact, you have to admit that My "retardspeak" observation has merit as it not only corrupts and augments language to where it is only understandable to other "retards" who would argue that the Tower of Babel was the best idea ever given it lead to this world whereby we now actually glamorise and celebrate retards (using the Predator faced fool bearing the moniker Lil Wayne as an example). And I wouldn't order a cheesteak with onions as I despise them in anything but spagehtti source whereby they are so diluted in taste that they are unrecognisable, so what would I need to say to get this to be the case? Would I have to speak "Fuckwit and Fuckwiz"?
  5. Again it makes My point that these rappers can be easily mimicked and replaced with AI that far exceeds their abilities. Their value is effectively worthless at this point. So until AI can get the ability to even model hands to the extent it can replicate playing instruments such as the guitar and keyboards, "real" music shall always prevail as the dominant genre as opposed to this artificial garbage.
  6. You can call them a "poon". Not sure how common this is, but we discovered it from a guy named Murphy who was from North of the River here and when us SOR guys heard it we used it incessantly calling each other "poons". The meaning of "poon" is to describe a "seat sniffer" with a "bike poon" used to describe someone who smells bike seats after they have been ridden.
  7. As an Australian, I hated America for it's tipping bullshit. Make the price the price (with tax built in so I know what the fuck things actually cost) and pay people an actual living wage. Works in the rest of the fucking world so why am I bombarded with thieves in My pocket anytime I attempt to do anything in America as soon as I open My mouth and speak? These days I only tip the Asian busker guitar player chick in the city with whatever change I have on Me that day, or hotel cleaning staff in places I stay for 3 or more nights although I should stop doing this given that similar people took a newly opened bottle of My favourite cologne one time and i paid fuckers pistage costs ($50 or so at least from memory - this was 2011) at the Rembrandt hotel in Amsterdam to send Me the suit and tie I only ever got to wear once ever (at the Monaco casino whereby I trippled My money and gambled all night only to have the peasant French croups bitching about Me and the wife winning as tgey called Me kangaroo and shit).
  8. Do Americans ever use the phrase "Give us a ganz"? (Ganz = gander)
  9. Got the same story from Me being on wayyyyy too much amphetamine tablets and booze in the Windmill in Soho London. Said story might be detailed in My travel thread from 09 on here if anyone wants to verify, but it was fucked as after I had to get My suit jacket back after said bite saw Me ran from the place before security could kick Me out but they (the Bouncers and the Boss known as "The King of Soho" who we met at some point during that night who recently died the past few years) wouldn't let Me back in and My best mate said I missed the best part where all the girls came out at once and performed a choreographed routine whilst the Brazzo stripped I was temporarily in love with no doubt tended to her sharkbitten nip I left her. I probably blew £200 by that stage as I was ratfaced enjoying the last night of the trip before the horror flight back to Oz. Memories.......
  10. Sounds like you are speaking in tongues with that lingo. So you like onions but not cheeze wiz when you indulge in a cheesesteak if I am reading that correctly?
  11. Yet what is "wiz wit"? Is it an actual ingredient name, or is it is uttered by someone with a speech impediment which was adopted as common lingo, as it sounds like the wrong way around to Me. I know I probably made this remark in the walls of red text days and probably got AHA-d for it but this is an outsider's non-biased perspective.
  12. Watched the entire channel and was more entertained than I was by the new Planet of the Apes movie I watched just prior at the cinema. Finally an Irishman that makes Me proud of the heritage that isn't a smooth as shit talking, alcohol peddling fighter with bad tattoos or Liam Neeson. Because you know what I mean.... I will note that the Steven Seagal video came up in My feed a while back yet I never watched as I thought it was going to be just another stock music track playing along to the diorama build process. How wrong I was with that assumption.
  13. Watched the new Planet of the Apes. It was entertaining enough, semi-predictable and the best way I can describe the movie is "franchise reboot", if that makes sense?
  14. I heard some song with Gwen on vocals today and it made Me think that Ariana Grande is a younger clone with more ped appeal. If that makes sense?
  15. I obeyed your directive and can confirm that this was one of the most epic videos I have seen on YT for a while Thanks for the recommendation
  16. Going to watch the new Planet of the Apes. Will advise once watched as to the quality
  17. Decided to order some potassium chloride today so I can go Velvet Kervirkian as I am Mone playing a role as oart of this slave species of cigarette smoking dysfunctional fucking retard cunts. Once I am gone at least the posts here will leave a legacy detailing as to why I am finoshed with percieving the fuxked up species known as humans treat Me like some captive dog.
  18. And if anyone wonders why the simulation is broken, blame the Devs at stackoverflow from whom all this shitty content has come from. Whilst I am on the Apache EMale list as I am obviously for sharing knowledge and the Devs there have been progressing towards bettering their product, I am just sick of being the one whose duct had been pro(bed) so they can get an Open source that is more than just the bullshit that I have had to sift thru to get to the stage I happily ask any single human what a 24 hour "Heaven on Earth" reality is to them and understanding that everyone I have asked this question of has failed ti answer it nor produce evidence of having experienced , filmed and shared such a reality as I have really makes Me appreciate My knowledge of what "living" actually is as opposed to such fools just existing (as opposed to living as they are hopeless in forming and possessing a dream as opposed to ever being able to realise it). And the fact that I share My success to illustrate their failures is the greatest gift I was ever given, and considering I gave it to Myself and have subsequently shared the knowledge if how I achieved it for free with no financial incentive as I just want someone else to prove they listened to My advice of trying to genuinely help so I am no longer burdened with being the only person I have met in person who gave it all away and the burden that comes with being the first to give only to have failed to have been reciprocated the equivalent.
  19. Obviously this is what is said to Me when I was WAnKING for the 24 hours of May the 4th 2024 thru the pain being administered to Me for doing anything other than keeping still as My fury at being denied the ability to experience self induced physical pleasure was traded for pain that came not from My hand but from the oppresion I suffer from living in this captive society of fools.
  20. Truer words have never been spoken. Thanks Raven for providing this forum to joke about this nonsensical reality I exist in, as like Bubby in the movie, all sensibility has been raped from Me by My cancerous ciggy smoking Mother as I remain trapped in the world bounded by walls of finances whereas Bubby had to worry about gas. If anyone on here has not seen this movie, go watch it as it shows life as an Australian as ut truly is as the parents which put us here are as criminal as their descendents based on My experiences in this country to date and the idiot staff in Directory Services who augmented My URL redirects to a "dis.gov.au" domain as these retard cunts disable My ability to live a pain free existence free of their fucked up rapist actions. It is only a matter of time before "The Land Down Under" is proven to be a toilet occupied by shit cunts @Schnitzelnot included given he gave Me the literal shirt off his back as I have previously done in the past when I offered a Gucci jumper to a Hindu priest at the local Hindu temple after he said he liked it so I said he can have it as it is just a meaningless social symbol to anyone not named Matthew (Which means "God's Gift aka the GG on said jumper).
  21. The fact Uber Eats and similar exist in the so called "Gig economy" is proof we are in a simulation give data is measured in "Gigs" and these worthless parasite worker drones are debasing the value of human relationships and interactions. Imagine if people actually got off their (and My) arses and went to the shops to buy food still to interact with other people they may form a relationship with as opposed to these anonymous migrants from even more shitty and fucked up countries whose view of coming here for "A better life" sees them as a soulless courier carting around food for the bourgiouse as they mutter their own dialect on the phone all day reminding themselves that their escape plan failed as they migrated to a country that they fail to assimilate into through their decision to not speak the native language ot English as their job only requires them to read it and show whatever order is on their phone to communicate in society.
  22. Imagine after a dalliance with a Colombian woman, that you get skewered by a metal needle that is 6 inches wide thru your hips and in some fucked up sadomasochistic game you have to try remove this from your body whilst Twitter retards spam "Trump" hashtags to impale you with political nonsense as they "Pin a Rump" as they remind Me of how capitalism has failed society by promoting selfish fools to positions of power (not just in politics, but religious organisations and companys as well) such that we all ended up in this mess of a society together and I have yet to hear anyone else who has the balls to speak on where society has fuxked itself to the point all hope is lost other than My hope to die so I no longer have to deal with being concerned about money or paying bills to some other person or organisation whom are complicit in this money driven society being preserved. My reason for being triggered and angered by the laughter I witness being produced between those in My immediate environment is because I know at the root of their laughter is a lie that formed this society that is no laughing MATTer as Matt here hates his world so much I choose ti exist to spite it. I am happy to tell such idiots how everything they have in life or have ever known, will die with them and will be replaced by My laughter as I remind them of what a joke existence and this world we temporarily share truly is. A shitty joke no less, but representative of the fact that I am viewing shitty people whose decision making process is flawed as it produced this society to begin with, a society I would "block the tubes" to in a simiiar fashion to how frmales get their tubes tied as preventative birth control measure, lest shit be birthed into the tubes as it is when flushed down the toilet only to end up a migrant Uber Eats driver who contributes nothing but laziness and noise to society.
  23. No person on Earth can enjoy sex, given that it is produce a child who will be born into this world to parents who have no idea of what to teach their kids given the old "Go to school and get good grades to get into Uni to get the best job and most earning potential possible to live your best life possible" no longer exists. And I am qualified to state this given that My Bachelors in Economjcs coupled with My Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management sees Me telling My "Bro" who aspires to be "King of Man and Finances" as to the extent that "The Man" has fucked up to have manifested this hopeless society I exist in and percieve. I walk around seeing false laughter, produced by those who lack of awareness of the hopeless and meaningless plight of their existence allows them to foster relationships with those who only seek to profit or gain from having the relatiionship to begin with as those who are around today will soon abandon your value to them reaches zero, as I can attest having reached out to those I consider My closest and best friends many timss over the past few years only to get radio silence as they obviously are too selfishly living their lives to even have a discussion or share jokes with anyone whose entire life doesn't revolve around money and profits and the things they can obtain and occupy their lives with. So given I studied the Science that quantifies Human Choice and the first law of Economics being the Opportunity cost of what is lost as opposed to what is gained, how can one enjoy sex with the cost of having a child being born into this world whereby at best they can hope to experience everything as I have in having had it all and then let it all go as it's meaning and relevance was handed over as a burden and responsibility to the "haves" of this world in the ultimate "Fuck you" for them fucking Me over, in that I would rather put a gun to My head and pull the trigger as I metaphorically have done whenever I consume drugs in private than live in a world of fucktards who think they have control when they do the same thing 25 times a day as they consume packets of cigarettes to emit the smell of death into the air I breath. As what else would one gift those that hate them but a world devoid of hope with Me living amongst the dead calling tgem ouy on their bullshit? As I wouldn't trade My life and the experiences I have had (other than the being delivered and hurt and decieved by women part)for anyone elses, especially knowing that I have yet to meet a "Man" in human form whom is capable of telling Me what makes them a "Man" compared to a "bitch" like Me who calls them out on the fact they have proven incapable of doing anything beyond building the framework to this failed society of humans lost in this hopelesz experiment we call life. Every smile I view on the smug faces of those I see in reality at present are who have robbed this world of hope are those of rapists I consider to be guilty of the crime of manifesting this fuked up plight that society is in. And if God appears to Me one day as a Man, even if it was the mirror image of Me and the avatar I have possessed, I will tell Him to fuck off and die and leave Me the fuck alone given that I have been raped, prodded, denied and abused thanks to the cunt's selfish actions towards Me.
  24. I think we can all agree that the following are basic human rights Food Shelter Bathrooms and Toilets Clothes. As such, why are people breeding more children than the number of homes they own such that all humans are afforded these rights and no "housing crisis" emanates from the greed driven wasteland that has come about thanks to "Our Elders"? Because I for one, would never birth any child into a world whereby being homeless is any possibility of ever being their reality, While I can blame My parents for overbreeding, at least I can use My brain and concousness to prove I have a soul via not sacrificing any innocent to suffer the same fate as I and many others being born into this world are experiencing or are going to. For as lustful as I am, and with a 40 or so hour session of edging to the point of self induced orgasm, I ended without coming or crossing the edge of orgasm to only communicate these truths of how this world in it's present form as occupied by Me and those around Me would have Me choose to abort them prior to conception until such point in time humans prove capable of giving and sharing their resources away fearlessly as I have, and until such time the only "ring" that these humans that have failed to share have is Me choosing to bury Myself with My phone from the sanctuary of My van all alone as interacting with the humans to whom commerce is their religion, money their God, and relationships and discussions are based on the trade of anything other than time, focus and attention. If you cNnit tell, I left banking 7 years ago because I was sick of dealing with money, Now a lollipop man, I flip to the STOP sign on humans to tell them they fuxked up Nd to stop aith their charade as I am over dealing with hearing fucking retards hold conversations about money or how work has given them more or less hours such that the more these fucktards work the more money they have to lose upon death while making their lives abiut their hours of saying they "Ho Ur (A)rs(e)" with the Ur = Their, such that the fucking idiots I have to listen and speak to on the daily know no other conversation topic other than gosspiinh or complaining about other people to distract from the void of existence that these work and "ho u r ly" liars communicate to Me in the hope I can understand how pathetic their lives and existence truly is thru a lens that is not just My own. As such I look at Boomers and such as failures, an arcane relic of a past whereby I only give them a death stare for not being intelligent enough as a collective nor brave enough as individuals to have prevented reaching the end time for the concepts known as Hope and Dreams as they only reamed this world so much that it has turned to a prison camp whereby innocent souls have been sacrificed by being birthed into a world that has them trapped by finances as they pursue a life as captive slaves with no freedom to exist as being "free" to the extent I am in saying "I wish I was dead rather than exist alongside you in thus fuxked up world, yet I exist to spite you as this world embodies everything I love to hate thanks to tye love I have being raped from Me with every dollar in circulatation trading between the shit covered hands of the humans birthed from the arseholes in their lineage whose lack of foresight to understand their lives were devoid of any meaning or purpose beyond helping society reach this threshold where death is preferable to living this hopeless life surrounded by the hopeless or those who are too busy gossiping or talking about and pursuing money as their only reason for existing fkr a tomorrow that is equally as arbitrarily worthless as today and the yesterdays that came before it". Even in the bowels od Hell itself, I don't think Satan could produce a more hopeless shitty lpredicament than the plight of the humans of today.
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