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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Well My further take on this is what do people >60 years of age really have left to do in their lives which they have yet to experience in the preceding 60, beyond spreading STDs in a nursing home? Because I would be happy to drop off at 50 given that by that stage I will have experiened everything a human could have done (finances pending) other than sacrifice an innocent soul in the form of a child to a life of slavery and the pursuit of the dollar. So @ndv s idea isn't all bad, and yes, while such an outcome would render My parents gone, 1 I have zero contact with and the other only tells Me to shut up in between huffing cigarettes, so think of all the free properties that could solve the housing crisis caused by the past 30 years of the negative gearing boomers as they went about acquiring and hoarding residential properties to where a single person would need to pay $3300 a month on a modern mortgage for an average home based on the current interest rates. Maybe My analysis here is having just paid $7 for a Gatorade at the movies, or maybe it is due to the above being truth, knowing that any investment property My Mother could have acquired to pass on to My Brother and I has gone up in literal (cigarette) smoke as She signed away her house to My stepdad and his kids.
  2. Potentially, but this is the internet and everyone is an expert on everything. Never suspected anyone in Ch0 to have any apprehension towards posting their thoughts, but maybe it is the result of the microwaves of WiFi, Bluetooth and 5G finally taking their toll on the unadapted human skulls which haven't had the evolutionary time to adapt to the constant and incessant pounding of waves cooking our brains. Makes Me think of the lyrics in this song becoming prophetic 25 years later.
  3. Going to watch Freuds Last Session as I have seen everything else worth watching and obviously crave some psychological stimulation on a Saturday night that is sans drinks and drugs as an old Man like Myself really wants an entire cinema to Himself once more given the local demographic of the cinema I am visiting has probably never heard of the concept of the id or whatever.
  4. I claim Autism because I live in "AU" and exist on the light, sound, and matter spectrums. Plus I worked for Spectrum Tint a Car at one stage of My existence. So I qualify and self diagnose Myself with Autism if only due to money being like an S&M bind holding Me from a lifetime of Sadistically freeing hookers from their need to sell their bodies sexually to any old man with money in his pocket. I prefer to tell people that I have tourettes though, as you can blame anything you do on the tourettes and in pulling the victim card you make it seem like anyone denigrating or trying to fuck with you seem like they are picking on the mentally retarded (which is never cool nor condonable).
  5. One. Because everyone else extraneous of Me are all "God" who just appears to take on the various avatars I have engaged in genital coupling with. So essentially all the different aestthetics were for the purpose of Me knowing perfection when I found it and subsequently retired from making booty quake.
  6. Just had a small coffee at 1:30pm so lets check if if keeps Me up. I quit the coffee and swapped to Redbulls for work after I had a vision of coworkers all trying to take a Vince McMahon style shit in a Gus Fring style gap in My head after they were eating My brain as a coffee bean last time I drank some. Given I am not working today I am taking the risk before I head to the cinema to Done what else is playing as My masseuse is closed and I probably am better off saving My money for My van as opposed to relaxing My Done after standing in place with a lollipop half of this week.
  7. I did a double take for the nude girl and a zoom to make sure then saw you commented as much lol.
  8. The gas struts were one of the first things to go on My 2012 Veloster and is a shitty job you are best to pay someone to do. Never sold a car in My life so no other advice to add. Now I am heading to the van from the beach as the water was way too cold for Me to swim and the weather isn't as hot as it has been.
  9. Mine just appeared out of My parent's laziness and My reluctance to get a haircut for whatever reason. My rationale for the nuke is in the hope that in My next cycle I have a Father that actually stays around as opposed to being a selfish prick. I also might stumble into the cigaretteless version of the multiverse and a nuke drop would at least finalise this facade of a reality we exist within and give some definitiveness to it as opposed to it being a sequence of random meaningless events with society being comprised of individuals with no shared common goals or agendas beyond their own.
  10. It is something like that but don't quote Me. I remember they are more suseptible to getting sick and also that breeders will seek to rip you off unless you verify the legitness ofbthem. Do your research is My advice if you go down the path of acquiring one.
  11. Can one trust the broccoli tops opinion on anything though? I mean, we knew mullets were retarded in the late 80s and early 90s and gave out shit to the people who had them. And if by their definition I am classified as a boomer, then I am happy to be given I wish to have this world have a nuke drop so that it can start all over again
  12. I understand how Boomers fucked it all up for the present and future generations, but most of the ones guilty for causing the issues have their heads in the sand pretending there is nothing wrong with the fact that people are now forced into living with other people due to the issues they caused. I really don't care as I am insulating Myself from said issues as best I can, yet My kssues with society nobody I encounter is even able to dispute them as their denial of "ultimate truth" sees them cling to a false paradigm with their only retort being they criticise My acknowledgement of the issues by saying I am "too negative". Well truth is that I am positively over dealing with fuckhead retards who are in denial that money is a false construct of numbers on a screen and as such is ultimately binary code on a bank server.
  13. way beyond My level of expertise ans Toyota wants to check over the van to make sure it is just the water pump but they wouldn't give Me a quote to install it so I have to wait until Wednesday ro get it fixed lest I get someone to help Me this weekend. Cheers Man, I hope to get it fixed so I can FO down south where it is greener and cooler with a lot less of these dog eating city rats as one finds in the CBD. I am off to the beach to waste the weekend away on the train, given it is free for Me to use public transport til June or something. Question for the oontz, do I update My Apple billing information or do I stop paying the $15 a month to preserve My 2TB of iCloud storage nothing it is pretty much full with 1.5TB of images and videos and the rest with My writings, emails and suxh.? I am tired of paying for My digital self to exist in a perfect reality while I am left to deal with sewer rats and other assorted scumbags, as it is like carrying a demon around in My pocket continually reminding Me of what he and she is incapable of reciprocating.
  14. I am on the train heading to the beach to take advantage of the endless summer we are having here. Plus given I have an oustanding fine from parking there overnight, best to take the stealth option today to avoid getting towed.
  15. You missed a chance to get Ultimate Warrior's tag team partner to sign something for you? Opportunity lost.
  16. This was the post I was referring to. And for clarity sake, the smokers I view in this life as being the living dead are replaced with the flawless version of themselves (like My Mother, who would appear as her teenage self prior to ever having inhaled a cancer stick that has prematurely aged her to the extent she looks more like the cryptkeeper than the young spritely person she once was), although given that such an incarnation of said smokers do not exist in My present perceptual domain, My Heaven replacing them for indulging in the most inexcusable human behaviours I have sampled sees those whom engage in My present do so to signify they are already dead to themselves and to Me as every butt they huff on is the same as them putting an elephant gun to their head with the lighter click being them Kurt Cobaining themselves. Although I have said that the trees are dinosaur legs from the reptilians which inhabit dimensions adjacent to us yet they appear static and rooted in our human domain due to their lifespans and "time" being on a different timescale to our human clocks (ie our second = their hundreds of years as an example). Also, the best part about death is that I leave behind an online legacy of the thousands of posts made on here over the years such that any AI parsing the internet and My cookie trail could reconstruct Me in a clone form due to the high level of detail I have left in the writings which include My unique thought process as filtered from the massive amount of media and learnings I have consumed over time.
  17. And thank fully in "Death" I will mever have to smell the stench of a burning cigarette nor tolerate the retards whose selfishness and lack of any respect for their life, avatar and those around them who indulge in such a pathetic and corrupted decision. Thankfully I get to witness these demons ostracise themselves as they go about puffing and exhaling their cancer into My air as they exemplify what a waste of atoms they truly are. Someone here in this thread states they believe they come Done as a tree, and perhaps I was a tobacco plant in a past life who was burnt by some scumfuck with a disfunctional junkie brain, and only now I have the ability to voice My hatred for these total wastes of human flesh.
  18. There is the Banach I remember. Come post here @Spitfire15 I already made a huge post on fb years ago about what I wanted to happen to My human body once My consciousness departs to it's infinite origins once more. Yet given one of the components has been sacrificed in protest of hookers using money as a tool to denigrate the value of sex I shall refrain from restating it here. I will state for the record that "Heaven" as I concieve it is devoid of cigarettes and the retarded fiends who smoke them, with Police non-existent as well as anyone who exists within My Heavenly domain is able to be trusted implicitly with all that is "Ours" as nothing is "mine" or "yours" in such a place, unlike this Earth where resources are pillaged and raped from the ground by companies and individuals aka "miners" who view everything as being "mine", when the truth is they are just parasitic leches whom have appeared in this Purgatory to delineate Me and the purity of My soul from theirs. The above is My litmus test as to whether I am in Heaven, Hell. or Purgatory, and given I am surrounded by mostly greedy cunt "miners" who use the common resources of this Earth we all have equal ownership of to financially subjugate their fellow man and woman by distorting financial markets with inflation and creating a two tier economy, I will state that I view death as a welcome reprieve from the financial chains which bind Me from existing as I chose to with people who aren't envious, jealous, pieces of shit trying to cut Me down with their entire being of collective efforts.
  19. Yeah Bro, made a thread about it and everything. Cheers Man, I am keeping it for special occassions given it's vintage, but may head to My Mums place and give it a wear as I am currently figuring out My options of what to do all weekend given My van can't drive for more than 5 minutes without blowing coolant everywhere once it hits operating temp due to the water pump.
  20. Whole channel is gold. This fucken video I don't mnow how it is on YT given the content
  21. Those Bordeauxs were the first Jordans I had as a kid and the only retro re-release I was pissed about not getting.
  22. I had the Commo SS sedan equivalent in the green colour changing paint. EL XRs were a lot more squirrelly & lighter feeling to drive than their VS competition though.
  23. I would disagree this is a movie better left to streaming as it was wayyyyyy less intense to Me than Monkey Man. Also I fucked up above as Monkey Man is about Hanuman but touches on the concept of the 3 IDs of Brahman and all I can say is Hinduism is wayy too confusing. But seriously though, I thought Civil War was tame, but this could be reflective of the fact My day to day existence is way more intense given I stand inches from cars flying past at retarded speeds and have had a couple breakdowns on the highway where I was pounded by 100kmh sonic booms for hours from cars flying past. I will state that Spiderman girl had the happy ending as the dead inside look she sports at the start of the movie and the atrocities witnessed only left one outcome there IMO.
  24. Watching this now based on your review. Can either choose to spend whatever free funds on drugs and whores or continue to make Hollyweird Jew pedos richer. I have chosen the later option today as at least you get what you pay for with the Jews whereas whores just ask for more and more money offering less and less in return. What a f-ed up world we exist within.
  25. Not only are these things pricey, their lifespan compared to a normal cat is meant to be halved or something. Nobody has given Me the place I would throw a 12oz party in yet so I can't help fulfil any other requests sadly. But I want a new 12oz shirt, just need to get My van running properly first.
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