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Everything posted by toggle

  1. damn sooo many videos there!
  2. ALL THAT MATTERS IS, i can get my texas ranger fix anytime i please....AND THATS ALRIGHT WITH ME! WHERE MY DAWGZZZZ AT!
  3. NAH NIGGA, I DONT PLAY THAT SHIT! we's was just cuddlin'... but f'realz, thats some wild shit.
  4. so your the nigga snappin' flix of me while i was jus trying to get my titty rub on...
  5. yeah i just came across a miami ink profile looking a little more legit. i.e. more recent comments etc. im starting to lose steam over this one bois/gurlz.:o edited for link --> http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=18183591
  6. no response yet... just keep your fingers crossed fellow 12'ers
  7. thats what im hoping, alot of the people leaving comments are giving their deepest thanks for their sidekicks
  8. yup, this is my first thread ever...came across this lil nugget of information and thought it seemed like a potentially worthwhile waste of time. Miami ink, Myspace and T-Mobile are proud to kick off our new season with a promotion unheard of until now. We are giving away 200,000 sidekick3s to the first 200,000 lucky people who http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=93670731' >click here to view and then add the official Miami Ink profile as a friend After you have added the official Miami Ink profile as a friend you must send a message to its inbox with a valid email address so that we may contact you (this will also prevent others from taking advantage of our once in a life time offer to get double or more) So what are you waiting for add this, get all your friends and family to add us, and enjoy the sidekick3, thank you very much. The Miami Ink Crew. P.S. Please repost this bulletin so everyone of your friends can get a sidekick before supplies run out. HOW TO RE-POST: - Click Reply To Poster - Copy/'Select All' Everything - Go to Post a New (BLANK) Bulletin! - Paste Everything Into the New (BLANK) Bulletin, & Post! P.S.S us and our staff routinely look through the bulletins our friends post, and those that have reposted this one correctly will receive their sidekick3 ahead of others :)) YUP, take it however you want... I myself threw my hat in the ring and am patiently waiting with my fingers crossed for a shiney new email letting me know of the where abouts of my shiney new SIDEKICKER... my bad if this is old news though....
  9. fuck that thumb pinching biz, we bopped niggas on the head... and cheating, was a must
  10. Im no where near the michigan region, so it is probably not important, just curious...
  11. yo Brock man, what school you off to? if you dont mind me asking...
  12. sorry lens, but "eat my shorts" is MUCH cooler than urinating in the rump any day o' the week
  13. i cast my vote for eternal BANNation
  14. forcefield foools.... and up until this thread i had never even heard of any of these silly other names...sorry...
  15. NOTE: this is a day off from work, my life isnt usually so pathetic... *wake up and surf the 12 for a lil bit (decide today will be my "day in the life" ) *ride my bike down to the store for some smokes and energy cola *throw up some funk on the way home *fire up a lil funk once back at home base... *grub on some hot dog creation while scoping the headlines (food options in my home are VERY limited) *skateboard in my basement because it was too hot to do it outdoors. * watch some televison while waiting for a homeboy to call me up, waited wayyyyyy long and ended up taking a nap. woke up and my camera was acting a fool, so thats where the flix get CUT
  16. id do this this today but its too fucking hot to leave my a/c'd room
  17. i do alll my shopping at salvation army.... shit's mad inexpensive
  18. car died friday before work... all weekend plans remain up in the air... :(
  19. for some reason, i fear for that man's well-being...
  20. yo i write cockloverONER, anyone wanna exchange the dope outlines
  21. chat up the beezy at your local CVS and get the passcode for the digi. print printers...hollller
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