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Everything posted by toggle

  1. toggle

    Head On!

    ay yo homeboys, how you use this primitive stick of a thing?
  2. toggle

    Head On!

    apply directly to the forehead!
  3. toggle

    Head On!

    !daeherof eht ot yltcerid ylppa
  4. toggle

    Head On!

    apply directly to the forehead
  5. toggle

    Head On!

    side effects may include:
  6. toggle

    Head On!

    how do you apply that shit?
  7. toggle


    just embarked on this quest. it should mobiliy keep me entertained for some time
  8. fuck no! i was comatose before halfway through
  9. and speaking of skateboards...
  10. gnarliest iv seen was when H. Simpson attempted to jump the world famous Springfield Gorge
  11. Im choosing to use this thread as a recommendation to NOT see a movie... not that do many of the males were probably breaking their back to see this one, but, my girlfriend was DYYYYYYYYYING to see this shit. After putting off renting it as long as possible I finally caved. Thinking i might get some action after sitting through this garbage, i tryed my hardest to stay awake. The 45 minutes I saw was a pure snooozefest. Apparently she saw something special about it and has been watching it non-stop since. 3 fucking times this movie put me to sleeeep. DONT DO IT
  12. dont know if it has been posted yet, but.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OdVoDHu52A&search=kickflip%20el%20toro homeboy kickflips el toro. kid is fresh outta Lowell,Ma. and is blowing the fug up.
  13. toggle


    for myself lately its been...
  14. color place silver is on point (for 1 dollah it doenst get much better) the flat black is decent as well... but only in time of need, and "decent" being the opperative word.
  15. i was actually around there last night. nothing really at all except for some stencils and sketchy throws not to far for the college campus
  16. does bates really have his name copywritten? regardless...he makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. :love2:
  17. not quite "bombing" exactly, more just throwing up lines to test it out. and also... the powder toner. i have shit load of that here, you suggest just mixing it with ink? i tryed mixing some with water when i first found it. but that shit idnt work out.
  18. question... does anyone know if the kind of ink that is used to refill printer ink cartriges if alright for busting, im mad bored at work so i made a lil glue stick marker, the only ink around, was the ink mentioned earlier, throughout the process i got a shit load on my hands. i know it stains hands, but what about other things, anyone have any experience with something like this. i tryed right on some cardboard and it didnt cover very well... any help?
  19. first chapstick marker, works pretty alright, lil messy with the cap at times...
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