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Everything posted by toggle

  1. park looks fun, i think i'll roll through. the skating however...
  2. remember when Haslam was g'ed out on Deca..just a few years ago. reeeeal cool...:rolleyes:
  3. thats what you have got to do when you cant do real tricks, right?
  4. You will be amazed and stupified... Lowell, MA. represent-represent-sent my homeboy david bachinsky KILLING the Hadley skatepark mini.
  5. i feel like i broke up with a woman i have been with for almost 10 years.... and i like where Drue went with it... more so than my previous conclusion: the whole "i bet you dont even hear it when it happens, everything just goes black" i like thinking of it in drues light, a lot more than thinking tony got popped. but who knows.... I JUST WANT MORE!!!
  6. Re: Maine Funk WHY ME!?
  7. FUCK YOU ALL! im sooooo jealous of anyone who got to watch tonight
  8. dave bachinsky, my homie from lowell, ma. kid is just nuts on a skateboard. this is his part from the new oakley video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZl9TIypis4
  9. damn sooo many videos there!
  10. Re: What are you doing right now? seinfeld
  11. toggle

    Head On!

    new start to a whole new page of: applying directly to the forehead
  12. toggle

    Head On!

    ay yo homeboys, how you use this primitive stick of a thing?
  13. toggle

    Head On!

    apply directly to the forehead!
  14. toggle

    Head On!

    !daeherof eht ot yltcerid ylppa
  15. toggle

    Head On!

    apply directly to the forehead
  16. toggle

    Head On!

    side effects may include:
  17. toggle

    Head On!

    how do you apply that shit?
  18. toggle


    just embarked on this quest. it should mobiliy keep me entertained for some time
  19. fuck no! i was comatose before halfway through
  20. and speaking of skateboards...
  21. gnarliest iv seen was when H. Simpson attempted to jump the world famous Springfield Gorge
  22. Im choosing to use this thread as a recommendation to NOT see a movie... not that do many of the males were probably breaking their back to see this one, but, my girlfriend was DYYYYYYYYYING to see this shit. After putting off renting it as long as possible I finally caved. Thinking i might get some action after sitting through this garbage, i tryed my hardest to stay awake. The 45 minutes I saw was a pure snooozefest. Apparently she saw something special about it and has been watching it non-stop since. 3 fucking times this movie put me to sleeeep. DONT DO IT
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