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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Who is silencing anyone? You have your opinions, other people have theirs. Thats called disagreeing, and at worst arguing. Just because someone uses sources of MSM for basic information such as numbers dead and so on doesn't mean they’re trying to push a false narrative. Aside from that.. What just happened is someone tried to tell me how i was thinking and i addressed it, is that not allowed? Who is trying to silence who then? Should i just let it go unanswered? So this person, who i often refuse to name at this point, that i generally ignore, can follow me around the forum talking various kinds of unprovoked shit everywhere i go? I dont seek this fool out, he still comes to me. I was as cool as a cucumber explaining my train of thought on the last page, still am.
  2. I couldnt be bothered because i assumed it was nonsense and wasnt going to waste anymore time than i already had, like the time i’m wasting right now.
  3. Actually i figured it was, just because i asked if that was a video game logo doesnt mean i didnt assume you saw that from some crackpot theory thread on a different forum where you jack your memes from. Have a nice day. Good talk.
  4. That the Resident Evil logo? edit: i could just google this but i wont.
  5. saw a cool fountain saw a cool canoe saw some stupid truck stop shit bought some $7 wal mart slips because it started raining and i wasn't trying to fuck up my new shoes in some Louisiana muck.
  6. “What we need now is another fucking plague. One that won’t discriminate by race, sex, or age.”
  7. False haha. Person below knows why there’s a padlock on the hotel room door next to me but the light is on inside.
  8. False, I was at first, but at this stage i dont give a fuck what’s going on with it until it’s over. person below has seen some wild shit at Waffle House.
  9. It appears that 34 solders suffered “traumatic brain injury” from those missiles and 8 returned to the US.
  10. False, never longer than an overnighter thankfully person below uses q-tips even though they know they shouldnt
  11. Haha. I wont lie, that one was on purpose. I vaguely understand that laws have been been passed for decades through lobbying that have put strangleholds on hospitals resulting in umbrella organizations. They are swallowing hospitals left and right because many hospitals are sinking ships.
  12. This isn’t the “dhabz is right about everything and the conversation is over when he says hes done” hour. I’ll speak when i feel like it. If you chose to disengage then go for it. I have no investment in this, i agree the system is fucked. My feelings aren't hurt because you hate the medical industry, fuck em. I’m telling you simply what is charged to operate and reprocess this shit on a day to day basis. I understand that screw doesnt cost $700 to make, i am also a capable machinist. I know what stock and production costs vs retail prices are, but that is everything in life. If you have a problem with the cost take it up with Capitalism and the free markets bruh For the record, i do see that i misread about the adderall.
  13. If a doctor you went to prescribed adderrall after getting stitches the doctor is a straight fucking loon and should probably be reported. That little tray is called a mayo tray. If it were blue-ish plastic it gets discarded. If it’s metal, it costs hundreds to reprocess, restock, and re-sterilize that tray. Except you can file reports against these doctors. People 100% lose their jobs and get lawsuits slapped against them, that’s why many of them have malpractice insurance. You do not know this. I can tell you from first hand experience that sometimes that itty bitty little screw that might go into a broken bone can cost hundreds upon hundreds of dollars for the screw alone. I have watched people panic and search on their hands and knees for hours for a dozen screws the size of a crumbs that they dropped because it cost $700 a screw. A mid size surgical tray is worth hundreds to thousands of dollars and costs hundreds to re-sterilize that 1 tray every day. The metal needs to be surgical grade steel and be able to handle reprocessing. These temperatures of hot water reach 190 degrees and steam at 270 degrees, generally speaking, over and over and over. 1 scope that a doctor sticks up your ass costs thousands, and is incredibly easy to damage and destroy because of the micro fibers used for the cameras. I’ve watched someone destroy a scope that cost 45k. I’m not slinging shit, and i’m not saying your experiences aren't validating your opinion. You clearly have had some shitty ones at a facility that sounds like it might need a visit from JCO. Have at em.. https://www.jointcommission.org/en/resources/patient-safety-topics/report-a-patient-safety-event/ Medical costs are absolutely uncanny, i’m not taking that away from anyone or anything, but like most things, that trickles down from the very top. Here’s some examples of the most basic clamps found in surgical trays. They can range from $5 a clamp, to hundreds, depending on the make and model of the clamp. There are anywhere from 1-25 of each clamp in one surgical set. Clamps are the most basic surgical instruments. Every hospital has hundreds to thousands of sets..
  14. Some facilities are teaching hospitals, yes, not all. You also have the right to refuse the residents if you are not comfortable. You have the right to refuse care. You can go to a different hospital or go to a witch doctor if you choose. Sadly, there’s no other way for doctors to get the experience they are going to need than in the field. Many, many hospitals are understaffed and incredibly underfunded. To put it plainly, they are fucked. If they put 1/5 of the money they put towards the military towards healthcare you would see vast improvements.
  15. @Dirty_habiT It sounds like you went to more of an urgent care clinic or a off site location from a major hospital. Going to a clinic and going to a proper hospital are definitely different things. The desire for riches fuels most career paths, doctors are no different. I assure you, there are plenty who do enjoy helping others and donate their time freely as often as possible. . I’m most intrigued to hear you mention you do not think the medical industry should be profiting though. I also think you are somewhat combining the pharmaceutical and medical industries. Although they are often hand and hand, there are plenty of doctors who will happily not prescribe you meds and happily not have you ever return or seek further treatment. You can also refuse medical treatment at any time. They can suggest all the MRIs, CT scans, meds, future visits, ect.. you have the right to refuse all of it Obviously some doctors are better at their jobs than others. Nothing is fool proof, nothing is perfect, but they learn and get better at medical practices as the years go on, this is obvious. Denying this would be nonsense. General medicine physicians have an incredible amount of information they are expected to know by patients. This is why they have specialists. Now, having to see your PCP to get referrals to specialists is a massive pain in the balls and shouldn’t be necessary, but it could also save both you and the specialist time and money. While typing this and doing a bit of research i found this report, stating between 1992-2014 malpractice suits have dropped over 50% https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2017/03/27/Study-finds-decline-in-medical-malpractice-claims/2361490643252/ In terms of surgical malpractice, while it does happen, thousands upon thousands of surgeries happen every single day without incident. Shit goes wrong in surgery, it’s not always negligence. Every single thing in that environment plays a factor.
  16. I’ve seen a news report that did mention people that the true numbers were being under reported. Also saw video of people just dropped dead on the streets getting hauled away by hazmat suits.
  17. True, person below prefers ice cream cake
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