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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. They’re politicizing it just the same. The only difference is you have media sources allowing stupid opinion articles to be released with terms like “Trump Virus,” and you have media sources like FOX sitting around waiting for it. One is an offensive approach, one defensive. Both equally politicized. Further on that Trump press conference: He mentions Pence being an expert on healthcare, with other states looking to Indiana to follow their lead on healthcare. This is absolute horse shit. Indiana is towards the bottom of the list of places you want to be in terms of needing healthcare. No one is looking to Indiana. I do agree that flights to and from China, and any heavily infected areas should be put on hold, or be VERY heavily monitored. I’ve flown a lot over the past week, Texas, California, Arizona, Louisiana.. there’s a decent amount of people wearing masks in airports. The fear is out there.
  2. Did you even watch these? Tucker Carlson claims the media is telling us it is wrong to be worried. That they’re essentially downplaying the severity of the situation, and quotes some ridiculous headline from Slate. All the news outlets i’ve been following have been reporting about the escalation of the spread of the virus. Quite the opposite of downplaying. In the next video you post you have footage of Donald Trump on the same network, saying the risk is very low and basically that there’s no need to worry, he’s got it under control, essentially downplaying the virus. Meanwhile the CDC says they expect more cases. The fact is, they aren’t quite sure yet what is going to happen. So they’re doing what is always done: Preparing for the worst, hoping for the best, trying to instill some cause for concern, but also trying to keep a lid on utter panic taking hold of the population.
  3. Good friend of mine got Swine Flu and almost died. He was in the hospital for a while. Fun facts.
  4. abrasivesaint


    Battle Royal on the mobile COD. First place out of 100, killed 18 out of that 100. I place first in this shit 9/10. People are too predictable.
  5. abrasivesaint


    Thats always a fun one. I think those dudes actually got fucked for that one. Could be wrong.
  6. I mean in hindsight i know I've seen it, i just couldnt place what it was from. My first guess was the Marine Raiders haha. Theres just too many military insignias that use skulls. Another fun fact is the Nazi SS uniform is said to be based off of the Massachusetts State Trooper uniform.
  7. Cartoons have been sexualizing everything from babies to animals for decades. From Fritz the Cat to Stewie from Family Guy. I never watched an episode of Family Guy when Stewie was having one of his “sexy parties” and though about banging a kid. If a cartoon makes you think about trying that you were probably thinking about trying it anyway.
  8. I read Media Control in high school but not the other two. For $5 i’ll give it a go.
  9. abrasivesaint


    Oh shit.. funny enough after that video ended another video popped up that i actually have loose ties to. I know members of this family. One of their grand daughters is a real good friend of mine and she grew up racing cars like her grandfather. Weird coincidence (or maybe great algorithm work) that story you sent lead to that one after.. That motel was in fact a hotspot for drugs and prostitution. Everyone knew it. It’s the type of cliche drug hotel you’d see on a true crime show. They did in fact end up selling that property and now a massive bowling alley/bar/arcade/indoor golf place is there.. https://wamesitlanes.com
  10. abrasivesaint


    Well that was a good way to direct my anger from today into a different place.
  11. Sounds like things are heating up pretty good over there. Folks going missing, people setting fires to an infected victims building..
  12. The 2nd one is a concept spacecraft for the next Star Wars movie.
  13. True, dont know where it is but i have one haha person below wheres perfume or cologne
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