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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. this movie sucked, half way trough they tell you all you need to know, nt even one of those ones where they tell you, but you gotta catch on and you dont know if you'll be right. its one of those cliche ones where you'll be right because its not original. this movie is just ridiculous. this movie also sucked, and is also unoriginal, not too bad at some points i guess, kinda funny in a dumb way, but overall it sucked.
  2. im going to a park in a couple days that looks like it has some of the nicest pools i've seen in a bit, and a awesome ass "street course." im gonna skate the FLA a new asshole.
  3. ya i wanna see a new video though, i've seen all those ones on youtube so far. just cause i go online and watch videos, doesnt mean i dont buy them still. still nice to own, incase i dont have internet.
  4. haha, 42 stair noseslide from one of those links^ that brazilian video was real cool, those were some long ass handrails.
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear zeebs, dont fuck with moms job, but i support any other and all action you take otherwise.
  6. chupa, is that gray marble aborted teen generation 7" you got offline supposed to be rare or some shit? i was listening to my 7s earlier showing my buddy some bands and noticed i had the same one. just downloaded some of that Crow shit, pretty good, probably try out some more of that other shit later on or tomorrow.
  7. haha i actually thought thats what it was for a second, then realized what it was from. naw it was Crucial something, i know it wasnt crucial unit or crucial taunt ha.
  8. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD what is it with soccer players always faking like they're hurt and shit, buncha pansys.
  9. there was this band i saw in SF that was pretty good from japan, i wanna say it was crucial thought or something like that, anyone know who im talking about?
  10. ha fuck, i already feel gayer for posting that shit.. i had an option to go see ramming speed and cannabis corpse tonight but didnt go, did i miss out?
  11. it sucks, i'll never be able to live up to the footprints set before me.. i mean how do they do it?
  12. ha, thats what im saying, i fuckin hate the sex pistols, always have, always will. if that british fuck sid vicious is what the majority of people refer to as punk, count me the fuck outta that conversation. cool you found that store, found some store down in atlanta that had a shitload of old metal/punk records, i buddy dropped $400 easy. personally i though he was fucking nuts. but to each his own i guess.
  13. normally i wouldnt care to share that shit, but when thats the first article on yahoo news, its a bit much. in other news me and my buddy wrote 2 songs in the past 2 days on a whim, think we're gonna try and run with it cause they're not half bad so far. kinda punk/metal-ish, we wrote the drums and guitar, then i put down some vocals just for shits and gigs and its not to shabby, kinda tough guy sounding though haha.
  14. jesus christ..... will people ever stop being faggots and talking about punk being dead? http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/getback/144976/hot-topic-punks-in-a-fake-punk-world/ Hot Topic Punks in a Fake Punk World Posted Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:52pm PDT by Shawn Amos in GetBack Punk is dead. Actually, it died a long time ago once the Sex Pistols imploded and The Clash's Joe Strummer had the temerity to kick Mick Jones out of the band and then release the career-kiling record "Cut the Crap." No, scratch that. Punk died when the first Hot Topic store opened in 1988. What started as a way to capitalize on the early MTV craze has become pre-fabricated shorthand for something that is supposed to resemble punk in some sanitized, VMA world. Now you can now have that punk rock feeling without ever leaving the safety of the shopping mall. It's the Hot Topic-ing of America. Punk was born on the street but is now bred in major label board rooms with clothing manufacturer tie-ins. Here's a reminder of pre-Hot Topic punk when the safety pins came from a dirty rehearsal room instead of an online catalogue. GALLERY: The Sex Pistols: Original Hot Topic Band? There's something wrong about a publicly traded company (over $741M in revenue in 2006) selling "Blood Is the New Pink" wristbands. Or maybe it's right. Maybe it's just as punk as Johnny Rotten schilling butter on a British commercial. Maybe Hot Topic just figured out what other '70s punks were too dumb to realize: it's better to be the man than fight him. And now…the Hot Topic Top 5 GREEN DAY They began as the shining stars of 924 Gilman Street (a Berkeley, CA punk club dedicated to independent punk music) and wound up as poster boys for major label sellouts. Certainly, any band who's sold over 20 million albums and won three Grammys is having the last laugh. Still, they're not doing the punk legacy any favors. AVRIL LAVIGNE The Canadian "pop punk" singer claims the following as her punk bona fide: working to establish equal rights for skateboarders and marrying fellow Hot Topic punker Deryck Whibley (Sum 41). Two words that should ever go together are "pop" and "punk." Her and Whibley split in September, which can only help their cred. Divorce is very punk. BLINK-182 Tattoos do not the punk make. GOOD CHARLOTTE If it weren't for the Madden twins' dating Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton, I'd be convinced. Any true punk wouldn't be within 10 miles of those two chicks. SIMPLE PLAN What is it with French Canadians and pop punk? Another Hot Topic band who committed yet another cardinal punk sin. Band members Pierre Bouvier and Chuck Comeau started brainstorming about forming a band while attending a Sugar Ray show. 'Nuff said.
  15. peter ramondetta vs. chris roberts and the legion of doom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-sNfm7w1MI cory kennedy vs peter ramondetta http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7xfjxq_0RU
  16. funny how fall/winter makes you bring out the heavier shit huh. and theres really a band called homostupids? come on now.
  17. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD haha that dude looks hammered.
  18. newsflash faggot, i understand that, this is ULTIMATE FIGHTING CHAMPIONS, not use your weight to pin a guy down so the fight is lacking exactly that, a FIGHT. its not like he was sudmitting kimbo, or even getting him in a good "ground and pound", there was no mixed martial arts there, it was a fat dude weighing down his opponent. the fight was called cause kimbo wasnt providing enough action, cause he literally couldnt move anything but kick his feet in the air. that dude was throwing pussy punches, a lot of the commentary was saying this as well. that was a pretty gay and non respectable way to win the fight. fucking cocktooth.
  19. ya that was bullshit, that fat ass just kept weighing kimbo down. i'd like to see any fighter be able to move with that fat bastard on top of them. if that other dude kept it on the feet he was getting knocked out.
  20. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD weird, they're working on mine, bummer.
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