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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. at first i thought it was weird as shit. but ya it was pretty good.
  2. ya that was some cool skating, also looks like that dude did a few tricks in work boots. cool. cant wait for this weather to shape up so i can skate. i havent in like 2-3 weeks. dude rolled into the bar the other night wearing a old carhart style Shortys jacket. i wanted it.
  3. ha kinda weird seeing that almir jusovic dude ride around on a board like that, but it was funny, some cool shit,
  4. this fuckin guy pulling through, props! cant believe someone figured that shit out.. im gonna watch so much of this shit for the rest of this week.
  5. pfft, ya its never gonna get built unless we capture some hostages and state our demands, thats the word, haha. seriously though, i have no idea, and i really wish they would build that fuckin place, and put the tens of thousands of dollars of donated money to where its supposed to be.. edit: i just went to the website and it froze my computer for a solid 10 minutes, so i guess thats the word. double edit: the last update was 08.... and this is all the money they had back then... i wonder how much of this they didnt spend on bullshit. Foundation Support $1,142,000.00 TOTAL Peter and Carolyn Lynch Foundation- Challenge Grant $500,000.00 Anonymous $110,000.00 Peter and Carolyn Lynch Foundation $100,000.00 Anonymous $75,000.00 Highland Street Foundation $75,000.00 Anonymous $50,000.00 Herman and Frieda L. Miller Foundation $50,000.00 Hunt Alternatives Fund $26,000.00 Boston Bruins Foundation $25,000.00 Harold Whitworth Pierce Charitable Foundation $25,000.00 Kessler Foundation $25,000.00 Rowland Foundation $20,000.00 Paul and Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation $10,000.00 Garthwaite Family Foundation $10,000.00 Tomfohrde Foundation $10,000.00 Boston Foundation (for youth involvement) $6,000.00 Curious George Fund $5,000.00 Tony Hawk Foundation $5,000.00 Turner Family Foundation $5,000.00 Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation $3,500.00 Boston Foundation for Architecture $3,500.00 New York Times Foundation $2,250.00 Anonymous $750.00 Corporate Support $36,732.00 TOTAL CambridgeSide Galleria $15,000.00 DVS Shoes $5,600.00 Boston Sand and Gravel $5,000.00 The Law Office of Clark, Hunt & Embry $5,000.00 Anchor Capital Advisors, Inc. $2,500.00 Cambridge Trust Company $1,000.00 East Cambridge Savings Company $1,000.00 Post Office Square Redevelopment Corporation $1,000.00 Monkdeth Skateboards $132.00 Inline Club of Boston $100.00 Newton Yacht Club $100.00 Veevers Associates $100.00 Carlone and Associates $100.00 Longitude Dial LLC $100.00 Public Support $450,000.00 TOTAL City of Cambridge $200,000.00 State of Massachusetts $150,000.00 Boston Redevelopment Authority $100,000.00 Individual Donors: $560,492.00 TOTAL FUNDRAISING TOTALS TO DATE: $2,189,224.00 TOTAL
  6. ha naw it wasnt that, it was real people, i have a friend who remembers what im talking about, but he has no idea what it was called either.
  7. i dont think it was on tv for too long, but i remember it was awesome, haha. i think it was on tv on saturdays and shit around noon, right after xmen.. fuck ya!
  8. anyone remember that TV fighting show, where dudes like dressed up as some sort or Mortal Kombat styled fighters, and they all had a certain amount of emblem things on a belt, and if they lost they had to give up a emblem to the person, and after they had a full belt they fought for a title or some shit? i remember where they fought was a circle platform with a trench around it with like gymnast rings hanging above it, and after a few minutes ninja dudes swung out on the rings to fight both of them if they hadnt won/lost yet? anyone have the faintest idea of what im speaking?
  9. loved watching the bruins when i was young, while earl was probably at the games i was watching, i was sitting with my uncle whose only a few years older, watching 70s hockey fights in between the game, most of which turned out to be bruins fights. terry o'reilly and the "big bad bruins" for the fuckin win. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzYU49eJm30
  10. most people cant hang with that kinda funk so they try and shut it out. that indy nosebone over the stairs was awesome. handplant to fakie, foot plant transfer to fakie, bonesless fingerflip.. i love doing boneless fingerflips on banks, they're not as huge is the one he did though ha.
  11. Mike V. bangin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf-3KNPGFl8
  12. chupa, you dont happen to have any WHN on mediafire do ya?
  13. was skating that mini again the other day, pretty awesome. anyone ever notice that default line kids seem to love on mini ramps. drop in, front 5-0, back 5-0, front 5-0 to fakie, back lip, back 5-0 to fakie, back lip revert, front tail, random trick they dont land.. end. repeat and repeat. hardly ever do i see kids trying to slide front boards, front feebles, back feebles, crooks/nose grinds/ nose slides, back boardslides, smiths, anything. maybe the occasional back smith stall, but its like everyone wants to match the dude before them. skate nazi says, originality is in, in 2010. edit: also say a dude on a bike scorpion from the top of a 4-5 ft ramp.... ouch.
  14. i can dig some SFN, in the process of obtaining some lost what happens next, gonna go throw on some demon system. fuck ya.
  15. haha, i was being a smart ass. of course people like infest cause they're good. got nothing wrong with ceremony, i like a few songs from time to time, never cared for trash talk though. its just funny cause i've been around enough people talking about infest like they were worshiping god, who 6 months prior would never lend a ear. like after all these years of being around, one dude gave infest the OK and everyone and their mother was into them. this turn of events is known as, hype. not gonna cry about it, just found it funny.
  16. haha i was listening to spazz last night actually,. spazz rules, solid name too.
  17. i couldnt believe when infest became a huge band a couple years back amongst almost every b9 forum kinda hardcore kid i knew/met. and they all acted like it was some new wild band to come out, fuckin trend following fucks, trying to ruin the infest name for the rest of us. i wonder how many STILL listen to infest...
  18. i've been told theres a spot in worchester that kids call worside or some shit, ever been? that right there kinda looks like it could be it. i ended up getting some independent bearings, i went to a local shop and they didnt have all too much going on. didn't even know independant made bearings, we'll see how they are, anyone else ever have them?
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