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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. watching Criminal Minds, internets during commercials, eating Ritz crackers.
  2. i like the Scream movies, i know a shitload of people who dont, but i thought it was worth seeing. there were a few "really?" moments, but you can say that with just about every horror/thriller movie ya know? the thing that bugged me the most was Courtney Cox's face haha i just couldnt get over that shit.
  3. holy shit :lol: dedication for sure.
  4. someone actually told me they thought Fast Five could be the best out of all of them, any truth?
  5. i've heard the dudes nice as hell and gives kids at parks free boards and shit like that, but thats word of mouth. back crook to noseblunt, half cab feeble to backtail kickflip to fakie (had me rewatching like 3 times), and that back tail at the end were steezy as fuck. among many other things.
  6. Kristen Bell :love: the movie was whatever. seen better, seen worse. this.... :lol:
  7. ^ its spelled... spelled. spelt is a grain like 666 said. comments are making fun of some one for the spelling of their tattoo.. while spelling spelled wrong themselves.
  8. damn... the fuck happened to Courtney Cox. looking like Joann Rivers and shit.
  9. dear cool story br0 i told, i forgot to mention with you the brawl between 2 groups of Cambodians at 3am outside the same apartment that night where one of them kept yelling "imma spark a nigga! imma spark a nigga! imma spark a nigga! no one got shot though.. /toping off cool story br0. -JCags.
  10. good book. you should look into Rat Bastards, or A Criminal and a Irishman, if you haven't already read them. both authors worked for/with Bulger just like Weeks. i read all 3 of those back to back.
  11. dear past saturday into sunday, you were a eventful one.. i helped a friend move into her new room, which she paid for by buying me quesadilas and beer. then we went to a few bars, and some art show that i really didnt care to go to, that ran all day, which around 8pm turned into a weird ass party involving hipsters, punks, a few thugish types, asian trannys, gays, folkish people, normal weirded out people who walked in from the street, and weird artsy acrobatic people swinging from some ribbon type shit hanging from the ceiling. got wasted of course, and spent a good amount of time there playing with my buddies pitbull. drove home with a different old girl friend, not a ex-girlfriend, back to the apartment where i helped the other girl move into earlier, where i spent the rest of the night trying to fuck said girl on the couch, only to start talking about old bullshit that made us stay up until 7am resulting in her crying.. huge fail. then 2 hours after i fall asleep, a angry puerto rican, (who got knocked out on the porch of the apartment i helped the girl move into, by a kid who lives in the only other apartment in the house) tried to invade the kids apartment again, only to get stabbed in the face and have his lip cut off resulting in him passing out down the street at a stop sign in his car, resulting in his arrest and the cops showing up.. everyone else woke up, i slept through the whole thing sitting 2 feet away from the door on the couch haha. while shitloads of cops were interviewing everyone in the place, a kid was moving into the room of another friend whom i helped move out of the same apartment later that day, hung over as shit, because hes hitting the road as a rambling man. what a odd series of events. -JCags.
  12. ya, thats probably the best way to put it. FUCK YEAH CRACK! thats whats up. i got some gross ass rash shit on my leg so i've been trying to not skate and agitate it, but i'll be back on the board soon. that hingham park is just to damn fun.
  13. awesome. i forgot how much i love seeing nollie front boards.
  14. saw the Real video yesterday, i enjoyed it. the music in the middle of the video was starting to make me lose interest. good shit though. max schaaf hitting banks on the motorcycle had me laughing.
  15. jason adams - label kills was thinking of this after that lucero video.
  16. good to hear crack. i havent gone out in like a week, but the warm days are here!
  17. dear realism, you got allergies dude? i know a few people that are all fucked from allergies right now :lol: at using your on call cough to get out of situations though. -Cagney.
  18. dear weedheads, other than the blunt i hit the other night i havent smoked in a week for the first time in about 6 years of smoking multiple times a day, stuffs making me too fooly these days, too passive as well, thats got to stop. i gotta set some shit straight then maybe i'll come back to the high life i love.. i can already tell im getting spastic again and i cant say i mind. and i can already feel the verbal and physical altercations that are probably gonna/may result from this. i've already been told by like 5 people "god damn man will you got hit a fuckin bowl or something" ..:lol:.. people i know are about to be tossed for a loop.. dear symbols, it still boggles my mind the shit people tweet and update their facebook status about.. even after all the shit people have caught because of it. i have neither a twitter, facebook account, or any of that shit. the oontz is as close to a tweet or status update or whatever as i get (not that i think anyone here gives a fuck).. people are constantly telling me to make a FB. fuck having to friend idiots i met at a party last night i dont give two shits about, but we have mutual friends.. people making passive aggresive, indirect, childish comments like "you make me sick, i hate you 2 you know who you are" type shit, grow up.. checking in like "so and so is grabbing a coffee at starbucks.. like i give a rats ass haha. -JCagsisumad@facebookiguess.
  19. most likely posting in the true or false, four word story, what are you.. whatever threads. i'm in the process of throwing all my files onto a flash drive before my computer blows up.
  20. no thanks.... seen this before.. but i watched it yesterday.
  21. i started 1984 in high school and ended up putting it down half way through cause i thought it was slow, i liked it, but i just wasnt keeping my attention i guess. i still need to finish it haha.
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