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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Does anyone have any experience in pets destroying walls in their apartments? I’ve never had to deal with this so i’m a little ignorant. Does this fall into the “pet fee” and security deposit i put down? Or is it possible the real estate agency is going to come after me for more money? Here is the damage.. Stuffing is from his dog bed. I know it’s boredom and probably separation anxiety, i’m only looking for ant information on the possible legal and monetary ramifications.
  2. I’m starting to see little issues. Selecting, selecting all to copy and delete are troublesome at times. My passcode seems to autofill and i have to delete it every time in order to enter it properly, mild nuisance but a nuisance nonetheless It saves replies on 12oz if the tab or browser is closed which is actually good at times, if i get pulled to something else and have to come back later and a pain at times if i have to slowly delete a long winded response because i cant select all. Overall i still like it and use it mostly. I have been switching back to Safari for little things. It also helps if i’m researching things and have multiple sites and tabs going at once.
  3. I couldnt edit/add to that because too much time had passed so.. edit: blaming all white gun owners proud to be American does not solve an issue of White Nationalist extremism.
  4. There’s no good reason over any other. No more acceptable reason over any other. However, placing motive is obviously important. Hypothetically speaking you need to know: Is this part of an organized effort? Are there going to be more attacks? Was this a calculated well planned situation, or was it a sporadic mental break? Were the victims specifically targeted, or was it random? Did the shooter appear to be a trained gunman, or was it an amateur firing blindly into a crowd? So on, and so on.. There are dozens of questions to figure out what, why, and how. When and where are obviously easily initially placeable, and then the significance can be determined from there. When i pointed out that there have been more attacks under the claim of White Nationalism than of Islam since 2011/2012 it was to point out the irony of the situation. We have been in an endless war in the middle east. Had there been an Islamic claimed attack, god forbid an Iranian, where do you think the American war cry would be focused on? Where would it be raining drones? If this were MS13 (using this because it was in the news cycle recently,) do you not believe there would be an outcry for hardened, serious crackdown on the gang? Whether it’s a legitimate organized group effort or lone individuals, their motives are very important. I’m not trying to over sensationalize or amplify things. I understand those roles of major media in politics. People keep talking about civil war, and it seems one side of the argument is taking it more seriously than others. Some of these gunmen think they are at war in America. Maybe we are. I am by no means anti-gun. If i could legally own firearms in my home state, i would. I want ownership now more than ever. I don’t blame inanimate objects for the damage they cause. Queue the tshirt slogan, “guns don't kill people, people do.” The idea of false flags to push gun control has always bothered the shit out of me. People double down when stuff like this happens. No one, in serious numbers at least, is running to their local police station saying “take my guns, i cant morally justify owning this killing machine after what i saw today.” This has happened no doubt, but it’s not popular. Those who think the cause of all this mass murder is solely to blame on guns, neglects every other means of murder available and what has played out. Without guns there’s bombs, knives, vehicles, ect. We all know this. Placing blame solely on guns is like blaming all Mexicans for the cartel wars. The number of Mexicans not in cartels is incredibly larger than the numbers who are involved in cartels. Blaming the actions of a few on the many doesn't solve a problem. Blaming all guns for the actions of a few is not the solution to a problem.
  5. have you lost the plot? not once did i mention the Daytona shooter was a white nationalist. You were the one insinuating there was a reason Daytona wasnt being covered like El Paso, and have yet to explain that "mystery." You brought up association with Antifa here.. "Check his twitter account. Right there in his bio Theres a reason you haven't heard about it in the MSM and theyre focusing on the El Paso guy. Its not a mystery why. Use duck duck go and check 8chan tons of info. Warren supporter, Antifa, hated Trump etc I’m at work so I can’t link you from there rn and google is in bed with the MSM so you won’t find anything about him searching with that engine." ... He could hold far left views, but there is no mention of Antifa in his bio. i've seen plenty on the shooter, you're the one alluding to a conspiracy. Most certainly did not. I asked for your reasoning to this "mystery" why El Paso was being focused on and Daytona was not, and gave the only 2 possibilities i could think of, White Nationalism being one of the two. i mentioned Islamic attacks in comparison. You then cited Warren support, hatred of Trump, and Antifa as some sort of political motive and that i wouldn't find any information about it because google was in bed with the "MSM." The El Paso shooter apparently posted a manifesto online and specifically mentioned a "Hispanic invasion of Texas," the Daytona kid apparently did not, hence making a motive tougher to place. Apparently the Daytona shooter had a "hit list" in high school, leading to believe this isn't the first time he's thought about this, making political motive a little less likely.
  6. Pretty clearly mentioned the ones from the “early 90s to more recent.” If you want to base things off that photo you posted then thats 20 men involved in mass killings over 28 years. Only about 3 of which claimed race as motive. This morning while i researched this i counted 17 incidents where white dudes killed people and openly state race or nationalist views as motive in the past 7 years. I’m not justifying anything. You’re misconstruing my words and I’m calling you on your bullshit. You’re the one who mentioned the media focus on this el paso shooter and not the dayton kid, alluding there was something going on because el paso was a self proclaimed white nationalist and the daytona kid was “antifa.” The kid showed up to a Klan rally with a gun according to one local Ohio news source, ok. How many white pride dudes showed up armed with guns in Charlottesville? Antifa is a bunch of hipsters in black smashing people with assorted weapons. There are white nationalist dudes gunning down groups of innocent people in the name of white power, religion, and American land.
  7. Yes, because that's the only thing i see alluding to fascism. Being a leftist and saying you'd vote for Elizabeth Warren doesn't make you Antifa.
  8. I didnt quote any nonsense stats. I looked up all that information and compiled those number myself. I currently have a broken bone and am out of work and have all the time in the world right now, haha. Please explain how i’m moving goal posts. I’m being pretty clear.
  9. Where does it say anything about Antifa? “Kill every fascist?” Hardly a proclamation of membership of any organized group.
  10. Dude knock it off with that reddit, 4chan, 8chan, whatever nonsense, or like that whole “i’ll just leave this here” shit is the end all be all of any sort of rational conversation. Those span from the early 90s to more recent. Some of those were work grievances, some were sexually motivated, some were psychotic breaks. I think 3 of those were racially motivated, maybe. They weren't self proclaimed nationalist, racist white dudes in the past 7 years writing manifestos going on about immigrants and jews and saving white America. Cut the shit.
  11. That movie did not need to be 3 hours long. That’s all i know. Just caught up on the most recent season of Black Mirror.
  12. Really dig emptyset, added some of that to a “bike rides” playlist. It’s not so much noise/experimental as ambient and “post rock,” but i love the bands Hammock, Mono, and Tycho.
  13. Ya this is where i start to get lost but am trying to learn again, especially the tech. I got into tech as a teenager and fell out of it hard. 15 years of not paying all that much attention really makes you feel like a moron when you try to dive back in. Edit: being a bullshit nihilist and assuming i’d be dead by now was a pretty shit plan in hindsight. Haha.
  14. I’m using duck duck go and i trust these websites i’m seeing even less than i trust main stream media, haha. i’m not sure what the mystery is you’re alluding to. If it’s gun control thats a weak ass argument. Gun control always comes up during shootings and damn near nothing has ever happened involving gun control minus banning bump stocks. If the mystery is white nationalist talk i can understand that narrative. However, since 2011, 76 people have been killed by people claiming it was in the name of Islam. Since 2012, 104 people have been killed by people claiming white nationalism. 0 have been killed by Antifa. Unless this dude really does have some sort of legitimate ties. Retweeting doesnt mean is part of an organization. I can repost stuff about Hells Angels events and various other support information. Doesn’t mean i’m a Hells Angel.
  15. I’m curious where you’re seeing this stuff about Dayton dude being associated with any ANTIFA group. I haven't seen anything on a source i would remotely trust. CNN reported some shit about retweets but thats it. Hardly a manifesto type situation.
  16. These are taken on public land. In the past though i dont usually have a problem. Maybe like 1/100 someone will question me and i’ll just bail. Only once has a bull threatened to ticket/arrest. Workers don't give a fuck 99% of the time.
  17. Ya, i meant i’ll only be posting a few gems on my IG account but couldnt edit because it was too late. All photos get posted here, only a handful will be on the IG. They want the full bench they have to come here. I’ll actually start posting that on the photos as well.
  18. Watching the dog chase his tail like a dumbass.
  19. Overcooked this pulled pork by a few hours because i fell asleep, haha. Edit: plus i used pork chops because they didn't have pork shoulder left. Double edit: so really it’s “extra pulled pork chops.”
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