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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Exactly. Very misleading. At this point the non-conspiracy ideologists are the “whack jobs.”
  2. "whoops like i dropped this pre rolled bedsheet noose, better go get a broom to pick it up, be back in a couple hours.."
  3. My personal opinion is he was led to the water and the dude drank, maybe they had some leverage and coerced him to kill himself or someone in his family would have a rough life. Not all pedos get segregated, and obviously if theres enough time/lack of oversight for the man to either get killed or kill himself, he was probably fucked regardless. Being neither a Trump or Clinton supporter, i think they’re both sketchy as hell, and they’ll be clinking glasses together soon at the next weekend getaway. I’ve never truly bought this rivalry. Edit: shit, once they had Whitey Bulger transferred he was dead in a matter of days.
  4. I have the plan.. He gets extradited to the US, we act as a mediator for Taiwan and Hong Kong. We hold him on Epstein’s cell block. Magic happens.
  5. NY Times reported the story back in like June or July about the murder/protest connection, and the original murder in March. From what i read Taiwan has a pretty strong “get fucked” attitude when it comes to extradition as well. It sounds slippery. If Taiwan says get fucked, Hong Kong can say get fucked. Unless maybe they agree to work together and still tell China to get fucked.
  6. Took me a second, haha. I never said he didn’t, but i’m not going all in on murder based off of what i’ve seen.
  7. Wasn’t the point of being a part of reviving 12oz partly to engage in discussion in situations like this, as it has broken down on almost all forms of social media? Yet here you are, diverting conversation and attempting to reduce it to memes.
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