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Everything posted by xen

  1. ^^^ wish i could be porch drinking but this rain is ruining that.
  2. drunk by noon but that's ok. loving me some off days. http://i50.tinypic.com/256b6vn.jpg
  3. false. i don't like redbull but true the rest tpbm has to work tonight
  4. true. she knew i was a pothead when she got with me, now it's a problem? tpbm has had to take a piss test in the last 30 days
  5. false. i've never seen a wombat. the person below me has seen a monkey riding a wolf. or at least a picture.
  6. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! http://i47.tinypic.com/v74dqv.jpg cocoa, my daughter's 3 month old polish. we got her for her for easter. i wanted a flemish giant. they get about 3 feet long and 25 pounds. my boy has a pair but they are the only pair of rabbits in the world that won't breed. http://tinypic.com/r/jfanix/6 Curious George, a red eared slider we've had for about 4 years. http://tinypic.com/r/20uoj14/6 He introduces himself to other dogs as Sir Freihan Von Heinkleschmit but we just call him Trouser
  7. very true on all counts. the person below me hates their job
  8. false. tpbm likes morning beer
  9. true. i have that going on now.the person below me has to work soon.
  10. This is Friehan Von Hauserschmitt or Trouser for short. Got him for christmas and have fallen in love with him.
  11. false. just below zero wind chill. the person below me knows/is a sexual freak
  12. http://forgotston.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/feet-to-the-fire.jpg http://www.umn.edu/~hick0088/images/blog/god-anti-war.jpg
  13. "you must spread some reputataion around befor giving it to lord_casek again" thanks and i will as soon as rep is spread.
  14. true. the person below me has bought vinyl in the last 7 days
  15. xen

    Dear ________,

    Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Testors I don't know what your secret ingredient is that makes you stay on my fingernails but if you could send me the formula to make you leave, i would be for 5 minutes in your debt ___xen
  16. false. i don't know what that means. the person below me has a piercing not visible to the public.
  17. maybe i should be posting in the alco thread but i woke up drunk, kept on drinking, got into some unlegal shit and am now checking in with the insomniacs. I truly recommend diphenhydromine and nyquil if you don't dig being awake. Holla.
  18. I have the worst cold ever and got it from from the best girl ever, or at least I used to think she was. The farther I get into thiis, the more I suspect she did this shit to me on purpose. Cheap vodka, Nyquil, and no sleep tell me this is true. 3:05 a.m. and vector math agree.
  19. xen


    I have court in 8hours 35 minutes but feel the need to drink cheap vodka. Then go to school. Then go to my boy's birthday party. I should have a poll as to what the opinion of what isn't going to happen.
  20. I've posted more this month than the whole time I've had the account. Mostly because I drink at home more these days. Lurking...
  21. It's long shot but does anyone know of a link to Jonathan Round? He only released 1 album on westbound records and all searcehs have found nothing. He does the most evil, insane cover of sympathy for the devil and would love to get a copy. Nothing on amazon, the label site, or the standard torrent sites. Thanks.
  22. so so true the person below me is registired to vote
  23. I just got a new computer and it comes with a reinstall disk, or at least I gather it is. Says for use with existing OS etc. My girl NEEDS to start over. Her cousin imagined himself a h4x0r and apparantly got pwned (i'll stop now) So If I take that disk and slap in it in, will that start her shit from scratch (Windows XP on both) or will I have to buy a disk? What if I were to (pirate) buy vista? And what doews reformat mean in english?
  24. true the person below me has earned their red wings
  25. false.. the person below me has finished a beer with a cigarette butt in it.
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