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Everything posted by xen

  1. love the people around you. the world is made solely of connections among people. one's life is limited, value every second of every day, do not bear grudges, do not envy, but be positive and always have a dream. follow that dream and work hard for it. if you focus on your passion, on your desires, your worries will go away. --horiyoshi iii but mostly, wipe front to back.
  2. I might be going to pick up my rottweiler today. he is scheduled to die monday but not if i can help it. keep your fingers crossed for me and him oontz. UPDATE tuesday i am going to go meet him and probably bring him to his forever home. either way, he isn't going to die. i am about to sprain my shoulder from patting myself on the back.
  3. false tpbm o is dunker than i am tpbm
  4. logging into myspace as the last holdout to post the 12oz shop video everywhere. and trying to get people to flag justin bieber's videos on youtube as digusting content.
  5. man moons then throws puppy at hell's angels. nonsense. http://www.thelocal.de/society/20100614-27841.html
  6. false. never interested. tpbm has no plans on cooking anytime soon
  7. drinking a beer and wondering why i have to wait untill 2 to get paid.
  8. woww. my 666th post should have been better than whining because i fried a junk hard drive.
  9. meh, had a bad day in computing. i tried to install tiny xp on my old, now junk comp, and get a windows cannot start because<windows root>/system32/hal.dll is miising or corrupt. i tried different numbers but it shuts down afterwards. My ISP kills my connection because i downloaded paranormal activity even with peerblock and forced encryption enabled on utorrent. I guess i'll just have to do the netflix thing. /endrant
  10. false. heavyset white women tpbm has seen the new twilight flick not by choice.
  11. http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l22a7pvobT1qahzc3o1_500.png
  12. reading through the 9/11 thread in the vault. shit is still fucked up.
  13. I guess it depends on the hospital. I have never paid a doctor bill in my life with no ill effects. My wife on the other hand has been sued by the surgeon and they put a body attatchment warrant to it. She has been under a rule to show cause for 4 years now. The intrest on it is higher than the monthly order so even paying every month we get further behind on it and actually owe more now than the original bill. Life tip here: identity theft or suck it up and don't go to the hospital. Go to the billing department and ask if they have a fund for just such an event. They probably do.
  14. trying to drink my hangover away.
  15. don't fear sobriety but don't engage in it either.
  16. that one thing that you want to do but say you never will. do it. what's the worst that can happen? loiter. loiterin' is good. smoke weed in moderation. wear shoes as little as possible mostly, don't take yourself or anyone else too seriously
  17. true. tpbm is in it for the lols
  18. false and wouldn't admit if i had pig tpbm hates their job
  19. drinking heavily on a work day, listening to anti-heroes, hating the world.
  20. http://www.27bslash6.com/missy.html i laughed. alot.
  21. http://www.momdot.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/cid_image001_jpg@01CAB5481.jpg
  22. I just filled out the adoption application for "tank", a 10 month old rottweiller. hopefully we can become his forever home. i'm keeping my fingers crossed. he doesn't know it yet but his real name is good dog carl. http://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/16768657?photo_view=1&rvp=1
  23. thanks casek but i went with the easiest fix. new computer. where the hell has this thing been for the last 3 years?. ads clicked.
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