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Everything posted by xen

  1. If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. Albert Einstein
  2. i can talk along with this movie. mostly because of her
  3. Just kind of a lame for my own info question but say you rip a cd at 320 kbs and convert it to 192 to save disc space does it really save space without affecting the sound quality and if you rip a cd at 192 and convert it to 320, does it improve sound quality? Just curious /nh.
  4. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** I'm hoping to finish this weekend. i'm about halfway there.
  5. putting off cleaning the turtle cage
  6. true. all of them. purchased tpbm owns cassette tape(s)
  7. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** i'm out the door. at least to give it an effort.
  8. xen


    right around the time it became "your day in pies". most of which mine could be summed up as which is also what i am doing right now.
  9. i just watched scott pilgrim vs. the world and absolutely hated it. i'm not sure exactly what they were going for there but some kind of dark, surreal, artfag type shit. maybe it was just me but it made no sense and i want my 2 hours back.
  10. xen


    i loves me some jameson and guiness. nobody around here is up on them. 5 of those and i want to revive "the troubles"
  11. false. not yet tpbm has swam in 3 oceans
  12. xen


    even by my standards, i hit the sauce pretty hard these last 3 days and payed for it all day today. i was still puking at 4 pm. but i finally got a couple of glasses of milk and some pizza to stay down so i am back at it. just beer tonight.
  13. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** i didn't stand a chance on this one but will try for the next one. good flicks so far. i love that this got moved out of untitled.
  14. xen


    mmmm....stella. i killed the cheap vodka and moved on to the mickey's. day before payday drunk. tomorrow i'm going to get on the leinenkugel's sunset wheat. i love that shit when i'm fronting like i got money. it's not all that expensive but $8 a six pack, is spendy to me.
  15. xen


    good for you. i hate the term "i quit" it is a setup for failure. i stopped works for me. i stopped smoking crack. i didn't quit. it's been over 12 years. i stopped doing meth. i didn't quit. it's been over 8 years. i didn't quit smoking weed, i stopped. it's been over 3 years. every time i "quit" something, i obcess. it's not that i won't, i just don't. still loves me some drinking though.
  16. xen


    There needs to be a team alpo class reunion. see who's still killing it, who's dead, who went to rehab, and who just doesn't give a fuck. i've lurked this shit for a minute and am personally still drinking just as heavy as ever. at this moment, and where's boogie hands these days? i want a missing persons report nikolai vodka and green kool aid isn't as horrible as it sounds.
  17. save coupons and send in for the rebates. that shit adds up quick. and if you are in a bad mood, you can take refuge in knowing that by holding someone up in line behind you, you have murdered them just a little bit. and in public restrooms, before taking a shit, drop a wad of toilet paper in there. not enugh to clog it, just enough to ensure no back splash.
  18. contemplating the unthinkable. and drinking.
  19. putting the kills on my 14th beer while trying to convince my dogs that the thunder isn't coming to kill them.
  20. if you are going to smoke weed, seek out abcs connection. no point in fucking with schwag. apparantely he gets the good shit.
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