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Ko SprueOne

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Everything posted by Ko SprueOne

  1. i saw that. I'll check it out.
  2. Realistic Wood Effects. Learning Series 01 Hehehe https://ak-interactive.com/product/realistic-wood-effects-learning-series-01/
  3. Impressive attention to detail but I'm not familiar with this builder. 1/64 scale, I'm assuming?
  4. MILFs were on full sexy parade tonight! I think it's their time to really cut loose with an excuse to wear revealing costumes. Trick or Treaters total count this year = 38
  5. Post: Posted Friday at 12:07 PM SP 516232 AAR Rule 90 - Cars and/or car parts prohibited in interchange A. Cars 1. Cars more than 40 years old as measured from the year of original construction except as otherwise provided for in rule 88. a. In the case of tank cars with separate built dates for tank and underframe, the underframe built date will govern for determining prohibition in interchange. b. Section 1a above will apply for both tank and underframe for AAR specification tank cars with separate built dates for tank and underframe.
  6. Dig that peek-a-boo shot at Posted Sunday at 03:34 PM
  7. The Hollywood Billiards business, yes.
  8. I had the battery in my watch changed today.
  9. Hollywood Billiards, San Francisco. All those ant perspective, cue holding, players on the walls were hand painted. I know this because I repair-painted the interior one. Following photos are 'borrowed' from the webs. I did this before I was on the interwebs and I didn't even have a camera yet.
  10. That's how it happens sometimes
  11. I hear red and yellow fade first in the sun.
  12. Nostradamus (CIA) says this and that and other sht
  13. I have is this one from the back door of a retail business but it's not even complete
  14. https://www.facebook.com/pekka.nieminen.3/posts/10220663140117874 SMC 2019 Saw this today on face book. Some of my favorites pictured below:
  15. I remember seeing this DIY in the YDiP thread. Good work on that fix. When you successfully do it yourself, it's always very rewarding and builds confidence for doing more sht. This is a similar fix that was done at the beginning of this year. The shower drains were clogged but the toilets and sinks, and kitchen sink drains were fine. We tried to snake through the shower drain but it gets stuck just before the clog. I took a chance by using some general logic by looking at the vent pipe on the roof and drew an imaginary line to the street from there. Started digging next to the house on that line. I was right on point! The age of my house means it's all iron under the slab then as soon at it leaves the foundation, the pipe changes to clay all the way to the city sewer line. It was already dark that night so either I discovered the clay pipe of we found a human skull. The builders of the house just buried the main clean-out point. Why, I don't know. Cracked it open with a steel bar and now I have a main clean-out. The following pictures show how I capped it for future access.
  16. Trick or Treat, character slaps this year. No candy for the kids.
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