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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. no, youre right. thats what i was saying when i said: "then basically alternate upper and lower body on your lift days." as far as "I still don't really know what to do in terms of sets and reps and shit though." there are lifting forums like bodybuilding.com that has more info on how many reps/sets etc you should start off with....you can even set up a bodyspace account, although i think thats a little homo.
  2. how are bent over rows working out your legs? i always considered those core/back here are a few examples from my routine... upper body: bench press bent over rows military press chest flys db curls rope pulldowns incline press lat pulldowns db shoulder press db shrugs etc etc etc lower body: squats stiff leg deadlifts seated calf raise standing calf raise deadlifts leg press leg extensions leg curls lunges etc etc etc i sometimes add other exercises but the ones listed are the ones i do the most often. also, i try to switch it up every once in a while so im not getting used to the same lifts. also, i try to switch up the amount of weight and # of reps every so often.
  3. add some dead lifts (including stiff leg dead lifts) in there too. a good routine to start off with would be: Mon Tue Thur Fri (resting wed, sat, and sun) so, lift 2 days rest 1, lift 2 days rest 2 then basically alternate upper and lower body on your lift days.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMhdvlunR2E
  5. fawse...i wok timbs the person below me kills spiders in their house.
  6. smash the last girl posted.
  7. just deleted my facebook account. and took a shit.
  8. dear facebook, im tired of all the drama you caused. i deleted you today. back to the old way of keeping in touch with people.... ..phone calls. cG
  9. dear Dear ________, thread, how did you get to page 2? bump! cG
  10. CALIgula

    Head On!

    igpay atinlay to the forehead!!
  11. just got back from eating some good german food.
  12. false....im in california. the person below me usually has really really smelly farts.
  13. true....red asphault 2 and 3. the person below me needs to clip their fingernails.
  14. false...you should go to the doctor...6 weeks is a long time. the person below me likes to race cars.
  15. false....my balls work just fine. the person below me thinks the person above me is weird for wanting to know that...lol.
  16. true...for realz! the person below me makes up their own slang.
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