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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. false....hitting the gym and then hitting the books. the person below me is studying for something.
  2. holy shit!!! these fucking spambots are getting smarter!! the bot even used frate raper's name (the original poster of this thread). wtf?!
  3. dear red, cant wait to see some new sushi flicks! cG dear symbols, i would love to go to school out there, but doesnt your city have one of the highest murder rates in the entire country?...i remember seeing a nickname for your city that was kind of disturbing. cG dear amnesia, :lol: cG
  4. dear symbols, there's no such thing as burrito poisoning! let me buy you a burrito! cG
  5. :lol: cyanide and happiness animated gifs?
  6. seen this last night with gf: prince of persia: sands of time then seen this after: brooklyn's finest
  7. me too! let me know if its a good read. i downloaded a bunch of books recently, but not enough time to read them. :(:(
  8. dear marco, when you become a rich famous photographer, dont forget all the little people! (and no, im not talking about midgets) cG dear schnitzel, happy belated bday man! cG p.s. your name sounds delicious
  9. dear marco, where you been at man?! cG
  10. dear homie since high school, damn man, we've been hollerin at females since waaaaay back...we've got all types of stories, but about 8 months ago when you told me your girl was possibly pregnant, it caught me off guard...well, 3 days ago, you had your son...i came to the hospital and visited you, your girl and your brand new baby boy...its too surreal....damn, were in our 30s now....were grown up...fuck :( cG
  11. ^smash!!...thats the perfect size woman!
  12. dear christeezy, i feel your pain....i was VERY VERY close with my grandfather....he passed away in 2008, and i miss him tremendously...but really what helps me get through is all of the good memories i have of/with him. stay strong. cG
  13. relaxing after a long day of painting (not graffiti)
  14. ive got 12 books next to my bed waiting to get read (hey, that rhymed), and ive got about 30 e-books on my desktop waiting to get read....i need to get on those. ..i was going through my old books from honors english in high school last week and looked through some books that i havent seen in years and decided to reread wuthering heights...havent read it in about 16 years...im understanding a lot more when reading it this time around.
  15. dear oontz friends, hai! cG
  16. dear 12oz, stop deleting my posts, so i can retire at 33,333 lol cG
  17. dear sm, haha...yeah, i noticed....im here trying to get them back! cali-wantingtoretirewith33,333posts-gula
  18. about to take my mom to an expensive restaurant (i can't afford this shit)
  19. retired at 33,333....but since some threads got deleted im back till 33,333. whats up iou!:)
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