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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. ^damn...beat me to it....lol i just came in this thread to post that...heres a link to the entire pdf for free...get it before it dies: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=gtwd2jf0 by the way, they even put in a nutrition section in this one.
  2. if you need to clean a penny, use taco bell's fire sauce (it's free) just put a drop on the penny...or enough to cover it wait for about 1 minute, and use a napkin (also free) to wipe the fire sauce off.
  3. :lol: yeah, next "chick book" i read, i wont be posting about it on here.
  4. lol!....hey now....it was at the thrift store for $1.50 and its a #1 NY Times bestseller, so i thought fuck it, might as well read it..lol.
  5. i just started reading this.. eat pray love dont judge me.
  6. anna karenina...yep, thats on my list too.
  7. i want to read war and peace one day...i actually downloaded it in pdf format either from manybooks or ebookee (i cant remember)....the girl im seeing also downloaded it...she has more time than me, but shes only made it into the first 20 pages or something lol.
  8. i still need to pick up a copy of 1984 and read it too. all i read from orwell was animal farm back in high school. but i keep seeing it popping up in this thread and also on "best 100 books of all times" lists...lol. im gonna go to the library and see if they have the "large print" version of the book.
  9. yeah, i guess he was at my university back in april and general admission tickets were $50, but for students it was $25...but i graduated a couple of years ago, so i wouldnt have even been able to go then either. money is very tight right now, so i guess its either find a way to sneak in or wait till next time he's in town...hopefully i will have more money by then :( ^yeah, i picked up kitchen confidential the same day i picked up me talk pretty one day...hopefully i can get to it soon, ive seen people mention it in this thread a bunch of times and cant wait to read it. by the way, thrift stores are a good place to pick up books...me talk pretty one say and kitchen confidential were each $1.50
  10. picked this up at the thrift store a few months back and just started a few days ago. im already a few chapters in. so far its funny. also, found out sedaris is gonna be in town in november, but tickets are almost $50, and i don't think im willing to shell out $50 to hear him speak.
  11. its all good....i own choke though....so im sure i will eventually pick it up again and actually finish it this time.
  12. i got halfway through palahniuk's choke and couldn't really get into it.
  13. ^good book. read it in one day in high school
  14. dear cali-g, having a bday on a wednesday sucks doesn't it? cG dear cG, why yes, yes it does suck. cali-g
  15. dear micah, i agree....a TCL meeting is definitely in order....but i dont know about the battered beaver being the tcl headquarters, because theres already a club where i'd fall in love....its called "club bounce" and its in alhambra, ca....nothing but the hottest chubby and fat girls. heres a link: http://www.clubbounce.net/home2.html -caligula p.s. i am down to hit up oakdale, ca for the chocolate festival though....that shit sounds good!
  16. dear y'all, here ya'll go.... http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=367120365296&topic=13733 by the way, i just noticed that autocorrect doesnt red-underline y'all but does underline ya'll, so i gues y'all were correct. thankin' y'all from putting me up on game, -c'alligua
  17. dear symbols, so it doesn't say "!@#$%" on your birth certificate?? cG dear red, lol...is that really the proper way to abbreviate it?!?!.....i've been doing it wrong all these years!! cG p.s. i went to all you can eat sushi yesterday...after edamame, salmon sashimi, 2 specialty rolls, 1 philadelphia roll, soft shelled crab and gyoza, i tapped out!..fail!
  18. dear soul, lol...i was just fuckin wif ya'll! cG
  19. dear souls & symbols, please try to follow the format of the thread, by including a "dear" at the beginning of your post, followed by the text of your post and finally signing your name. sincereal, cali-g
  20. dear ms. seyer, stop ghostin 12oz! so, now that youre making that bank, can i borrow $20? cG
  21. dear dear thread, wtf is going on? (in r. kelley voice) cG
  22. this spam is clever...two 1-letter links for androids.:lol:
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