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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=word+is+bond+or+word+is+born
  2. about to get ready to go over to my girl's apartment to watch the nba finals with her...game 7 woohoo!
  3. Dear TDB, moved into my exgf's apartment when I was about 20. granted it was her spot that i moved into....paid my half of rent for a month..we got on each other's nerves the whole time..i up and moved one week later, never got any of my money back...broke up about a year later..she was a bitch. cG
  4. true. the person below me has more than 3 keys on their keychain.
  5. they just made a few people mods recently...less than a month. welcome back MAR! oh and as far as adam goes, i kind of miss adam's block...it was fun to watch at late night.
  6. false...i go to the one in roseville, ca and the one in sacramento, ca at least once every four or five weeks. the person below me likes boba drinks.
  7. dear sacramentens, see...even this guy knows whats up! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=061_1371141323 cG
  8. false. the person below me has gum stuck in their hair right now.
  9. false..sometimes king elegant though. the person below me has a song stuck in their head right now.
  10. ^seen that snoop dogg documentary on netflix list....gotta get around to watching it though.
  11. false...i own about 6 pairs, but never wear them...makes me look douchy
  12. dear seyer, oh, i see....my hugs always include hip thrusting :) cG
  13. honestly, I haven't even opened it yet. it says we need at least 4 people to play, and I haven't had time to set something up with friends. its supposed to be like apples to apples, but just really fucked up. theres a bunch of youtube videos of people playing it. *edit..
  14. false. the person below me has cotton mouth
  15. lemonade aint a popular drink anymore.
  16. dear sey, wtf is a sexual hug? cG
  17. dear seyer, im sorry to hear about your brother and sister's mom. cancer is a horrible thing. the only thing i can suggest is just to be there for you brother and sister and stay by their side through this difficult ordeal. cG
  18. dear Sacramento weather, seriously....how did the weather drop from 110 on saturday to 78 on Sunday...and it was cold and windy at night. now it looks like its gonna rain....wtf is going on?!?!? cG
  19. ^i still have mine from 92/93
  20. getting ready to hit the gym. i have the day off! yay
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