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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. thats not nba jam is? i used to love playing nba jam at the pizza shop down the street...they had street fighter 2 and nba jam...mortal kombat too...thats where i honed my skills.
  2. Re: random thoughts lol @ texas
  3. fuck celery on pizza..if i want to eat healthy, i wont eat pizza.
  4. sittin in a silk suit tryin not to sweat
  5. dont get over yourself homeboy....youve been trolled.:lol:
  6. my two cents: we do it for we. but, if it helps me get laid too, then fuck yea imma call it an "art". co-signed on teachers now-a-days....i blame 80HD ;)
  7. love the fact that the purple dildo is just chillin on the floor
  8. ^haha...i hate when gyms have the equipment too close also..but it makes it worse when idiots like that guy can cause injury to others from not being careful.
  9. oh i totally agree! epic thread is epic...but i just dont want to lose this thread or parts of this thread like when we lost a bunch of good threads in the great 12oz crash of 2006.
  10. i was wandering...it sucks too when they pull out there phone and get on it between sets...but i cant call them on it...they might not be texting..they might be changing their music, looking up form, or using a fitness app...i use my ipod touch to keep track of weight/reps/sets.
  11. just finished catching up on KIR's thread by reading the last 3 pages...favorite thread on 12oz.
  12. that last pic reminds me of when i got lost in the bronx..took some train and ended up at yankees stadium
  13. haha is that a koi fish or dragon?
  14. wide awake at midnight...might go to the 24 hour walmart to do some shopping in a bit here.
  15. this! they should make everyone take a mandatory gym etiquette class when they first sign up at a gym...rerack your weights, wipe down machines, try to limit your time on benches, squat racks etc by not doing 30 sets or supersetting with equipment on the other side of the gym etc etc on Monday I had to wait 25 minutes for a flat bench to open up...one had this huge brotha supersetting with like 4 other workouts and just left his shit on the bench...the other had 2 fat hmong dudes doing like 15 sets each..the third bench was 2 scrawny high school kids benching with 2 10's on each side but alternating back and forth until failure.:( kinda hard to work through when u go to a ghetto ass gym with no gym etiquette...i miss my old gym, but cant afford it anymore so now I just go to this ghetto gym with gang members on this inside and hookers working the parking lot outside. /end rant lol
  16. memorizing blackjack basic strategy.
  17. dear I_R, ben is going to make a terrible batman cG
  18. Just had dinner, going to bed early.
  19. dear red, you better visit from time to time and post some more pics of that delicious looking sushi! cG
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