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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. i saw wreck it ralph today damn....i didnt know what to expect, but i really really liked this movie...got me hooked at the beginning off the nostalgia tip, and kept me watching because of the plot...really nice story. i dont usually give movies high ratings (im jaded) but gave this a solid 9 out of 10.
  2. the dude on the left was in the movie showgirls.
  3. just watched the lego movie... i thought it might be similar to team america...but it wasnt...more of a kids movie...dissapointed...gave it like a 5 and a half.
  4. been watching movies from my childhood a bit... watched ernest goes to jail lol... yesterday i watched a movie i loved as a kid but havent seen in over 20 years...gremlins... watched the credits and found out that Gizmo's voice was done by howie mandel....never knew that, even though i loved howie mandel's stand up and bobby's world when i was younger.
  5. i bought the roku 2 xd in late 2012...wish i wouldve waited for the roku 3. my gf got the apple tv for her apartment and at the time the roku was about $25 cheaper....we both decided that the roku was better even though it didnt allow you to mirror an ipad to it (apple tv obviously did) and that roku didnt have a youtube app (because google owns youtube, blah blah blahblah blah legal stuff blah) since then, they have added a youtube app, and even more private channels that apple tv doesnt have. by the way, i love searching for random roku private channels on the web....its like a treasure hunt lol
  6. CALIgula


    is that supposed to be blood?
  7. looks like he just ran out of buff paint lol
  8. bout to hit up vegas in mid-august. looking forward to catchin some nice flicks.
  9. dear symbols, what does a person who looks like they give a fuck look like? cG p.s. rhetorical question
  10. time to donate the clothes to the homeless....at least thats what i did when i lost all the weight. getting rid of them and buying smaller sizes will help keep you fit....cause you know you cant go back to what you weighed previously...or else your clothes wont fit!
  11. dear symbols, WDAPWLLTGAFLL? :) cG
  12. dear symbols, must be nice! cG p.s. please follow the rules of the thread and use the correct format :) "dear_____,"
  13. congrats man. ive gained weight in the past couple of months. skipping out on workouts and eating crap...but i did go to the gym last night!
  14. dear nok, some envelopes had like $130 in them. some people found 2, some 3...one guy tweeted that "we found 4" 4 = about $500 you'd be out there too. cG
  15. dear hiddencash, well, i tried and didn't find any envelopes while some people found 3 or 4 :( but i did find the crumpled up $20 bill by the tree, so all was not lost. :) cG
  16. dear @hiddencash, you will be in my city tomorrow. the clue was: Fat_____, _______Bird, ________Nest. (for time and place) the second clue was: Three * two word phrases. Fill in the blanks. the 3rd clue was: First phrase = Mardi Gras bro, I know it! first phrase is Fat TUESDAY (mardi gras)...meaning that the cash will be ready on tuesday. the next phrase is EARLY bird...as in the early bird catches the worm...meaning that the cash will be hidden early in the morning on tuesday. the last phrase is HORNET'S Nest...as in the mascot for Sacramento State University, the hornet...so youre going to hide the money somewhere near Sac State.....especially since one of the hidden cash guys was a sac state alumni. just please...PLEASE...let me be one of the people who finds one of the envelopes with cash in it!...theres supposedly $1,600 total out there...i just want to find like a couple hundread or something :) thanks hiddencash!, cG
  17. i dont think they drink tap water. i grew up on tap water and dont even drink that anymore. opulence my nigga.
  18. lol...the people who were good at memorizing reactions and mechanisms and got A's in the class enjoyed it.
  19. A&P was fun....i hated microbio....i hated organic chemistry too...but general chemistry was good....you going to take the MCAT soon?
  20. dear TDB, congrats! enjoy summer while you can! it goes by too quick! cG dear backwater, san francisco usually has temps anywhere from 15-30 degrees lower than sacramento....when its like 90 here, its low to mid 70s there...i just checked and the temp here was 91 degrees and about 65 in san fran...the rest of the bay isnt that much cooler, but still about 10-20 degrees cooler. while it gets hot here a lot, its not really hot as fuck here all the time....we get all four seasons with spring and fall being mild...winter is usually cold and rainy....but summer does get hot...luckily we are close to the delta and we get the delta breeze from time to time which cools shit down...on days when we dont get that breeze, shit gets HOT..upper 90s through mid to upper 100s..right now the breeze is keeping things in the low 90s, but my guess is that we will have tons of days over 100 in july and august this year. cG
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