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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. damn....i remember seeing tales from the hood in the movie theater when it first came out by myself at night. i was 15 and my parents went to go see a cheezy love story movie, so i went to see tales from the hood.
  2. dear chubbs, its not you...but certain 12ozers feel its ok to drop the n-bomb left and right on this site....and not with the "a" on the end, but with the "er" at the end....a group of us with lots of prop points have decided thats not cool at all, so we will be negapropping anyone who blatantly uses that word....its not feasible for the mods to go through the entire site and edit or delete posts with that word in it....so we are like vigilantes or something on 12oz....case in point the "whole block vs one dude thread" had a lot of racial insults in it. trying to make 12oz a better place, cali-g dear symbols, one, can, never, use, enough, commas, !, cG dear ssn, imad. ya'll wimmenz have each others backs no matter what! the whole thing reminds me of the lifetime channel. cG
  3. dear caligula, that last post to symbols was a run-on sentence (AKA a ROOn-on sentence). you're better than that! work on your grammar!!! cG
  4. dear smelllikesmagnums, im sure there are many diseases on the oontz...i was just recommending that dress because it looks cool! :cool: cG dear symbols, just for you, next time im at the gas station giving shots of grey goose to strippers to get flashed, i will take pictures and post them here in 12oz for even more lulz! cG
  5. got back from getting milk at the store and putting air in my tires at the gas station.
  6. gobbler as in turkey? well, with a name like "zoo"inks, i could see why you'd smash a turkey.
  7. dear sey sey sey, id rock that outfit....minus the mask. cG
  8. dear SingleMisses, you down to wear the condom dress?? cG
  9. feed him a lot of food..like a lot. until he looks like the one on the left..
  10. dear rofl, its hard to be a grown man, when you feel like a kid! cG dear ssn, it was good hanging out with you too. the girl i was with really likes you...she agreed with me when i said suki is good people. cG dear seyer, you will get front row to the wedding! cG dear red, congrats on making it to over 10k in props! but, you deserve it...your sushi thread is dope. cG
  11. all babies want to get borned!
  12. that asian girl in the red reminds me of the asian girl in the juno movie that was protesting out in front of the abortion clinic.
  13. false...but i did watch people drink beer. the person below me didn't drink last night.
  14. chillin...because my teacher is sick and class got canceled.
  15. dear focus group, 2 hours of easy questions? check. free breakfast? check. $60 check for going to the focus group? check. thanks, cG
  16. dear SMooches, Hell yeah we can honeymoon!....in Bakersfield!! cG
  17. dear tattoo artist homie, thanks for hooking up my homegirl with a tattoo for cheap last night. cG dear 2 stripper girls from last night, thank you for flashing your boobs, butt, and va-jay-jay to me, my homie, and my home girl at the gas station for a few shots of my grey goose last night. cG dear caligula, youre 30 years old...wtf are you doing kicking it till 7am with strippers that are bending over in a gas station parking lot showing you their vagoos?!? grow the fuck up man. p.s. get some fucking sleep...its 12:53pm and you havent slept in more than 24 hours.
  18. about to go make lunch, then eat it...then go and get my crops cut...then take a shower...then study...then pick up my homegirl..then hit the gym...then kick it!
  19. dear decy, haha! well, great minds do think alike! cG
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