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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. dear symbols, i like my women obese, and seyer doesnt even come close to qualifying! cG
  2. dear freak, congrats on hitting 10,000 prop points. i know a couple people are already past 50,000. cG
  3. dear seyer, i got you. i propped freak with the following message: "props on behalf of me and seyer!" cG
  4. dear seyer, thats only if you dont listen to willy wonka and chew the blueberry gum. cG
  5. dear seyer, im 30. lets get married. i will feed you till you fit my requirements. cG
  6. dear rolf, rofl. cG dear sey sey, age aint nuthin but a numba, ya dig? but if it bothers you that much, you can marry buster posey...dudes only 23. cG
  7. dear ssn, i am down!! can't wait to see the new and improved you. cG
  8. dear asthma al, i agree with you. i stopped watching in the 4th quarter cause it got too humiliating. cG dear ssn and seyer, ya'll should marry juan uribe. team chubb lubb! cG
  9. ^^yeah....thats exactly how the girl was doing her squats.
  10. i still have mine. from third grade.
  11. this is sooo true. my workout partner quit after a few months of lifting and i needed a spot for benching and instead tried using the smith machine. the angle was so awkward that i quit benching on it after my warm up set. someone said it, but you are better off just asking someone for a spot. it isnt that good for squating either. theres this cute girl at my gym that uses it to do squats and the angle she is squating at makes me cringe....it looks like she is going to throw her back out. but i dont want to go up to her and try to correct her, because she will probably think im trying to get at her.
  12. dear rolf, he was definitely a ninja. or an asian gang member. because im a big guy, he saw me waiting to use the squat rack and didnt even flinch. cG p.s. you really fart while benching?
  13. dear scrawny asian guy at the gym, thanks for tying up both squat racks. im sure your weak little muscles need it more than i do. cG
  14. thats the best exercise...fucking a fat girl. lifting her body weight...lifting your own body weight to maneuver around her rolls. best work out ever.
  15. i only really use the smith machine for seated military press. thats about it.
  16. dear seyer, i did. its a class that prepares you for a grad school entrance exam. cG
  17. dear ssn, i have class on sunday :( but i really really want to visit! cG
  18. about to go watch some tv episodes ive recorded.
  19. dear ssn, milky and souls, i wish i could come kick it with ya'll :( cG
  20. dear meth, saw it opening night (last night). very funny! on a scale of 1 to 10, i gave it about an 8. to me hangover was a 9...i thought hangover was a bit funnier than due date, but due date was definitely funny, and its worth the watch. cG
  21. seen due date last night.. pretty funny! scale of 1 to 10, i give it like an 8 or 8.5
  22. :lol: congrats watson!! You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to watson again.
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