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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. just finished reading Sara Gruen's Water for Elephants...pretty good read.
  2. dear earl, NSFW!! ...but here it is anyways: http://dancefloordale.com/ enjoy! :) cG
  3. dear earl, glad you enjoyed the video....did you watch the whole version? cG dear seyer, thanks for putting me up on that video....that shit is mad corny, but funny as fuck. cG
  4. watching this music video over and over again.
  5. dear 12oz, i present to you....Dance floor Dale! cG
  6. removing the hard drive from my old laptop.
  7. havent seen kick ass yet, but ive heard its really funny.
  8. dear earl, make it happen! cG
  9. dear sm2xL, yes, i think i do deserve a prize! cG dear sey sey, thanks! :) cG dear atww, i had last poster on the entire page once...a few years ago....it caused me to get a "warning" from tesseract...he told me that if i kept it up, he would ban me....someone made a thread about it. cG
  10. i was actually really disappointed with the first episode of pretend time. i hope it gets better.
  11. looks like they made it out there and got stuck.
  12. dear sm2xL, http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showpost.php?p=7715820&postcount=16998 ^that should explain it. cG
  13. 10-12-10 5:24pm PST :) CALIgula 31,525 seeking 31,524
  14. Dear 12oz, First Place!!!.....woohoo!!!...i did it!! 10-12-10 5:18pm <3 cG
  15. true....tying seeking for first place with this post. the person below me knows what im getting at.
  16. dear red, make any sushi lately? cG
  17. word up....i want to buy an all in one printer/scanner/copy machine...but its too expensive.
  18. i remember duckman! that came out when i was in 8th grade...i still remember talking about it in english class. so, it had to have been 1993ish.
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