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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. dear \m/, neither of them is gay, because there are females present in both situations. but i can see what you are saying. cG
  2. listening to the local police departments radio frequency online. apparently theres a guy in a gray hoodie holding a family hostage in their house right now.
  3. dear symbols, lol..thanks. yeah, im gonna miss being in the "that place" thread. cG
  4. dear ru, yes. guns kill people. cG
  5. dear earl, one day we'll take on that challenge...and win. if you're ever make it to the bay area, remember that sacramento is about an hour away. cG
  6. congrats! propped for your contribution to the oontz.
  7. damn...thanks for sharing kiloz...shes cute.
  8. ^^must be switzerland (see the swiss travel thread i made)...i bought a bottle of coke like that for about $7. ^^this was my desktop background on my old laptop from 2007-2008.
  9. im seriously gonna have to. im gonna miss vip.
  10. false....i was in 1985 though. the person below me was born after 1985.
  11. checking my membership status on 12oz..my premium membership expires on wednesday :(
  12. dear earl, if you can make it to sacramento, cali by the end of this month, we can do the sushi challenge...otherwise i cant..January 1st is the 1st day of my new years resolution to get back into shape...and i dont think that 4 pounds of carbs will help with my resolution. cG dear smxxl, that guy actually has a brilliant idea!...im hella on it right now...making stickers. cG dear rolf & earl, :lol: cG dear seyer, my mom knits. cG dear homie at the pool hall, we were winning...and the last shot was sooooo fucking easy....how the fuck did you scratch on the 8ball!??!?!?!?!? cG dear 12oz, fuck....my premium membership expires in 2 days (12-8-10)...so no more vip for me :( cG p.s. i know immortal is the status for after 20,000....i wonder if theres a status set for over 30,000....guess we will find out in a couple days.
  13. dear chubbs, lol....propped. cG dear IOU, damn man...thats not good...hope things get better man. cG dear eb, its because too many people on here are quick to be hella racist and that shit is wack as fuck. cG dear ssn, hi! cG
  14. dear missyasminamelea, what are you talking about?!?!?! cG
  15. just went outside to repark my car and realized that i have to replace my headlight....the same headlight i replaced about a month ago.....fuck.
  16. false...i eat the crust...but i enjoy the crust even more when theres cheese in it or theres ranch or honey around. the person below me has tried pizza crust with some honey.
  17. ^lol im look at family pictures online.
  18. dear odd, no more tinychat? cG
  19. dear Ithaca, awesome first post!! cG dear odd, havent seen you on 12oz in a while! cG dear IOU, where have you been at?...i dont see you posting as much these days. hope all is well. cG
  20. false...ive got so much to do, im not going to have too much time to download music. the person below me has lots of errands to run today.
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