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Everything posted by meateater

  1. Seen Guns N Roses twice! Seen Metallica twice! just missed out on seeing slayer.. by a few days which was a bummer! same goes with public enemy! Gunners and Metallica probly one off the most memorable and best times ive ever have in my life!!!! Oh and i found myself on youtube in the back of a gunners show!! Classic..
  2. Yeah BUT... have you ever had one come up to you and stuck her tounge down your throat!!!! bok bokkk boookkeeeeeeeerrkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Didnt take long for the jokes to come out.... making gifs, pics etc.. You people are sick in the head. Grow up you morons.
  4. Rest In POWER! Such a shame for such a nice guy.
  5. QUIT!!!! Thats what i did and now im on a constant holiday living it up... Booyeahh!!
  6. from what ive been told carl zeiss lens are one of the most exspensive and quality lens's.... they just add that name on the camera to make them look better... but actually thier not.
  7. fuckn oath buzzie!!!! :D:D:D and im loving it!!!
  8. well, the room im living in at the moment , is like a crackden.... its tiny as, stinks like fuck cant walk on the floor proply as there is cloths and rubbish and 3 matrices on it and to top it off.... the freezer just decided to defrost it self so now the carpet is all wet and stinks... but lucky my matrice never got wet ... slumming it at the moment is so much fun.
  9. mode2, come on! Mine would love that comment! This is mode 2 whilst he was over in that place called perth.
  10. Whilst hanging onto my balls..... im not going to have sex with you.. im not going to have SEXX WITH YOUUUUUUU!!!!! P.s i wasnt even thinking about it, crazy BITCH she was!
  11. Im a lover for every spider animal what ever the onthing i do hate are dam roaches and silverfish... those things can fuck off!!!! p.s i catch moth and to feed teh spiders.Muuahahahhahahahahahhamuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ahah haha hah a hah a hWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA hahahahahhahahahahaaahahhha.............dead.
  12. You would wont to get this shit outa the way, cause you will have this hanging voer you and then one day it might just pop up and slap you in teh face... But yeah, pretend you know nothing about it cause you yourself never got served these papers.... go go on you holiday and have a good time.
  13. ....creeeep creeep creeepppp.
  14. Thats Nothing compared to my things this year, but i choose not to disguss them with you. From the Start of 06 till now has been the worst year of my life. Im the biggest hater at the moment, of everythign.
  15. Tell your uncle to hook me up, i wouldnt mind some of that invention... Havnt been to the dentist in like 3 years after tehy ript out 4 of my wisdom teeth and fucked my up with a screaming bill that wasnt even mine!!!! cunts, plus they chipped 2 of my back teeth and the other day finaly i got the chip to actally break apart and come out.... im due for a check up but i dont think its going to happen. moneymakinglieingmotherfuckersihopetheygetrippedoffbysomeothersmartass.
  16. mission impossible sucks end of story.
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