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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. earmuffs


    I work three hours from home so I spend a lot of time driving. I never paid much attention to podcast until about 8 months ago. What yall got? These are are my regulars
  2. Way too much back to school shit for my son.
  3. Laying around. Trying to find something to do.
  4. Sitting at a bar and the girl two seats over is talking to the bartender about a house she wants to buy and turn into a jersey shore type house hahahahaha. Her: 25. Mexican works two jobs.
  5. 3 more hours of this then I’m headed home.
  6. Had to get to the store 2.5 hours early to get these for my son. Store above it had a busted pipe and flooded the footlocker below it. First one in line there and somehow they were sold out of my sons size in one of the pairs. I was able to get one pair there and lucked out at another footlocker in the same mall. DEAE9D90-B386-4F40-9B5E-9596CFBCBE02.MOV
  7. Same here but away at work. It’s been rough. Bout to get up and head to Walgreens to pick up my medication.
  8. Some weekend vibes. 5B93E76D-2E03-41B9-8273-659F4B79F6CD.MOV 2AA1D9C5-1831-4CAD-95FD-A9B30F708BF1.mp4
  9. Laying here killing time till i fly back home.
  10. I’m just a visitor here. Great area though.
  11. Tried to get it as straight as possible. Failed. Durham Bulls game.
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