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Everything posted by WORDISM45

  1. i think they just knew theyd get a lot of publicity by demonstrating there
  2. What do people think of international and multinational bodies like the EU UN ICC etc. the premiss is that theyre there to address things like transnational corporations, enivornmental issues, international poverty and human rights which traditional state and national governments do not effectively address. do you think they are (or can possibly be) really effective? or are they just the latest extension of a continously swelling beaureacracy? do you think they threaten national sovereignty and individual liberty by further seperating the average citizen from the institutions of government? if so how?
  3. i read some fucking militant chirstians were going to demonstrate at the funerals of the amish kids that got killed by that pedofile nut but they were dissuaded by a radio presenter who promised them an hour of air time if thye didn't go. Thats a really cool thing of him to do but it probably would have been even cooler if they did go and the bikies that were there to protect the amish funerals against the filthy hypocritical christians beat a bunch of them into comas
  4. WORDISM45


    i dont know what gave you the idea that the australian government paid reperations to aboriginies but youre sorely mistaken, the aboriginal people in my country didnt even have land rights until the 1970's and they werent in legal ownership of any of the land that they traditionally inhabited until 1993. trust me if you want to compare america to a country with a positive record with indigenous people youre barking up the wrong tree with australia, there are hundreds of little third world aboriginal communities around this country that hardly anyoen knows about.
  5. i like you a lot sometimes angelofdeath
  6. i saw that footage on 'freedom to fascism' if we're talkign about the same hting, he doesnt actually say that they rigged the elections, he jsut says that it is possible to do so on voting machines. dont get me wrong i think the election was rigged as fuck just saying from what i know the dude didnt admit it on camera
  7. fuck genetically modified foods if people cant see on face value thta that shit is wack then we probably do all deserve to die from some obscure mutation shit as a result
  8. on face value i fidn this pretty much impossible to believe just in a practical sense
  9. im sure you could correlate bush's approval ratings with many other factors and it would look similar as well
  10. like i said i didnt know anythign about it dipshit thats why i asked so yeah theo fair enough if the CIA catch some real terrorists plotting to kill people but the point i was trying to make is theres a massive grey area around the term enemy combatants. sure it has a definition but id wager that there are PLENTY of people that have been imprisoned that havent " supported the Taliban or al Qaida forces, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners. "
  11. and what constitues an 'enemy combatant' in the war on terror theo? and im not familiar with this plot that was apparently foiled by the CIA about using indonesians to fly planes into the west coast, but were these plots actually substantiated or was it more like the CIA said some dude admitted that that was what was going to happen and then it went down in history as fact (not forced confession, or simply conveniently made up) and inspired billions around the world to support the commander in chief
  12. haha i know dude i live i nAUstralia theres been a drought here for years and years. i was just pointing out, in reply to what iron lung_said about oil beign a precious resource like water and should be treated as such, that no one treats water as a precious resource either and that is probably more of an issue than oil
  13. water is treated as a precious resource? shit i could have sworn people still have half hour logn showers, leave the tap running cause theyre too lazy to turn it off then on again, hose everything in sight, use sprinkler systems, innefficiently irrigate etc etc
  14. have you ever heard of the founding principal of a fair trial huxtable? its innocent until proven guilty, so you cant really rightfully begin 'punishing' someone when they havent even been charged let alone convicted of any crime. plus dont give me this shit about how 'if its going to save thousands of lives then its worth it' youre not going to hear anyone argue against that. the fact is theres no proof to suggest that torturing some dude is going to save thousands of lives (whether hes a real terrorist or just some poor dude who was in the worng place at the wrong time)
  15. sweet i expect you to supply me with pastries next time im at yours
  16. Re: KOH's Death List. thats nto true those are jsut two hot blooded american youths enjoying watersports and the cameraderie they can offer eachother...:rolleyes:
  17. Re: KOH's Death List. what musicians do you respect king of hell?
  18. WORDISM45

    Twisted words.

    how about you provide me with some knowledge on the subject (not jsut a link to some shitty website you googled) instead of attempting to patronise. why do you personally think lenin was an evil man angelofdeath?
  19. WORDISM45

    Twisted words.

    but seriously whats so bad about lenin? i havent really doen much reading on him but ive never heard of any attrocities hes commited or anything like that? just because he instituted communism into russia doesnt make him an evil man
  20. WORDISM45

    Twisted words.

    whats so bad about lenin?
  21. bullshit youd best believe live, uncensored, unscripted political debates happen in australia come election season
  22. shit thats crazy i was thinking about how Iran should openly debate about the nuvclear issue with soemone in authority liek a week ago
  23. my god man take your tophat off. socio economic factors are just as forceful in making people work for complete shit in a cesspit as a gun to the head is (either way youre gonna die if you dont do it) you know this too so dotn argue for the sake of it
  24. word. I said the same shit out loud as soon as I saw that, Dope secod one Air-maximus edit: from daily crunch, in mate's account
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