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Everything posted by Spellbound

  1. Bump Steel.... that Nina Simone joint is fire... The fresno one too!
  2. Wow... I wasn't really that familiar with Vans/Omega but those pieces posted earlier in this thread are incredible. Not only dope with the techniques and such but really good letters as well. I think it could be Pose, Vans, Rime, Ewok...very intersted to see what Ces does in this too. Agreed that Totem would be an excellent addition to this line up. I would be interested in knowing the guidelines for the battle though. Number of cans, time limit etc. Thanks for putting something like this together... It will be highly anticipated.
  3. Bump that Teach peace....that broken A is so fresh. also bump Evail... always had some of the dopest letters. That Maple burns as well.
  4. Yep... girl n' chair all the way. By far your best work IMO. It's good that the pop icon paintings can pay the bills... but yknow...they are what they are. I would concentrate on painting from life more instead of photos. or sketch from life for reference and paint from your sketches just my 2 cents keep it up. Peace
  5. Re: Lady Gaga is a hermaphrodite. No kidding. 519573 (45 minutes ago) 0 Reply | Spam Sir Gaga ^^^^ HAHAHA!
  6. Lots of dope stuff lately. Big bump to that Diel and Fish.... Those guys were always dope.
  7. holy shit....you talk shit day in and day out...and finally someone sticks you in the eye. It should be expected. what a pussy crybaby....
  8. The first one is better but it looks like something I've seen before...Yes2 perhaps? It kinda falls apart at the "T" Had to wing that one maybe? and the handstyles need a lot of work. 2nd one has potential but needs to be simplified. all those little direction changes in each letter aren't necessary.
  9. Bump that green Like... bonkers!!!
  10. Great styles! thanks for posting. def down for an exhchage
  11. Nate did have a stroke either earlier this year or last year i think. but that for sure aint him. They're so Scandelous... they're so scandelouuuuuuuuuuus....they so scandelous.
  12. Re: Great Pictures~ "oh shit....we're missing The Comish!?!"
  13. yeah man... it seems like kind of a buster ass move on his part. if you're a dude who has a wife it seems like you should handle biz so you can provide a spot for just the two of you to live. unless you have a ridiculous amount of extra room but even then it's suspect. As far as the rent thing....did they used to have separate bedrooms? and now they share one bedroom? if something like this happened...it makes their case a little stronger but I would try to find some new roommates or get a cheap place for yourself if you're able to. good luck
  14. oh damn...those are dope cocaine! quicky for East....hook it up G!!!
  15. Dope shit!!! Evail has teh illy styles
  16. Say word. or you find out years later that so and so had a crush on you but by the time you find out it's to late to do shit. oh and co-sign to GucciCondom's statement
  17. true...once in a great while the person below me has owned at least one pair of reebok pumps
  18. yo... I'm sure you already thought of this... but make sure you cover your cars so the mist from the paint doesn't fuck up the car's finish. fuck it...it's your shit. do what the fuck you wanna doooooo!
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