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Everything posted by BloodKlot

  1. gotta go catch some dusties, i'm out
  2. Happy birthday sir....would you like that on a crepe?
  3. I'm a nudists....under my clothes.
  4. must kill smug little gecko
  5. wait. does this mean that they're not making anymore coke? oh, and uh...interesting thread.
  6. you're being recruited. await further instructions
  7. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread eeewwww
  8. oh. you guys already new that. I'll let myself out.
  9. teh oscars are onz right now doodz
  10. this is less morbid than I thought it would be.....hm.
  11. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I'd eat one.
  12. KOH hitin' nails on the head. Respect is something we should all already know about.
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