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Everything posted by panic

  1. those are some funny looking trains there
  2. I was laughing so hard I drooled a bit, and I couldnt do anything about it.
  3. this thread is very inspiring. makes me want to do some paintings. Im going to take a better look through here some time when i have more time on my hands and start an oil peice. hopefully nobody minds.
  4. hey floater's will be super easy for a while at least
  5. For those who want to know, THX 1138 was a great movie, I loved it, its a bit on the crazy side.
  6. Hell I didn't think I was getting too ignorant, but then again, I guess I just don't know. 50's of whatever get to you after a while, at least I didnt stay home to wank off, and enjoyed some good noodles. I still can't beleive that those to bro's got arrested amongst some really really drunk action. Mother fucker smashed my beer glass.
  7. Defenitly a weekend for deralicts, drunks and the occational straight edge guy who looks out for said drunks. Then the straight edge guy gets arrested!
  8. YO I GOT MAD MACRO SKILLLLZ I PWN THE RTS FOR RILL ------> PWNAGE *i put down marco instead of macro the first time go to town
  9. No one has died as of this moment and im happy No need for alarm
  10. I concur, JUST NOODLES is a good joint. The other one, I have no idea what it is.
  11. I cant wait till my borther acts up and fights back.
  12. I accually said "holy fuck" out loud and ment it when i saw that atlas peice. Holy fuck!
  13. wheres the eater to go with the onset?
  14. i was totally enjoying my pizza.. then i saw this shit but i still enjoyed my pizza pussies
  15. white boys need bbs wheels.
  16. dude you went to a midnight screening of starwars, around these parts I would expect that kind of stuff.. maybe even a costume or two. thats what you get in the suburbs.
  17. I have this friend, who is korean ( i know this has no bearing) showers like 5 times a day. If he sweats, he showers. If he sneezes, he showers.. you get the point. Me, pampering means i DONT take a shower and loung in my own filth and maybe jack off a bit too much on a sunday. Its awsome being a filthy fuck in the sticks. On another note, i think i know why so many people find message boards attractive after a couple beers.
  18. Sometimes i think i take things to far.. But now i totally dont feel bad about all those tastless bad jokes being dragged out for too long.
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