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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Bojangles

  1. Bojangles


    I guess there's two stories to every side!!! Bah-dum-bum Ching!
  2. I should have some new flicks to show tomorrow hopefully. Finally got some free time.
  3. I've met all my heroes. I'm too cool for third rail or the yard. CHANNEL ZERO MOBB.
  4. Earl, I like the bold lines and the individual shapes and textures but I think the overall flow and composition could be tweaked a bit. Top left corner is my favorite part. More pics from me after the holidays folks.
  5. Bojangles


    Regardless of the drama, that song is just awful.
  6. Bojangles


    Mom and Dad...I hate when you guys fight like this!
  7. Bojangles


    That red Timber is awesome.
  8. I think nature in general is the biggest abstraction on our planet. Look around.
  9. Bojangles


    Co-signed. This thread's been on point lately.
  10. I used to have a toy gun as a kid that shot thingys like this.
  11. I'll be back in here again soon. my schedule is starting to mellow out again. I'm lurking for now.
  12. Bojangles


    Not taking sides but I whole heartedly agree with this. It looked great up there, no matter who went over what.
  13. Bojangles


    Pulled up next to me at a light today.
  14. Could be me in the holiday mindstate but it reminds me off a twinkling x-mas tree.
  15. Bojangles


    This pic is kinda creepy. Looks like he found a discarded torso and drew on it.
  16. Bojangles


    Alone painting on the tracks. Nae One pulls a 9mm on Lost. Lost talks him down only to see homeboy standing above them both with shotgun. Nae tells him (shotgun dude) to leave so he does. Nae and Lost get baked on tracks as Nae talks about how hard he is. Lost fears for his life but eventually gets to leave. Lost's piece gets dissed by BSA.
  17. Bojangles


    Who is that on the left? Very interesting style. *EDIT: Nevermind...I see it coming out of both sides now. Still very cool.
  18. Best butchering of my name yet! Bravo. Hahahahah.
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