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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Bojangles

  1. *object. My edit button has gone AWOL.
  2. I'm working on mine now and finding this to be a very painterly piece. If you all abject to the one continuous line thing, skip it.I'm going to try and stay with it, with a majority of my work being color fill. P.S. thanks for the upgrade fellas.
  3. Not quite. Neither the building or the tree have to have any lines at all. Just if you choose to use line work over broad color strokes/fills the line has to be all one line/connected. For example, your tree might be an oval of color, no lines. Your building might be streaks of rectangular color or thick lines of spray paint. No lines there. If you do use linework (markers, pen, etc.) it has to all be connected as one line. I guess this one will be a challenge for the illustrative type. Good luck to all. P.S. Friday means Friday night.
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Vaj, Sorry I made a lewd joke in response to your myspace bulletin yesterday. Even though you loved it.
  5. Okay, landscape rules: 1. Can be any medium 2. Must have a tree(s) in the scene. 3. Any linework must be one continuous line. 4. Day or night sky 5. At least one building. (Can be urban or rural.) Due Friday. I edited this a few times this morning but this is the final version, so if you saw it when it was first posted, look it over now.
  6. Anyone want to try abstract landscapes?
  7. As some of the above posts read "Start with the fundamentals of art, that way you have something to abstract." I think it comes with age and life experience personally, taking in life around you while developing your skills. When I paint, I think organically, as if my work was alive and growing. Watch the way the world moves and how all things interact in their environment and apply it to your work.
  8. Wow... ...Seriously, thanks Joker. That means a lot coming from you man. (God, I feel like the teenagers that talk to me in my city now but I don't care.) I really mean it. You and a handful of others like Ouija, Five and Optik always stood out among the masses. I remember looking at your guys' work in the 90's and wishing there were people painting like that in my city (or my state.) I can say that you guys inspired my work a lot but since you have validated it, I don't feel like a rip-off. I used to always want to paint stuff like that large scale but was always concerned about people accusing me of biting styles from the above mentioned. Okay, I'm done jocking now.
  9. I totally get what you're saying and I've been finding that out more myself over time. I go in there to blow off steam and be the retard I used to be in real life. Thanks for the good words. Since I barely paint (graffiti) anymore except for legals these days, I've been trying to push forward in this genre. Good to hear some feedback from people outside of my circle.
  10. Okay first, here's something I was playing around with while doing my timber piece: ...And here's my timber piece: I have a friend that writes "Timber" so all I could picture were his pieces, fortunately it came out looking nothing like his style. The timber piece is done in acrylics and a little spray paint.
  11. Mine is more of a novel type book but I printed mine through lulu.com I believe they do all types of books, as few or as many as you'd like per run.
  12. Good point. We do live in an age where I've actually stumbled virtually face first into online information about an artist who I had only heard of (Pollock for example) and then read up a bit because I was there. I think it's beginning to change with my age now as well. I'm sure I could bet a dollar that most of us in here are in the 30+ club(or dangerously close). Things are slowing down now and a Tuesday night at the bar is sometimes replaced by an evening of History Channel and Wikipedia. I think I have to be forcefed the knowledge at times, but when I am, I generally appreciate it. I'm just trying to make sure that I don't take in the works of someone else mentally and before I know it, there a chunk of a Kandinsky painting floating in the background of one of mine. Hell, five years ago, I wouldn't even listen to a word about abstract art in general. I thought it all was a scam. I was too busy being purely grafftastic.
  13. Poesia, That middle canvas is great. Harvey, Good use of the electrical tape. Also...I'm looking to start doing some out of state shows in major cities. If any of you have any good hookups/contacts at galleries you think my work would fit into based on what you've seen, let me know.
  14. With that being said....
  15. I hear you. To this day I try not to get too involved with the ideas and trends of other artists before me. I just do what feels right. I feel it helps keep my personal views on art clear. This has deemed me the title of "outsdier artist" locally when I speak to those in the know but I could give a crap.
  16. Wow. Good stuff people. I can't wait to see Poesia's as well. I wish I would've gotten a little more "out there" with mine. Next time. This is good, that's the first time I sat and drew on paper in ages. I actually did this over another paper assignment/project I have to do that's due soon.
  17. I took mine back to the lab a little. Seeking killed it. Let's see more.
  18. Inking mine in now. Will post it later. No green pen, had too resort to green crayola marker.
  19. I'll probably get in on that too. Haven't been in here lately, good to see it still rolling along.
  20. Dude is always getting banned. When I asked Glik about it, he just said "He doesn't know when to quit."
  21. Re: WordUp! > Bobby McFerrin is KOH's love interest. Mo Hardbody pistachio
  22. Re: WordUp! > Bobby McFerrin is KOH's love interest. Mo Hardbody pistachio
  23. Holy crap...that's awesome. Good find.
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