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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Bojangles

  1. Something I painted the other day.
  2. When I used to play, I/we never dressed up or anything but we were so engulfed that we'd play for hours on end sometimes 12 hours straight or more. Often real disputes and fights would break out between us as a result of the game. It gets intense...you form a strange bond with your character because you create it from the ground up. I tried playing again a few years ago for shits and giggles and couldn't get through an hour of play without being an ass and finally giving up.
  3. You still can't hang with my level 10 thief nuckas!
  4. Bojangles


    At your Grandmas!!!!111!!1:D Pwned. jk lol kthxbai.
  5. "In a recent article, PhysOrg.com reports that a team of computer scientists at Brown University has developed 'Drawing on Air', a haptic-aided interface to help artists to create 3D illustrations while wearing a virtual reality mask. 'The technique introduces two new strategies, using one hand or two hands, to give artists the tools they need for drawing different types of curves, and for viewing and editing their work.' The researchers hope that these techniques will improve the precision with which scientists can interact with their 3D data using a computer. This also would help artists to illustrate complicated artistic, scientific, and medical subjects."
  6. Bojangles


    I keelllll yoooou maaaaaaaan!
  7. Bojangles


    I once saw shrug bite a tree in half and then spit out a burner using tree sap and leaves.
  8. I am a lvl 8 warrior seeking my adventuring companion for game play and fornication. I partake in only adventure/fantasy role play, no creepy goth stuff, it’s too weird. Only sanctioned spells allowed, costume dress optional but preferred. I have the body of a wandering Norwegian brawler and short brown hair. Please be quite buxom and imaginative for play and enjoy fantasy role play aesthetics. Please send pics, leves, preferred adventure type and spell list. We could go get dinner (under $20), and watch a movie. Also I’m allergic to cats. http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/ksc/395322346.html:D :rolleyes:
  9. Bojangles


    Is that the same Deveus that did the wicked 3-d pieces back in the day?
  10. I had a studio space at one time, it was great. Now I'm down to painting at a folding card table in the hours that the woman and kids aren't here. Could be worse I guess.
  11. Never saw it before. I'm gonna have to check it out.
  12. Bojangles


    Droids crew could do a knife fight dance battle with BAK to the tune of Alanis Morrisette's "Isn't it ironic?" I'd also like to see a puppet show put on by optic Boom.
  13. Good call on the space. I was thinking about doing some long ones on wood soon. I'll give it a shot and see how it comes out. .
  14. Yeah I've been having more fun with these because quite honestly they're cheaper to do than on stretched canvas which allows me more room for experimentation. They seem to be a winner when I put them in shows as well.
  15. Hey Casek, that was on poster board...here's another:
  16. Bojangles


    "Marijuana inspired spraypainting" ...awesome.
  17. Bojangles


    Found this on the Plain Dealer's site: Two suburban graffiti "artists" will spend the next five years cleaning up the property damage they and others have inflicted on Cleveland. A Cuyahoga County judge ordered XXXXXXXX of Seven Hills and XXXXXXXX of Wickliffe to perform 2,000 hours of community service each -- 400 hours per year. Common Pleas Judge Judith Kilbane Koch also told the two that they will be responsible for reimbursing the cost of any property owner's cleanup of their "art." But the novel part of the sentence is this: The taggers must perform that community service in conjunction with a new neighborhood-based "graffiti task force" whose existence the two vandals helped to spawn. "Out of this, there's coming a whole lot of cohesion," Cleveland Councilman Jay Westbrook said after the morning sentencing. Five community-development corporations and a number of business leaders and city officials have formed the graffiti-fighting task force, whose leaders hope to expand it citywide, Westbrook and Assistant County Prosecutor Colleen Reali said. The task force will work not only to clean up the spray-paint scars but also to identify other taggers and prosecute them. xxxxxxx, 19, and xxxxxxx, 20, apologized profusely to a crowd that jammed the courtroom. It was an about-face for xxxxxxx, who told police when he was arrested that he did it because "it's a run-down, ghetto city, so who cares." The defendants portrayed themselves as bored, disaffected youths who viewed their marijuana-inspired spray-painting as art. But the graffiti is "not only a property crime, but a crime against the community" because it conveys a sense of lawlessness and instills fear, Westbrook said. Failure to abide could earn XXXXXXXX 5½ years in prison for felony vandalism and misdemeanor criminal damaging, and XXXXXXXXX six months in jail for criminal damaging. Police arrested them in May as they spray-painted on a Great Lakes Brewing Co. building in Ohio City. "Tell your friends who are also tagging what will happen to them if they do that in this community, or any community," Koch told the duo.
  18. Come on people. Don't let my thread die!
  19. Dear beer, Thank you for numbing me enough to give out advice to toys on myspace tonight. /no graffiti.
  20. Dear boring, You are gay. Thanks for ruining my Friday.
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