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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Bojangles

  1. Bojangles


    They're probably right though. >_< Doodz be wi'lin.
  2. Bojangles


    Christ2...now that's a name.
  3. Bojangles


    Awal's stuff is some of the most refreshing pieces I've seen in here for awhile.
  4. Wow...Okay! I like how the piece itself turned out now. The background is just a little too busy for me.
  5. I would've stopped Poesia's painting and called it a day right where Seeking posted. I think the burgundy added into the background was one step too far as well.
  6. I think I would love this if it was vertical and not symmetrical. Good stuff though.
  7. Bojangles


    Ether keeping it superjazznasty as always.
  8. Bojangles


    I'm gonna' guess from 97-99. Correct?
  9. Bojangles


    kent read kent write Kent State!
  10. Bojangles


    That AWAL is fat with a "ph".
  11. Thanks Seph but I already have it setup. What I need to find out is how to get it to connect when I am outside of my wireless network. As of right now...No luck. I know it has something to do with the IP. *EDIT: This is what I was talking about. "If you're trying to connect to a machine over the internet, you need the PUBLIC (WAN) IP address of the router, not the internal IP of the machine. You can either find this in your router, or go to a site like whatismyip.com. 192.168.x.x is an internal IP address and can only be seen within the private network. You then have to open the ports in the router's firewall (if needed) and then forward them to the machine (using the machine's internal IP) that is running the VNC server. Most routers have a port forwarding section in the admin control panel where you can do this. Again, 192.168.x.x is not a public routable IP. Your public IP is the IP address assigned to your Cable/DSL modem (which is passed onto your router), or whatever internet service you have." Tried this and entered the public WAN but I think I need some help configuring the desktop to accept.
  12. I've been playing around with a VNC connection between my desktop and my ipod touch. Two questions: 1. I'm using real VNC on my desktop with a new password (not the default). Can i keep it running at all times without worry or is that a huge security risk? 2. Will this VNC connection work outside of my home wireless network? I remember reading somewhere that you had to change the IP to some other number for it to work outside of the network or something like that.
  13. poesia, That top on is turbo fresh. It's as if you and Joker's styles did it (no homo) and that was born.
  14. I'd just like to take this moment to say "ditto".
  15. I just paint stuff. You kids are way too smart for me. Sometimes when I read some of the breakdowns of artists and their works, it all just jumbles together after a sentence or so. Cool flicks on this page though. I love the history.
  16. Yeah, that line is too thick. It's from a dried up Magnum. As said before, in a bit of a rut. I've got a new canvas I just finished today (that I actually kinda' like) but it's too glossy to photograph. I need some matte spray. Post some other stuff up and I'll give you honest answers.
  17. Sorry to break up the conversation. Here's something from last night. Various markers (and a little spraypaint) on posterboard.
  18. I can proudly say, I've never once bought a copy of Juxtapose and only looked at 2 issues tops. Agreed with everything said so far about the mag too.
  19. Bojangles


    Too many R.I.P. posts in this thread the last few years. Value your friends and comrades and try to make peace with those that aren't. Happy New Year everyone. Auld Lang Syne.
  20. It's hard for me sometimes as well, I feel the same way and was just saying that today. I think that's why they're starting to "break up" a bit (moreso in the bottom one) and become more "painterly" as Poesia said. I have a few new ink drawing to show soon too. I think I'll be focusing more on those until I feel refreshed.
  21. They're full on shots. I can't lie, they're not favorites or even close. I've been in a bit of a rut lately and painted those as fillers for upcoming shows.
  22. Bojangles


    Yeah...banned by the big man.
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