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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Bojangles

  1. Seph, I pm'd you back. I don't know how long "a long time" was for the boot up for you but if it was only a few minutes you might have jumped the gun. The problem with the 1.1.3 jailbreak is that it installs a huge (by comparison) flash image into your memory. I think it's like nearly 200 mb. (You only have 300mb to begin with. This is not your memory/storage you see when connected to Itunes...your "xx" gb available.) That's why when you start, they tell you to turn off the autolock. Mine sat in what looked like a frozen state for over a half hour once while loading a file that size. Once you get it running again, I'd advise using Bosstools to relocate some of your things such as fonts, etc. because you'll have very little space for the better 3rd party apps. You can try this as well: Connect your ipod to iTunes, and try holding the home and sleep buttons until the ipod restarts, then as soon as the screen goes black, let go of the sleep button. From there you can restore your ipod. I just thought of this also... What version of iTunes are you running? Some of the newer ones above 7.5 have "bug fixes" which disable oktoprep as far as I've heard. I jaibroke mine before these updates so I can't confirm nor deny but you might want to downgrade your iTunes and see if that works. Last but not least, it might have to do with that .jar file you loaded in through SSH. 1.1.3 sets up its folders to run differently in the sense that most files ran from "/root" in previous firmwares where a lot run from "private/root" now or something along those lines. Which means your .jar file might be trying to load the wrong directory. Have you tried to SSH back into it even though its frozen? Hit me back through pm if none of this helps.
  2. Bojangles


    Haha! I like the Cleveland Gray on the site.
  3. Bojangles


    Even my cookies got style.
  4. Bojangles


    I remember when I was younger, me and a few cats from Cleveland started a crew called "Born Kings" and got hell for it for the same reasons. You just have to live and learn it I guess.
  5. Bojangles


    You can do that too and get way nicer results. Here's another (and the last one, I promise). With Illustrator, you can get way nicer curved lines plus its a vector image so even if you enlarge it or zoom in, it keeps its resolution. Did this "Ohio" in about 10 minutes or less while sitting here drunk. There's great illustrator and photoshop threads in the Untitled section of this site, you should check it out *there's obviously lots more I could have done to spruce this up, such as color/effects in the 3d, highlights, etc. But that info should help you get started.
  6. Bojangles


    Did it in photoshop (and very quickly I might add) Line tool>Separate layers>Merge layers; minus background>Fill in letters> Here's the 3d trick... Your merged layers of graffiti (we'll call Layer 1) and the background is all that should be left. Click on Layer 1 in the layers window. Use your select tool and hold down ALT as you repeatedly click the arrow(s) key in the direction you want the 3d to go. Afterwards, merge all layers again except the background layer. Work on that as you please and Save. I love how I always end up getting called Bonjangles instead of Bojangles. I'm not a Frenchie.
  7. Bojangles


    Hah! naw man, I just hated your million bulletins in a row on myspace! Maybe I'll add you back if you chill on that. -myspacefanaticloverone Okay,okay...back to flicks and drama.
  8. Bojangles


    Kiloz, The biggest thing is to remember structure with your letters, simple or complex. Too many people make the mistake of Trying too hard to get all "wildstyle" at first and forget the basics. But... Once you get the basics, make sure you progress...don't fall into a rut. Like these guys are saying, work on simples at first. The trick is to make sure all the lines follow each other and have a flow like this: Here's how NOT to do up a simple letter: Notice how all the lines sort of play off of each other? Each letter interlocks and works with the next but they stand alone balanced as well. Feel free to hate on me for helping the kid out.
  9. I paint them all flat. I can't give away full details/secrets but it's done flat as the last step in one movement.
  10. 3 new ones: Lala Land Double Duty Coney island
  11. Bojangles


    Happy Valentines Day everyone. I love you all. No homo.
  12. Bojangles


    That white and purple piece is fresh. Who is that?
  13. Bojangles


    Young man, Please check yourself. I'm not one of these children who will argue on here. And please believe, I can have you banned from here in a heartbeat. I posted that to let the "moderators" come in and "moderate". Snitch...Hahahahaha! If only you knew me son. That's all I have to say to you about it. I won't involve myself with these petty squabbles. Let's see some more flicks!
  14. Bojangles


    This got buffed a few days after it was painted because it was "gang related"... Iges, Tead, Ridl, Crow, Kast, Characters by Lost and Arise.
  15. I'll have some new pics this week. 3 or 4 new paintings.
  16. Bojangles


    *EDIT: Fuck it. I had said something here about all the drama, but I don't care anymore. If you all actually do meet up and kill each other, maybe I'll come out of retirement and paint the spots that are left. It'll be like "I am Legend" except replace zombies with walls for me and Will Smith with a loudmouthed, blond Polish guy.
  17. Bojangles


    coes, do 10 jumping jacks. Ah! I didn't say Simon Says!!! <----drunk oner.
  18. Bojangles


    Doodz...I was baked on a lot of acid when I drew up that multi-faced thingy. Damn, I forgot about that character. Thanks for posting it. Not to instigate but you guys (Ender and Hek) really should punch each other a few times and get it over with. You'll feel much better. You both have common friends...set it up and pound each other. No Homo. Me and a few writers on here have popped each other in the faces before and we're all homies now. it's a guy thing. Beat each other up already...You'll both feel much better. Hell, you can use my backyard if you want.
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