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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Bojangles

  1. Bojangles


    Dude...enough with the videos already. I'm gonna start deleting them They're taking up pointless space. Clean out your inbox too.
  2. From the "Getting paid from your graff skills" thread:
  3. Bojangles


    Duders, those Youtube videos are awful at best...please stop. I'm just saying. One or two sliding by...whatever but killing a page with bad rap is just ...well, BAD.
  4. Here's a new one that I'm not too sure about honestly... Set in stone
  5. I definitely see the potential for abstraction in your letters Myne, but to me they still feel like just pieces. The "N" and the "E" in the second photo hold the strongest potential to build into an abstract style for me. I would lose the traditional, almost obligatory "Graffiti canvas" backgrounds though. Meaning, the streaks, swoops and splashes. Your style would be very good minimal and clean in my opinion.
  6. Good progression! Don't be afraid to set it down, start another and come back to it later.
  7. Bojangles


    I can't believe Crow shot Gier with a gold plated Uzi.
  8. Go back to about pages 30-35 in this thread. (somewhere around there.) We used to all hand out assignments to each other and do them.
  9. just got done watching this REALLY fucking good.
  10. Bojangles


    Done, once again on fire!
  11. I used this when we did our 'emulate another abstract artist from this thread' challenge.
  12. Man, that Toyota's got a bad exhaust problem!!! Just kidding. Can't wait to see it in detail!
  13. They used to get done in about 2 hours, give or take, in one shot. With the later pieces though, I've been finding myself walking away after a half hour, and then coming back in several sessions for the same amounts of time over a day or two. I like to do that these days because each day is different in terms of how I'm feeling about colors, shapes etc. and brings new layers of work to the table.
  14. Just make sure you find your own thing though from here. That's the important part.
  15. They look good in terms of form and color. Actually great...but sadly I'm probably saying that because they do in fact, look a lot like mine. I see you have the raw talent. Now you need to find yourself. Your thing. If it helps your direction at all...The first one looks the most original. The bottom two, I can actually tell you are inspired by (from top to bottom) "Inherent traits:skateboard deck" and "At War With yellow" The top one doesn't jump out at me quite as quick. For you're first 3 paintings ever, you're on the right track, especially if you're still young, meaning not some 30 plus dude. /nopedo I'd definitely like to see consistent updates from you but take some time to follow the links in the earlier pages of this thread for inspiration, and also check out the "Untitled" thread in Brickslayers as well. Again, hopefully you view all that I'm saying as constructive criticism.
  16. "With these wings, I carry"
  17. Bojangles


    I was wondering that too?
  18. Bojangles


    Re: -OHIO- The fart of it all! P.S. WhOoP WhOoP!
  19. Bojangles


    I'm saying and stuff...
  20. Bojangles


    Damn, doggiez... That Sano is pissed fo' real. >right clicked >saved. Flip killed me. You're right. that busted two color FOR THE WIN. My bad yo...I bow down. Good times, I'm all out of breath and shit. For real though, thanks for posting that Sano for the archives. Let's move on now that Flip won. Nice job playboy. Flicks anyone? Seriously though, this is cutting in on my Asian porn time. So let's get some new flicks popping.
  21. Bojangles


    P.S. Here's a LOST highlight post:
  22. Bojangles


    Don't even egg him on. He's living in that mid 90's graffhop Beat Street reality where from what I remember while banging groupies after killing shit, people would put on Zubazz pants and spray paint funny characters of each other or something like that. I'm pretty sure The Roots would be magically playing in the background. That's hilarious if dude (aka Grown ass man like myself) in ANOTHER city wants to battle me for ME doing my job. (after 2 others politely told him the same...why am I even justifying myself in parenthesis?) I'll tell you what my man...My live painting fee is $100 an hour these days plus supplies so you figure out how long it would take me to school you and send me a check...okays? Until then, I'll be living a big boy life, doing what I'm here to be doing on this site and not b-boying for a dj video in front of one of my legal walls. "Keep it rail dawg."
  23. Bojangles


    Naw man, you ain't heard? Dude evolved into Ivysaur.
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