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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Bojangles

  1. Bojangles


    I'd heard that Ekzam was dark skinnned...but damn! You crispy son.
  2. Bojangles


    Hallelujah! Holla back!
  3. Looking for people to ban and threads to close.
  4. Bojangles


    Black Rainbow! P.S. I'm gonna' beat all of you up.
  5. Bojangles


    Ho-Lee shit! That's what I'm talking about!!!
  6. Bojangles


    TKO's forcing you to rep son!
  7. Bojangles


    with a half pint of sauce
  8. Sounds good Swindle! P.M. me your address when you get a chance. I'll throw a lil' something in the mail in the next week and I'll let you know when I do.
  9. Thanks Poesia, You're right. It did actually become a bit of a rush job because the show got bumped forward a month and into my busy freelance season, allowing me only 3 days to paint that. It was really experimental, and I had this idea of really basic, scrawled letters in my head but I think they would've come off a lil' better had I done them with either a fat cap or even as a fire extinguisher tag or something. My original goal was to paint the whole wall, meaning background color and everything. Not leaving the gray gallery wall intact, but time got the best of me. It was in fact REALLY tough finding the balance between the letters and the art on the canvasses canvasses. It was like having a three way with two jealous girls.
  10. Bojangles


    Damn son....Think done fucked up. Going over O.G.s is a no-no. Didn't they teach that in Marck Ecko's Getting Up?
  11. A lot of people on other sites saw the bent over dirty butt broad! I swear I didnt intend it. In person, you don't notice it as much for some reason.
  12. Bojangles


    Fucking stained glass RILA for the fucking win! I should just shut this bitch down right now and let Ohio be known for that. If I ever meet Rila...I'm gonna' give him a hug. No homo.
  13. Let's keep it moving... "Paydirt"
  14. Bojangles


    Why was six scared of seven? Because seven ate nine! Get it? ...7,8,9!
  15. Oh yeah...I'm sure we can work something out then soon. I've shipped before.
  16. Complex, Go grab them up at the gallery. I'll PM you the location. That way you support the gallery as well, that supports me. They're priced cheap by comparison...Those are going for $50-200.
  17. Bojangles


    Kiz, Zew, Hope...whoever. Take your BULLSHIT arguing somewhere else. Anymore, and I'm IP banning fools. No more 12oz. for you. Got it? I'm trying to be cool and let you guys post your shit but the bickering has got to stop. Go meet up at the local skate park and beat each other up or something.
  18. Here's a project I just finished for my next show (tongue-in-cheekingly) called "Wake Me When I'm profound". The whole wall was first set up with blank canvasses, then I scrawled the words "wake me" across it. From there, I built my abstracts out of the lines of the lettering on top of the canvasses. Here's some photos: It was a bit experimental, but I had fun. The opening is tomorrow night. Wish me luck! Also, no offense Kersethegov, but I don't really like to give out my personal info to new members on here. Look around, do your homework and I'm sure you can find your answers if you're really interested. Don't take it personal.
  19. Bojangles


    Bump the river wall. I miss that place.
  20. Bojangles


    I'm gonna let the diss pics ride, but if it sparks more than one page of bullshit I'm shutting the thread down. Dude's involved all handled up. All that's left is for Ender to smoke a bunch of dust and kill everyone involved, and then himself in a blaze of glory.
  21. It's everything from spray paint to markers to Crayola...you name it. Generally on paper or white mat board. I try to work as random as possible.
  22. I used to do them in one quick burst, but I'm learning to walk away for anywhere from a few hours to a few days to get a new perspective on them. It's all about working in layers. P.S. Decyferon, I've been known to trade some small pieces for care packages. Especially if you're overseas. I love foreign snacks, music, dvds, etc.
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