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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Bojangles

  1. Post 'em up, let's see. Imitation is the best form of flattery.
  2. Bojangles


    (Still looking for a few more entries for this) I have been asked by a prominent college gallery to curate a graffiti show in their gallery this October. The gallery is located inside their arts center and is a massive space ready to show potentially hundreds of pieces and many installations etc. This would be in the surrounding Cleveland area but I am inviting anyone within the Ohio borders or nearby to send submissions to me. If you are interested in possibly being a part of this show, send me a pm and I will send you back my email address. You will then have to send me at least 3 samples of your work. From there, I will make my selections within the month of June. I am looking for QUALITY, DEVELOPED, pieces. What this means is I'm not just looking for graffiti pieces slapped onto a canvas...boring. I'm looking for artists with the ability to use graffiti in interesting compositions and concepts. Not everyone will be accepted as this is a serious show with a high-potential to sell your work for decent coin. Although, I am willing to look at everyone's work regardless of "street cred", etc. I've shown here before and was very happy with the turnout and sales. *Once you have been selected as a potential participant, I'll disclose the location and more details. Please label the PM you send me on here: "October gallery show" as I get tons of pm's every day. *I'll be posting this on every page for the next few pages. Please make sure you follow the above directions, meaning: Do not send me links in PM's to pictures as I will not check them. Send them to my e-mail address once you have received it so I can keep things organized and on file.
  3. Bojangles


    There's no Stairs Slayers section, so...
  4. Bojangles


    Don't talk about yourself in 3rd person, it's so passe. And the only thing I battle anymore is my indecisiveness between Chipotle and Qdoba. Don't get so asshurt my man. It's only the internet. CASE CLOSED. Moving on.
  5. Bojangles


    Aight 'den. Maybe over the weekend I'll drop a few golden oldies for shits and giggles.
  6. Bojangles


    For everyone losing their minds about my decisions: 1. The music links are indeed wack and make my ears bleed. But they are just links made of text and not taking up image space. As seen here with good hiphop: I mean, fuck it...if we're going that route, I've got 10 black books spanning 15 years I can post up in here and about 150 photos of abstract paintings. I'll kill this bitch for days with all that. Instead though, I post them in the appropriate sections on here and you never see them invade this area. 2. If dude really wanted to get back on before his week banning was up, all he'd have to do is make a new name and we'd get to see plenty more Satan's doo-dooing in girls mouths and whatever else.
  7. Bojangles


    Homie didn't get banned for posting sketches, he got banned for acting ignorant about it after being politely told twice. He got a week off, it's not that serious.
  8. To answer Complex's question about these. The first thing I do is notice the overall form, then appreciate the placement of each section in relative placement to the next, that is making the whole form. (For something like these, I even mentally flatten them to a 2-d perspective) Look at those shapes and angles in those...pretty cool! Think about those angles and patterns in a graffiti format for a second before you move on. Next, I take in the colors, first as a whole then view them again, relative to their surroundings. It's sort of like drinking wine. You can chug it and get drunk and sick or you can learn to appreciate the subtle flavors one at a time. /noartfag
  9. Bojangles


    I have been asked by a prominent college gallery to curate a graffiti show in their gallery this October. The gallery is located inside their arts center and is a massive space ready to show potentially hundreds of pieces and many installations etc. This would be in the surrounding Cleveland area but I am inviting anyone within the Ohio borders or nearby to send submissions to me. If you are interested in possibly being a part of this show, send me a pm and I will send you back my email address. You will then have to send me at least 3 samples of your work. From there, I will make my selections within the month of June. I am looking for QUALITY, DEVELOPED, pieces. What this means is I'm not just looking for graffiti pieces slapped onto a canvas...boring. I'm looking for artists with the ability to use graffiti in interesting compositions and concepts. Not everyone will be accepted as this is a serious show with a high-potential to sell your work for decent coin. Although, I am willing to look at everyone's work regardless of "street cred", etc. I've shown here before and was very happy with the turnout and sales. *Once you have been selected as a potential participant, I'll disclose the location and more details. Please label the PM you send me on here: "October gallery show" as I get tons of pm's every day. *I'll be posting this on every page for the next few pages. Please make sure you follow the above directions, meaning: Do not send me links in PM's to pictures as I will not check them. Send them to my e-mail address once you have received it so I can keep things organized and on file.
  10. Bojangles


    DAMO, please post ALL drawings in the Paper Chase section on here. This is Brickslayers.
  11. Bojangles


    I have been asked by a prominent college gallery to curate a graffiti show in their gallery this October. The gallery is located inside their arts center and is a massive space ready to show potentially hundreds of pieces and many installations etc. This would be in the surrounding Cleveland area but I am inviting anyone within the Ohio borders or nearby to send submissions to me. If you are interested in possibly being a part of this show, send me a pm and I will send you back my email address. You will then have to send me at least 3 samples of your work. From there, I will make my selections within the month of June. I am looking for QUALITY, DEVELOPED, pieces. Not everyone will be accepted as this is a serious show with a high-potential to sell your work for decent coin. Although, I am willing to look at everyone's work regardless of "street cred", etc. I've shown here before and was very happy with the turnout and sales. *Once you have been selected as a potential participant, I'll disclose the location and more details. Please label the PM you send me on here: "October gallery show" as I get tons of pm's every day. *I'll be posting this on every page for the next few pages. Please make sure you follow the above directions, meaning: Do not send me links in PM's to pictures as I will not check them. Send them to my e-mail address once you have received it so I can keep things organized and on file.
  12. Bojangles


    Dear Ohio Rap Letter writers, I have been asked by a prominent college gallery to curate a graffiti show in their gallery this October. The gallery is located inside their arts center and is a massive space ready to show potentially hundreds of pieces and many installations etc. This would be in the surrounding Cleveland area but I am inviting anyone within the Ohio borders or nearby to send submissions to me. If you are interested in possibly being a part of this show, send me a pm and I will send you back my email address. You will then have to send me at least 3 samples of your work. From there, I will make my selections within the month of June. I am looking for QUALITY, DEVELOPED, pieces. Not everyone will be accepted as this is a serious show with a high-potential to sell your work for decent coin. Although, I am willing to look at everyone's work regardless of "street cred", etc. I've shown here before and was very happy with the turnout and sales. *Once you have been selected as a potential participant, I'll disclose the location and more details. Please label the PM you send me on here: "October gallery show" as I get tons of pm's every day. *I'll be posting this on every page for the next few pages. Please make sure you follow the above directions, meaning: Do not send me links in PM's to pictures as I will not check them. Send them to my e-mail address once you have received it so I can keep things organized and on file.
  13. Bojangles


    Dear Ohio Rap Letter writers, I have been asked by a prominent college gallery to curate a graffiti show in their gallery this October. The gallery is located inside their arts center and is a massive space ready to show potentially hundreds of pieces and many installations etc. This would be in the surrounding Cleveland area but I am inviting anyone within the Ohio borders or nearby to send submissions to me. If you are interested in possibly being a part of this show, send me a pm and I will send you back my email address. You will then have to send me at least 3 samples of your work. From there, I will make my selections within the month of June. I am looking for QUALITY, DEVELOPED, pieces. Not everyone will be accepted as this is a serious show with a high-potential to sell your work for decent coin. Although, I am willing to look at everyone's work regardless of "street cred", etc. I've shown here before and was very happy with the turnout and sales. *Once you have been selected as a potential participant, I'll disclose the location and more details. Please label the PM you send me on here: "October gallery show" as I get tons of pm's every day. *I'll be posting this on every page for the next few pages.
  14. Bojangles


    Done is one of the most talented youngsters I've seen coming up in the last few years.
  15. Bojangles


    Fuck it...I tried. Time to go sell some scribbles and splashes to old ladies with expendable income.
  16. Bojangles


    Been there, done that. I'm over that. I'm an old ass man by comparison who I can tell you, you will never see bombing again, unless you cats want to pay my car loan, mortgage, hold my good job down and help feed a family of hungry mouths while I'm locked up for that shit. Not worth it these days. I left my mark and am still in the game via doing the walls I do know and trying to shine some light on these kids. You're a homie and all but you can't sugarcoat shortcomings to these guys. Once in a while they need to hear what they're doing wrong so they can fix it. Dude's getting up, but he needs to look around and ask himself why no one else of any decent caliber is rocking a backwards letter on the regular in their tags. (Don't none of you even come back with some obscure, dope handstyle you found in the Thailand thread or some shit with a backwards letter in it and be like "See Lost"...you know what I mean!) I'm sure he's a cool dude, and none of this was meant as a diss. I was just trying to help brotato out.
  17. Bojangles


    I was just trying help homie out by bringing to his attention in a nice way that writing the letter backwards as "his thing" is in fact, a toy move without calling him out. Rocking it like that in a piece once or twice for fun...whatever, but when you think it's "phunky phresh" and you're on some next shit and wrong, it should be brought to your attention so you can advance correctly. Now I know why Sano shut out everybody he wasn't down with when we asked for help as youngn's...just ain't worth the hassle. This is why Cleveland is so stunted compared to Columbus and Cincy. New jacks cry and whine that the old school cats won't teach them shit, but when we try, they push it away. And, Hit Trains, I was known to use and "E" when I wrote Losteroc from time to time, and it always faced the write way. Note: "E" faces correct direction. Too bad I was toy about no 3-d's back then.
  18. Blank, the 4th one has the most potential for advancement. The rest are sort of all over the place. Here's sumpfin' new: House Of Cards
  19. Bojangles


    Please do more than one photo per post.
  20. So what did you decide?
  21. Pretty crispy, but I'd personally like to see a focal point. My eyes immediately run the border then center into the middle. I'd like to see something perched on a part of one of the border pieces that stands out a bit from the rest.
  22. Bojangles


    This really roxxors mi soxxors for some reason. It's got that "je nous se qua" going on.
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