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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Bojangles

  1. Bojangles


    And that seems like such a good idea to have paint cans hanging off of your hips with a spraypaint logo on them while you're trying to be lo-key. /sarcasm No offense but you young cats need to learn not to be so "grafftastic" when you're out in the streets. That's a quick way to get noticed and knocked. A hoody works just fine. With no Krylon or Mark Ecko logo.
  2. Dear Vaj and Some1, Ok and what??
  3. Dear Vaj Feel free to stalk me again. My angst towards the favorite people of 12 oz thread is over. Also, plz snd noodz.
  4. I think I would like the pic above me a lot more if it was turned clockwise onto its side.
  5. Re: Music Exchange Woooo-hooooo-oooooooooooo!!! JOHNNY!
  6. You know who this thread makes me remember... Wizart! I used to jock his characters.
  7. This thread inspired me to go back and read random threads from 02.
  8. Bojangles


    Ceps at City Xpressionz:
  9. Bojangles


    CEPS: The unsung hero.
  10. Here's something new I was trying the other day. Mixed media on paper:
  11. Poesia, who's the artist?
  12. Just got a Palm Treo 680 phone. Anyone know any good free apps or emulators for it?
  13. I really like the bottom half of the top pic 2006-1984 posted. I like the Digi-stract too there Casek. Reminds me of an airship landing.
  14. Well worth the read! I laughed till it hurt.
  15. Bojangles


    This sums it up perfectly (Taken from above link.) "2007 Scribble Jam happened this weekend. And for the first time in some time, I wasn't there. And am very happy because of it. If they would build a hotel with a pool adjacent to Annie's, I would possibly go. But I am too old and miserable to stand around and listen to whiney white people making homoerotic insults that illustrate an intense sexual repression during the mc battle."
  16. Here's a few new ones I just finished:
  17. The second one is kinda doing its own thing, I can see where you're coming from.
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