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Weapon X

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Everything posted by Weapon X

  1. ^ LOL I bought this yesterday and I don't even have a girlfriend. http://www.swarovski.com/Web_CA/en/1083737/product/Adventurous_Pirates_-_Skulls_and_Swords_Flag_Pendant.html?CatalogCategoryName=91135&isPromotion=true Ladies, input please. Would you wear this?
  2. I finally picked this up. It starts out with that scene that Donnie Brasco made famous with Vito Rizzuto popping out of the closet with his buddies and blasting those dudes from the Bonanno family. *It hasn't been revised since 2008. Since then, Vito's dad got sniped in his kitchen, the son went missing from his car at a stop sign, and the grandson is locked up, if I am correct.
  3. Well, the ones I had are from Northern Ontario and I believe they're in season for a week or two more. They tasted fantastic. Extremely earthy.
  4. I see no proof. This is a decades old police lie.
  5. Bump morel mushrooms for being the best deep fried snack I've made maybe ever. Probably ever,
  6. He says he can get a few pounds. I talked to a few kitchen people and they're all down to buy for a decent price. Funny thing is that they all want perse.
  7. We breaded and fried them after cutting them lengthwise and they were fucking amazing.
  8. What's unfortunate is that this guy is hands down the WORST cook I know, but he truly, honestly believes he is a skilled gourmet chef. He is completely detached from reality so he makes up his own. He thinks he is the best baseball player, though he only played softball until he was twelve. That is just one example of an infinite number. I'm talking his food is usually inedible. So I guess these mushrooms are going to get wasted, big time. I'll see if he took pictures of this "mother lode".
  9. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're legit. I know many people who work in kitchens so I'll ask them if their business is interested. I read that some state in USA banned selling them to restaurants, which I find odd.
  10. Does anyone know how much they go for? My buddy says his cottage property has a mother lode of them and seems to think he can make thousands of dollars. I highly disagree, but can't find anything to back his claim up, nor mine.
  11. Re: Game of Thrones Thanks, but I think I'm doing fair enough by constantly hitting the rewind button. I enjoy paying close attention to this show. I really like it so far. My favourite characters right off the bat were Arya, Tyrion, Snow, and Mayor Carcetti, but I like a slew of them.
  12. butter poached lobster pasta in a seafood sauce mushroom truffle soup all from my my favourite spot to shop.
  13. Weapon X


    I played some hardcore search today, finally. Was a little rusty, but did pretty decent. Thing is, I was bored. I await the new maps with great fervour, and by then I will have beat LA Noire. My buddy is being stingy and won't lend me Portal 2 so I am considering buying it soon. I loved the first one and I know this one is insane. We'll probably do splitscreen co-op first.
  14. I have been led to believe that Target Field is where he has hit all of his opposite way home runs. At least in this season and last. His stats are unbelievable, and he has missed eight games this season due to injury.
  15. Blue Jays are about to get their first sweep of the year.
  16. Only an American would consider Aunt Jemima's a maple syrup. It's a fucking 'pancake syrup'. And, yes, I drink maple syrup right out of the botle, as well.
  17. I got a girl next to me and how the fuck are there no pics/?
  18. I fucking love Kristin Bell. Going to see Thor tonight.
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