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Weapon X

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Everything posted by Weapon X

  1. My city's iPhone scanner got blocked. And Forest Hill is a very nice neighbourhood here. Une histoire fraiche, mon frere.
  2. Weapon X


    Has anyone here ever tried to polish their white shoes? I have a few tennis shoes that I'd love to bring back into the mix but am unsure as to how to do it, or if it is even possible. It would save me a great deal of money, I think.
  3. The Belstaff jacket I mentioned in the jackets thread. A checkered Lacoste L!ve sport shirt. Another pair of Paul & Shark yachting jeans.
  4. HOLY FUCK this is gorgeous. I've been looking for a new Batman jacket. The Belstaff I just picked up has tons of pockets and is extremely waterproof, but this right here...this is what I need next!
  5. I just dropped a G on a Belstaff jacket for the fall. It is made of waxed canvas fom Millerain. I hear Belstaff is reputable, and the jacket was pretty gorgeous. Has anyone here ever owned one? Tell me how great (or not great) they are! I haven't picked it up from the store yet.
  6. I would never smash a cop. They disgust me. Everything about them. Female officers are not women - thy are angry sluts. And bitches who like a man in a uniform and meet cops on "uniform night" at the club are sub-human trash.
  7. Re: So I hung out w/"Banksy"... What the fuck u do.... I once met Tony Soprano's season six limo driver at an upscale bar and he took a picture of him and I with his camera.
  9. Men Without Women was the second Hemingway I read and it cemented how much I like his work.
  10. Yeah, that was me. It was a crazy Bulgarian girl. I recently found her phone number. I should call her and breathe heavy. The thread was from my last sn, Weapon X. You have an excellent memory. * http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84610&highlight=attacked+girl
  11. haha what was that show called? Clarice Always Knows or something. I like Melissa Joan Hart.
  12. Re-watching season 1 these days. LOVE LOVE LOVE this show.
  13. The American. Decent flick, made better by her:
  14. I'm 30. She is 17. It took me more than a second to decide.
  15. Re: Game of Thrones I think that perhaps I will read each book after the corresponding season is done. Did GoT season 1 end just like the book? If so, I'm on it.
  16. She just graduated from high school.
  17. Of course it was training exercise. It always is. The way the cops were communicating through the loud speakers, it's like they were inciting a riot by inflaming people.
  18. True that, though. That was online confession. Not cool, but 7 Guinnesses and 6 shots of Jagr were all that was on my bill. One of the G's was for a girl, and those shots were definitely spread to fam, so I really wasn't very drunk. More drunk off of hockey, maybe. The bartender is a good friend and a little dramatic. People get all fucking righteous, but I'm seeing a girl, kinda, who's dad died from a drunk driver.
  19. I was hammered last night. I guess I got angry drunk when I got here. I'm sick of bandwagon jumpers because here in Canada, these supposed fans were all rooting for Vancouver. I guess I MAD.
  20. I went to the bar at 8 for the game. Got so hammered. I had to wrestle my car keys away from the bouncer. I do live just down the street. According to my text messages, some dude named Ben followed me home to make sure I got there. I do recall hitting on his girlfriend. I'm just glad Vancouver lost.
  21. I remember being ten years old and respecting Boston (in 1990). I remember liking Original Six teams in the playoffs. I remember just a day ago, not liking Vancouver at all. But then I see dumb ass non-hockey fans on 12oz claiming that they're fans. Why are you fans? Because your uncle liked hockey? LOL get the fuck out of here, loser. Stick to sucking Garnett dick, N word lover. Boston deserved the fuck out of this one, but not most of you guys.
  22. I love how that is an old video but American fans under the age of 35 think it's so cool, like drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon. Basically, I shit out Bruins fans more than some faggot ass graffiti writer from New England., Go Leafs Go. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED AND FUCK ALL FAGGOTS.
  23. http://www.thestar.com/sports/hockey/nhl/article/1008862--meet-the-man-behind-tim-thomas-s-mask?bn=1 I don't want to jinx anything, but Boston by 2; one being an empty netter.
  24. Yeah, I somehow missed that during the game, and when I saw the highlights, I was astonished. At first I tried to chalk it up to some sort of stoic behaviour I might have previously observed in the likes of Sedin's fellow Swede, Forsberg (who I always admired for taking mad slashes and such but keeping a straight face, eye on the prize, scoring a goal) but that wasn't it. Then, I thought, perhaps he was trying to draw some sort of roughing penalty, but that didn't make sense, either. That was standard playoff fare and he didn't even put his hands up. It was like some sort of masochism. That was very fucking strange for a team captain.
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