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test pattern

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Everything posted by test pattern

  1. that character is hot as fuck no artfag
  2. arcel is one of my favorite members on 12oz and i don't even know him no homo watch movies and drink a ton of gatorade
  3. i feel that, but i can ollie higher than i can kickflip. i actually used to be able to kickflip way higher than i could ollie. kickflip four boards and ollied three. something like that. then i quit skating for about four years and now i'm slowly starting again. only this time my kickflips suck and my ollies are alright. for some reason i just can't pop the kickflips. they're like, just right off the ground. last night, though, i did find that it's mostly in the drag. if you kick off right as you pop it levels the board out higher. for that, though, i gotta place my front foot at about 3/4 level on the board.
  4. what do you guys do to pop your kickflips higher? stomp harder on the back foot?
  5. those flower shots MisPantalonesEstaEnfuega took were really beautiful
  6. omg@sk8plaza that looks so fucking fun
  7. that's a fucking hilarious lowercase q
  8. killian's bass st. arnold's
  9. i don't even need to say anything about that erupto, but i will. JESUS CHRIST. that is one of the best things i've seen this week--graffiti or otherwise.
  10. date recovery? i used PC Inspector, but it said the file condition was "poor". is there any other way, or are they FUKED PHOR LYFE~~!!!11
  11. key, i'd like you to suggest some good, quality teas for me. especially white--i've gotta try it now. drop it on me.
  13. the above quote and counter-post would be the funniest fucking two quotes to signature, but due to the annoying size (if repeated upon every 3100 posts i have) i won't use it Mr. ABC is the sig winner of test pattern for right now. wait, this would be the second time you've been in it. you're raping my signatures with your pure comedy stylezZZZZ, son!
  14. hell yes. so funny. i watched this scene twice last night from my girlfriend's dvd and was laughing so hard.
  15. you're so fuckin' drunk. true! i notice this every time. i'm jealous.
  16. i just racked some rapidograph ink, black india rapidraw? i want to try it out, has anyone ever used it?
  17. im not a judge.. but epik's got my vote sorry dazer
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