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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Abracadabra

  1. me and a friend lined up in the rain one time for them, they're soooo good
  2. throw a lil good quality olive oil (if you don't have at least one bottle of top shelf olive oil in your kitchen then you are failing), some sea salt and a lil cracked pepper on there. that's all you need
  3. oh, and it's not a burger, but i would trample over my own mother for a bakesale betty fried chicken sandwich. oakland niggas know
  4. you're an idiot. there's one tomcat19. please quit with the retardation and just post flicks
  5. i saw david gonzales, chris haslma, mark appleyard and luan de oliveira skating a handrail a couple months back. that fool david gonzales is retardedly small. like midget status. did a mean switch frontside noseslide down the rail though. that luan de oliveira kid did a 540 on flatground too. retarded
  6. click to downloiad, then hit the props button
  7. i fucking hate rick sanchez (and basically everyone on cnn except john cafferty, the crochety old bastard), but i'm glad he didn't puss out on pwning that dude
  8. got shin splits, hate em. make it impossible to skate or exercise for any period of time, and thus i'm a fat fuck
  9. as are the majority of graffiti writers
  10. i'm going to have to save this kid from his own retardation
  11. he's a full blood armenian living in uzbekastan
  13. i thought this was about christie brinkley for a second. i was very wrong
  14. i closed like 4 threads. not exactly a spree
  15. the unicorn is here, unfinished. i'll kick her in the butt so she finishes it. i haven't seen obsessed, but i'll definitely check it out. i do like candy. especially that which has been taken from a baby. i will send you my address on the facebooks
  16. exactly. this thread is full of hipsters. this messageboard is full of hipsters. quit living in denial you fuckwads
  17. rappers are not scary. they're actors. they're pretending to be hard
  18. i would say see an la style police chase in person, but you probably won't have to go out of your way to see one. they happen all the time
  19. one of the few things i can drink and not have a hangover the next day
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