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Everything posted by ASER1NE

  1. How do you kids fucking function on a daily basis
  2. I would postulate that the vast majority of women in arranged marriages were of an acceptable age. Theres always going to be exceptions to every rule. I think ALOT of people are trying for the former, not the latter.
  3. Why is everyone so anti-Israel , didnt the hesbollah/lebanon 'side' start the whole shit with those kidnappings?
  4. I like walmart. Then again theres no targets or whatevr to compare it too.
  5. Coronas are good by me Ill take any better suggestions for summertime drinking that goes better with mexican food...
  6. ASER1NE

    why we fight

    The sooner we realize our civilization isnt nearly as 'advanced' as many like to believe the better.
  7. Dont get caught up in stupididty. If you get caught your caught. Blind spots dont mean shit, news articles dont mean shit , store policy doesnt mean shit . Trust me.
  8. I highly doubt he really is happy. Most ppl use crutches like that and others to cover up their own personal issues.
  9. The point is its not up to you or me to decide whether those people living their lives should have to "get with the times". You people need to take an objective look at things for atleast one fucking second. These marriages are rarely 'forced' , they are arranged. Contrary to the vast speculation most women can refuse to marry certain candidates for whatever reason.
  10. I Work in CCTV security and this is not the case , you can get charged no matter what the value of merchandise is, they often dont opt to charge people under 20 - 30 bucks but its purely case by case. Your best bet is to act real sorry and be polite like your talking to your grandma.
  11. Cosign on Hacksaw Jim Duggan and also add a couple i forgot The Hockey superstardom , not the skinny geek look.
  12. I as well think sinbad was funny way back when, the rest of those retards need to get off the planet.
  13. Yes there is a way, just not in OUR way of life at THIS point in time . Like was stated already go back not even a century ago and young women in the US were married at 13 14 15... That fact of life didnt miraculously change one day because a group of people came around and told everyone that it was fucked up. No, it was a gradual process in the change of OUR culture over time.
  14. Why do some americans expect everyone else on the planet to fall in behind your virtuoso lead, fuck them, fuck their culture, fuck their 1000 years old traditions, fuck their way of life. If theyre not like us then theyre shit is wrong. No, mind your own business.
  15. Hell Yeah the hitman, I didnt think alot of US ppl liked him , the WWF kinda hacked away at his reputation... Cmon you cant fuck with a man in those sun glasses
  16. Fully knowing I couldnt contract HIV that way please believe i'd be out of that water with the quickness. No debating, no questions, just goners.
  17. Oh Yeah im ll over this...
  18. Saw it last night , I thought it was pretty damn good. I was a little disapointed they didnt end that story line and have a new one for the third movie . But I may change my mind on that after i see the third movie...
  19. Never have, probably will... Theres this one broad who seriously looks like a fucking playboy model , but the word is she's mad expensive...
  20. Well then youre just an Idiot. Sorry but you should know that Professions such as astronaut would never tolerate employees with a history of criminal activities
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