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Posts posted by Frate_Raper

  1. see if a big girl,or moderately thick mammi has CANKLES it means shes going to be massive,and loose the thick,or curvy thing shes got going on.......always gotta watch out of the that.

  2. I had a gnarly wal mart what the fuck a few weeks ago just out side of Seattle. 4 am and needed food, deodorant and some paint.I stroll in to see the two ugliest humans I've ever seen rolling out,I make a wise ass remark to the normal looking greater.....he then informs me that Jim and his wife are good people and close personal friends.......I said something about him joking, he was not.


    The kid that checked me out had the worst over bite and acne I've ever seen in public.


    He had to call his manager down to get help



    She was out of breath from walking 3 cash's over and looked like dudes mom.





    I got the fuck out of there with the quickness as I felt like they were circling the wagons

  3. awesome prank, and that dude got assed out for being a fucking pig and not looking at the seat.



    although if it was the clear super glue and you looked,but didn't wipe the shit down, or make a ass gasket you wouldn't know.Maybe he was in a a hurry to go and rushed on in too right?

  4. So my dude tells me about this chick that was in a milf hunter video that comes into his work.



    I dont believe him




    He links me the video and it starts out at the transit station we used in the burbs.




    Tells his coworkers.........one dude rolls up to her and says "i loved your movie"....she smacks him and storms out.


    She drives the most annoying car that is easily spotted ANY WHERE, a pt cruiser with custom decals....like a milf porn chick would drive anything else.

  5. Yo this store across from my friends place sells little glass vile's like that with fake roses/other flowers in it........funny thing is...it's in crack town.


    Maybe your mom had one of those with a flower in it my dude.

  6. I was in up state ny, walking through a flea-market. I notice this dude walking towards me dressed in a monster jacket, nascar style, hat, t-shirt,and shoes.........


    the asshole in me drops


    "are you doing a signing here today?"




    Me-"oh sorry man thought you were my boy who rides for em"


    Monsterdude-"No guy, I just come here for the gear"



    I walked away ashamed of life.....I wanted to make bootlegged mma and monster shit for ever!

  7. Fill with the female skinny if your worried about paint.....I just hit a rusted out box using a old can of nutmeg and new one, the new valve style went way further then I was expecting and even used it to feather out the rusto fat fill lines.


    If you grew up using Krylon with new york fats and skinnys you will LOVE the caps Trout sells, I find that the fats put the Rusto paint out softer and very similar to ny fats on krylon......maybe I'm looking to far into this.

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